Thursday, May 21, 2020

Once again the God Emperor speaks the truth!

If you want to learn anything about what is going on in the United States you need to follow foreign newspapers. Sure you get a biased liberal view but at least they talk about subjects that our fake news doesn't care about. Like foreign affairs.

The Independent in England has a story where they quote President Trump as saying we should improve our relationship with Russia as they were our allies in World War 2 against the filthy Germans. They quote the God Emperor:

"They also fought World War II. They lost 50 million people," Mr Trump said of Russia, then the Soviet Union. Germany was the enemy. ... And Germany's [now], like, this wonderful thing," he added, suggesting the now-democratic European power is not-so wonderful in his eyes.

Now I would prefer that we pursue a much more isolationist stance but at the very lease we should cut our ties with Germany. We spent untold billions propping them up and they have nothing but disdain for us and our values.

Witness a recent post in the great blog Legal Insurrection in which it is reported that more German youth want to befriend China instead of the US. They blame the coronavirus on us instead of the chinks. So fuck em. Pull our troops out now and put them in Fort Trump in  Poland. Leave them to their own devices. Also put a 25% tariff on all of their cars unless they are manufactured in the United States.

It's time to make AMERICA FIRST!


chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Never forget that while countless people were fleeing West Germany after the war, Merkel's family actually moved East to embrace Communism before the Iron Curtain fell. Merkel is a hardcore socialist and possibly communist at heart. That explains her Sinophillia. When the Chinese start stealing Germany's intellectual property as well, they'll wake up.

windbag said...

We had a hiker from the Appalachian Trail stay with us one night. He was 19. He spoke very favorably of Merkel. Commie propaganda appeals to the naive and ignorant.

deborah said...