Friday, April 7, 2023

On Birds & Dogs in Our Area Have Yet to Be Informed


The forest surrounding us is alive with the sound of bird calls, as the securing of territory and mates is in full swing.  What seems to work best for reproduction and survival in the avian sector is male/female pairing with each bird bearing distinctly different markings in the overall.  When it comes to canines,  dogs will sniff around anything, with some males eager and willing to practice their mounts on furniture, human legs and other male dogs.  In the long run, however, reproduction for them as well still boils down to paired contributions from distinctly male and female reproductive organs.  Stealing the spotlight is a whole 'nother story.  Poor Spuds looks pole-axed.  


ampersand said...

Bud Light went down this road before. Ironically, Spuds MacKenzie was a bitch.

Spud MacKenzie

edutcher said...

What I love is Miss Gaines is planning legal action. The only way this ends is to refuse to accept it.

MamaM said...

That I didn't know, ampersand! With a whole line of controvery surrounding her/him as well! In trouble for appealing to children AND babes of all ages. Plus tangling with Ohio Law by dressing up as Santa.

Her real name? Honey Tree Evil Eye

Another one of those TY/Levity moments when there's more to the story than meets The Eye!

ampersand said...

I worked with a guy who had one of the Spuds MacKenzie dogs. He said the ad agency would come around with a limo to transport it to some live event. He never said what compensation he got but I wouldn't doubt it was substantial.

I thought it was a stupid campaign.