Monday, October 21, 2019

Dear Queen of the Warmongers....

Dear Queen of the Warmongers, embodiment of corruption and personification of rot,

Look you misshapen hag. I understand that everyone is afraid of you but you don't scare me. Hawaiians and most importantly Samoans don't scare. I mean I let  Junior Sea butt fuck me when I was thirteen years old so a washed up old bag of pus like you don't mean shit to me.

I know that you are the fat gross embodiment of corruption that has put a permanent stain on the soul of our party. You are like every feminist hag who hates the pretty girls. They are your supporters. These lesbian harridans and their fourteen cats. Face it bitch you lost to a con man carnival barker with a really bad hair cut.

Just like your fuckin' pervert husband.

So either come out to play and run in the primaries or shut your fat yap. Don't fuck with me you worthless cunt.

Hoping you fuck off very much,
Tulsi Gabbard American!


Amartel said...

Lock her up ... or at least put some foundation garments on her. FFS.

Amartel said...

She can see Russia from that belly.

ndspinelli said...

LOL Amartel. Clinton hates Tulsi for her backing Bernie in 2016. So, the Clinton MO is to destroy anyone who does that. Well, Tulsi moves up. The Clinton's are dead and that Webb Hubbel love child can't revive them.

ricpic said...

Wake me when Trump wins again. What is that, thirteen months away? The boredom, it's excruciating.

Amartel said...

The Hubbel figurine duck-faced talent-free phony will probably be elected in some rotten borough backwater with the help of defcon 1 media censorship and dirty trix which will be automatically celebrated as some sort of second coming political genius. But she'll never advance any further and will not add to the ill gotten grifter empire but she will get to enjoy the fruits of that empire in splendid isolation after ma and pa kick off.