If only that grifter was talented enough to be a gardener - he struggles to master the intricacies of a lawn mower. Goats have more skill than that moron does.
Also, you have a bit of white space on the bottom of that post - white space is racist and it's also what that flaming commie bint lives in, but that's another story.
More like Crewel--embroidering something using a large needle to poke at and pull wool through to create a scene.
I'm still mulling over my surprise at the appearance of a comment that showed up at Althouse about a month ago under the name of Trooper York. Even though the tone fit, I said to myself, "Nah, it can't be him. He's said he doesn't darken the door of that place anymore. It must be an imposter and not someone who forgot to change their handle to a different pseudonym. Plus, he's repeatedly stated his preference to be left alone. He wouldn't go poking around there again."
Not to say, I guess, that poking from here to there with a large needle to pull wool isn't still a fascination.
BTW--There's a huge imbroglio (of the "confused heap" variety) going on over at Althouse right now (on another holiday, which seems to fit a pattern I've noted before) over the purpose and function of comments and how to handle them. It was up to 499 comments when I checked while getting ready for Easter dinner, and might be higher now.
And here it is...I haven't read all 499 but scrolled through to the end to see this came through at 2:45, as a comment posted by the hostess herself.
I'm going to turn on moderation now and let you still comment — sort of bring it in for a landing. After a little while, I will turn off comments altogether. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me make blog commenting a rewarding, happy, creative endeavor.
Like many alcoholics she seems to go on benders on Christian holidays. I get that sobriety is difficult for her even in the best of times, but it makes sense that she would want to get blotto when confronted with the realization that she has wasted her life and has nothing to show for it other than a grifter attached to her like a moray eel on a basking shark. The cognitive dissonance must really be tough for her when she is sober. Bottoms up, you drunk-ass commie bum - your life is reflected in your shattered dreams and the broken blood vessels on your nose.
I just stopped by - man, what a dumpster fire that place is. That poor ol' gal has twisted herself up into knots trying to push her leftist viewpoints on anyone who will listen to her drivel. As Spins says, it's just a cult now.
ShoutingThomas, however, stood his ground and let her have it - bam, right between the eyes. Down goes Alhouse, down goes Althouse! Good job, ST. And good riddance Shithouse.
I went back over there - there were some funny comments, such as "Last!" and so on. Someone called it "Splooge stooge 2, the electric boogaloo" and there were some other pithy comments on Althouse's mental state, none of them were flattering. As usual, she is inarticulate and cannot express herself clearly - apparently she is mad at her students because they cannot read her mind and then they think for themselves and write comments she dislikes. Poor Annie, if only she was as brilliant as she thinks she is.
But on to the next and the here and now - this place is still up and running, still open for comments, and I, for one, am thankful to have a place where I can write and have people respond. So in a sense I owe a lot to an alcoholic communist in a lily white gated community.
While I hadn't noticed any particularly drunken behavior or caught an alcoholic vibe, I did notice a Sunday/Holiday angst that would frequently turn up, conscious or subconsciously driven, Christian or otherwise.
Why the decision to once again react by shutting down comments (after seventeen years of daily offering them as an option) needed to be immediately made and announced on Easter (and couldn't wait another day or two) is beyond me. Especially so when the input and opinion she'd asked for that morning was still incoming from readers who actually thought she wanted and valued their responses. All of which leads me to believe there's more to the story than meets the eye, as her reactions included some odd remarks that didn't follow or makes sense, with this accusation standing out as the most lame and bizarre: You don't realize that for many people, the comments make the blog LESS welcoming and friendly. There are people who WOULD read the blog but stay away because of what's in the comments. Huh? How hard or easy is it for anyone who wants to privately read a blog post to do so without bothering themselves to look at or care about what's in the comments?? What's that about?
Whatever the case, what took place sure worked to attract attention, suck air out of the room, and successfully roll the stone back over the empty tomb again. What happened reminded me of why I left off commenting there in the first place.
On a side note the liquor my narcissistic mom would use to get that "floaty feeling" she claimed to like and "help untie the knot" when things got tense, was kept hidden in a paper bag on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard so none of us actually knew how much was being consumed. I discovered much later in life that though she was sharp-witted, skilled, and highly competent in some areas she also revealed the three symptoms of alcoholism: Compulsion, Denial and Delusion. And I've since come to regard those symptoms as signs of family dysfunction, often present in Adult Children of Alcoholics who haven't learned how to integrate their feelings and thoughts, after having to deny both as a child in order to survive and get by.
I found Althouse thru Instapundit and started reading there in 2009. Four years later I made the decision to stop commenting but continued to read the post and comments finding much to take in and consider. I'm sad to see the comment feature closed and will greatly miss the many commenters I came to value and appreciate during the time I've spent accessing that form of community.
Like SixtyG, I'm glad this one is still up and running, and still open for comments.
I'm grateful to those who started and kept this going, and those who still keep it alive and kicking.
I think you nailed it with "compulsion, denial and delusion". I would add "anger". She is pissed off because she cannot flunk all of her commenters out of her class and her school. Pissed off beyond belief that she could not control everything that was written on her site. So she is taking her blog with her and going home.
After the splooge stooge incident I rarely went back, once or twice a year just to witness the train wreck (I wrote that 'trannie' wreck, but I don't even want to think about that!) that that site had become.
Yeah, there were a couple of funny, intelligent commenters, but there were way too many sycophants "Oh Annie, you are so smart" - barf. She accomplished nothing, never earned a dime that she was paid, and now that she is quitting, the world will soon forget she was ever there.
Some of you may remember Sippican Cottage. That man is a true genius, and a prophet. Years ago he went through and deleted all of his comments at Shithouse and thus became a role model for me. I did my darnedest to track down and delete every comment I made in that viper pit and delete them, too. I never wanted my name to be associated with that vile character and leftist loony bin that little self-murdering blonde Annie made over there. To hell with her and her disgusting family.
Now I can hear some of you saying "What are you getting at? Why are you holding back so much? Why don't you tell us how you really feel?" Nah, can't do it, it wouldn't be prudent, not at this time...
LOL @XRay. No worries. Anyone who can breathe underwater has my respect.
Sippican still has his own site, it hasn't been updated since last year, so I hope he is okay. We corresponded for a while, he is a good guy, and a fellow woodworker.
I agree with Mars Attacks, plus those commenters, as a group, are pretty astute. Glenn is another leftist law prof, also a big drunk, and I assume, based on how often he links to her, he used to schtoink Annie back when she was a redhead.
Who you are, what you try to be and what you're proud of Trooper York, has been clear and out in the open for a long time! Going back to the needle poking and wool pulling with regard to me and the chickens back in 2010, in ones own voice of course! http://trooperyork.blogspot.com/2010/12/commentor-memories-number-56-mama-m-is.html
When it comes to narcissists, the term "coin" is sometimes used to describe the admiration and attention needed to make their world go around. That's why the BS about writing in public solely for oneself, when writing solely for oneself could easily take place in a private journal that's not shared, is another form of wool pulling, slightly different from outright assholery.
Whoever composed the picture at ampersand's link was certianly familiar with the subject matter.
Creative and fun, ampersand. Enough to make me smile with appreciation, humor and a bit of awe over the imagination and awareness that prompted it. I especially enjoyed the surprise view behind the originally pictured curtain! Plus I had that photo insert of Burt given to me in a Playgirl received as a shower gift just prior to my April wedding in 1982! Insightful and well done!! I went back for a second look and there's some other fine ones there as well. the Hillary Scream one make me LoL. Do you post them anywhere, or are they done for your personal satisfaction and viewing pleasure? Whatever, thanks for sharing them.
And when you post those pictures for public display, do you allow comments, or do you shut them off? Asking for a friend. Aw, hell, who am I kidding...
As far as I know those posts are public. I haven't done anything to limit comments but I'm not familiar with the workings of Flickr. I generally link them here and a couple of other sites and have sent at least one out as a Christmas Ecard. Anyone here is free to use them.
You do good work and I was kind of riffing on the behavior of the subject of several of the pix. I have a Flickr site, too. got to my 999 and stopped - I am cheap, don't you know.
If only that grifter was talented enough to be a gardener - he struggles to master the intricacies of a lawn mower. Goats have more skill than that moron does.
Also, you have a bit of white space on the bottom of that post - white space is racist and it's also what that flaming commie bint lives in, but that's another story.
That blog is now a full fledged cult.
Very funny.
More like Crewel--embroidering something using a large needle to poke at and pull wool through to create a scene.
I'm still mulling over my surprise at the appearance of a comment that showed up at Althouse about a month ago under the name of Trooper York. Even though the tone fit, I said to myself, "Nah, it can't be him. He's said he doesn't darken the door of that place anymore. It must be an imposter and not someone who forgot to change their handle to a different pseudonym. Plus, he's repeatedly stated his preference to be left alone. He wouldn't go poking around there again."
Not to say, I guess, that poking from here to there with a large needle to pull wool isn't still a fascination.
BTW--There's a huge imbroglio (of the "confused heap" variety) going on over at Althouse right now (on another holiday, which seems to fit a pattern I've noted before) over the purpose and function of comments and how to handle them. It was up to 499 comments when I checked while getting ready for Easter dinner, and might be higher now.
And here it is...I haven't read all 499 but scrolled through to the end to see this came through at 2:45, as a comment posted by the hostess herself.
I'm going to turn on moderation now and let you still comment — sort of bring it in for a landing. After a little while, I will turn off comments altogether. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me make blog commenting a rewarding, happy, creative endeavor.
4/4/21, 2:35 PM
Like many alcoholics she seems to go on benders on Christian holidays. I get that sobriety is difficult for her even in the best of times, but it makes sense that she would want to get blotto when confronted with the realization that she has wasted her life and has nothing to show for it other than a grifter attached to her like a moray eel on a basking shark. The cognitive dissonance must really be tough for her when she is sober. Bottoms up, you drunk-ass commie bum - your life is reflected in your shattered dreams and the broken blood vessels on your nose.
I just stopped by - man, what a dumpster fire that place is. That poor ol' gal has twisted herself up into knots trying to push her leftist viewpoints on anyone who will listen to her drivel. As Spins says, it's just a cult now.
ShoutingThomas, however, stood his ground and let her have it - bam, right between the eyes. Down goes Alhouse, down goes Althouse! Good job, ST. And good riddance Shithouse.
I went back over there - there were some funny comments, such as "Last!" and so on. Someone called it "Splooge stooge 2, the electric boogaloo" and there were some other pithy comments on Althouse's mental state, none of them were flattering. As usual, she is inarticulate and cannot express herself clearly - apparently she is mad at her students because they cannot read her mind and then they think for themselves and write comments she dislikes. Poor Annie, if only she was as brilliant as she thinks she is.
But on to the next and the here and now - this place is still up and running, still open for comments, and I, for one, am thankful to have a place where I can write and have people respond. So in a sense I owe a lot to an alcoholic communist in a lily white gated community.
Sixty, Love that Scottish wit and rage.
Aye lad, noo let's paint ar faces rid and kill tha brits!
Haha. "Last."
While I hadn't noticed any particularly drunken behavior or caught an alcoholic vibe, I did notice a Sunday/Holiday angst that would frequently turn up, conscious or subconsciously driven, Christian or otherwise.
Why the decision to once again react by shutting down comments (after seventeen years of daily offering them as an option) needed to be immediately made and announced on Easter (and couldn't wait another day or two) is beyond me. Especially so when the input and opinion she'd asked for that morning was still incoming from readers who actually thought she wanted and valued their responses. All of which leads me to believe there's more to the story than meets the eye, as her reactions included some odd remarks that didn't follow or makes sense, with this accusation standing out as the most lame and bizarre: You don't realize that for many people, the comments make the blog LESS welcoming and friendly. There are people who WOULD read the blog but stay away because of what's in the comments. Huh? How hard or easy is it for anyone who wants to privately read a blog post to do so without bothering themselves to look at or care about what's in the comments?? What's that about?
Whatever the case, what took place sure worked to attract attention, suck air out of the room, and successfully roll the stone back over the empty tomb again. What happened reminded me of why I left off commenting there in the first place.
On a side note the liquor my narcissistic mom would use to get that "floaty feeling" she claimed to like and "help untie the knot" when things got tense, was kept hidden in a paper bag on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard so none of us actually knew how much was being consumed. I discovered much later in life that though she was sharp-witted, skilled, and highly competent in some areas she also revealed the three symptoms of alcoholism: Compulsion, Denial and Delusion. And I've since come to regard those symptoms as signs of family dysfunction, often present in Adult Children of Alcoholics who haven't learned how to integrate their feelings and thoughts, after having to deny both as a child in order to survive and get by.
I found Althouse thru Instapundit and started reading there in 2009. Four years later I made the decision to stop commenting but continued to read the post and comments finding much to take in and consider. I'm sad to see the comment feature closed and will greatly miss the many commenters I came to value and appreciate during the time I've spent accessing that form of community.
Like SixtyG, I'm glad this one is still up and running, and still open for comments.
I'm grateful to those who started and kept this going, and those who still keep it alive and kicking.
I think you nailed it with "compulsion, denial and delusion". I would add "anger". She is pissed off because she cannot flunk all of her commenters out of her class and her school. Pissed off beyond belief that she could not control everything that was written on her site. So she is taking her blog with her and going home.
After the splooge stooge incident I rarely went back, once or twice a year just to witness the train wreck (I wrote that 'trannie' wreck, but I don't even want to think about that!) that that site had become.
Yeah, there were a couple of funny, intelligent commenters, but there were way too many sycophants "Oh Annie, you are so smart" - barf. She accomplished nothing, never earned a dime that she was paid, and now that she is quitting, the world will soon forget she was ever there.
Some of you may remember Sippican Cottage. That man is a true genius, and a prophet. Years ago he went through and deleted all of his comments at Shithouse and thus became a role model for me. I did my darnedest to track down and delete every comment I made in that viper pit and delete them, too. I never wanted my name to be associated with that vile character and leftist loony bin that little self-murdering blonde Annie made over there. To hell with her and her disgusting family.
Now I can hear some of you saying "What are you getting at? Why are you holding back so much? Why don't you tell us how you really feel?" Nah, can't do it, it wouldn't be prudent, not at this time...
SG, remind me to never get on your bad side. I do remember Sippican Cottage, but that was a while ago.
LOL @XRay. No worries. Anyone who can breathe underwater has my respect.
Sippican still has his own site, it hasn't been updated since last year, so I hope he is okay. We corresponded for a while, he is a good guy, and a fellow woodworker.
Here's what the commenters at InstaSurrender have to say about the news.
I agree with Mars Attacks, plus those commenters, as a group, are pretty astute. Glenn is another leftist law prof, also a big drunk, and I assume, based on how often he links to her, he used to schtoink Annie back when she was a redhead.
Not sure everybody has heard, but she's turned off comments.
Maybe she needs religion. There are still churches that do the Latin Mass.
I uploaded this after the first Exodus when we moved here.
Derangement in Black and Blue
I don't care who you are, that is some funny shit right there, Amps!
You realize this is all a big bag of bullshit.
Her narcissistic compulsion will never allow her to live without the he adulation of her fanboys.
The over under on the return of comments is two months.
Before Mama M starts slyly talking about pots and kettles please note that I am not a narcissist.
I am an asshole
Proud of it.
Who you are, what you try to be and what you're proud of Trooper York, has been clear and out in the open for a long time! Going back to the needle poking and wool pulling with regard to me and the chickens back in 2010, in ones own voice of course!
When it comes to narcissists, the term "coin" is sometimes used to describe the admiration and attention needed to make their world go around. That's why the BS about writing in public solely for oneself, when writing solely for oneself could easily take place in a private journal that's not shared, is another form of wool pulling, slightly different from outright assholery.
Whoever composed the picture at ampersand's link was certianly familiar with the subject matter.
Whoever composed the picture at ampersand's link was certianly familiar with the subject matter.
Why shucks, it was li'l ole me. (All the other stuff there too.)
Creative and fun, ampersand. Enough to make me smile with appreciation, humor and a bit of awe over the imagination and awareness that prompted it. I especially enjoyed the surprise view behind the originally pictured curtain! Plus I had that photo insert of Burt given to me in a Playgirl received as a shower gift just prior to my April wedding in 1982! Insightful and well done!! I went back for a second look and there's some other fine ones there as well. the Hillary Scream one make me LoL. Do you post them anywhere, or are they done for your personal satisfaction and viewing pleasure? Whatever, thanks for sharing them.
And when you post those pictures for public display, do you allow comments, or do you shut them off? Asking for a friend. Aw, hell, who am I kidding...
As far as I know those posts are public. I haven't done anything to limit comments but I'm not familiar with the workings of Flickr. I generally link them here and a couple of other sites and have sent at least one out as a Christmas Ecard. Anyone here is free to use them.
You do good work and I was kind of riffing on the behavior of the subject of several of the pix. I have a Flickr site, too. got to my 999 and stopped - I am cheap, don't you know.
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