Friday, April 21, 2023

On Target Marketing, Signs of the Times, & Stink Eye


Courtesy of RMalone's substack collection and Branco, with the cartoon below, from Branco's Comically Incorrect website, entitled "Stink Eye" taking the cake for today.  

"Branco describes himself as 'somewhere between the Far Side and the right side of every issue.' He sits at his desk daily crafting comically and politically-incorrect cartoons that say with humorous satire what conservatives really think, but lack the opportunity to say to a broad audience. After years of listening to the squeaky wheel of the left advancing the cause of radicalism, Branco decided to use the power of his bully palette to advance the conservative movement. Conservatives worldwide can be glad he did.

 According to Branco, 'The art and humor of political cartoons has since the dawn of the Republic been a way to sway those who might not otherwise be persuaded'.

As a political cartoonist, Branco joins a long line of notables who have used humorous satire to drive in the nail without breaking the board on political issues. There is something about the human psyche that makes humor an effective means—often the most effective means—of making a point, revealing political hypocrisy, or pointing out falsehoods."

Alternate Post Title:  On the Art of Driving in the Nail Without Breaking the Board:  Branco Making a Point, Revealing Political Hypocrisy & Pointing Out Falsehoods

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Anent the second, it's tougher for the babes who think they're men.

On a related note, Maxim mag named Ashley Graham its hottest woman and the usual trolls went off about the rag pushing obesity and making Big Pharma richer. These, of course, are the same people who insist on the Triggly Puffs not being criticized because of body positivity and patriarchy.