Friday, August 3, 2018

Massive MAGA rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA.

I love these things.

They've developed a life of their own. Something noticed that's not quite so fun. As usual, detractors have cause and effect backwards. They apply what they know and what they know is top down direction. They know astroturfing. They know their crackpots joined a larger more encompassing group of expanded crackpots that then they must follow and defend all of the crackpot directives, because they must to maintain cohesion. They end up defending things they didn't sign up for. So it's natural to assume that Trump is leading his crowd to disrespect American media, that's all that they've actually heard, where the opposite of that is the case, Trump is tapping into that disrespect that preexisted his presence,  and Trump is channeling it. Most excellently. It appears to detractors that Trump is leading the charges against American media. Without Trump these charges were already there but unfocused and diffused and dismissed. Now these same people are dismissed again as mindless brainwashed cultists. Because that's what the detractors know of people. That's what surrounds them apart from the rallies. That's what they recognize. That's why they will always be wrong.

Then contrary to that the crowd actually does behave as mindless cultist brainwashed mob when Trump names Democrat Senator Bob Casey "Sleeping Bob." Hang on ...

I gotta laugh.

And the crowd chants "Sleepin' Bob! Sleepin' Bob!"  [Gateway Pundit]

It's funny. But it also fits the description of them.

Meanwhile Acosta draws attention to himself as focal point of disillusioned American. He tried to get Sarah Sanders to disavow Trump's tagging American media as enemies of American people, then flounced out of the briefing room because she wouldn't do what he wanted. Instead, she listed attacks that the media made against her.  [PJ Media] [Daily Caller] More at [Gateway Pundit.]

But not so disillusioned to be kept away from Trump's rally where Trump's supporters shouted directly to his face, making Acosta feel that he's not in America anymore. Acosta said he was sorry his little girl had to see that. [Townhall]

She didn't have to see that. You should know better than take her into your enemy's territory, Stupid. Now you're using her as human shield in a war that you started.

Speaking of not being in America anymore, Madonna claims she moved to Portugal over Trump because "this is not America's finest hour."  [Breitbart]

Yes it is, Stupid. Shut up and sing. I want to practice another language to your music. Since I can no longer dance to it.

Isn't that a bummer?

Boy, my legs just don't obey me anymore. They have to be coaxed and cajoled and then they behave poorly. I lost the race down the block. The pizza delivery guy didn't know we were racing, but he beat me fair and square anyway. He got to Floyd's before I did, and I really tried, that was my top speed. I saw him go in, so I entered to mass confusion. Nobody knew who ordered the pizza. The workers were puzzled, the customers waiting were curious, the pizza guy was all wtf? And shopping today I was stumbling all over the place. I got off to a very bad start, and I knew the whole thing would be a trial, scuffing, and dragging, and tripping, not responding, not feeling, being unsteady, feeling heavy as cinderblocks. And there goes my dream of being a ballet dancer. Good Lord, what a workout. Like springtime skiing where light to shadow changes ice to slush and the effect passing through it is your skis are grabbed as if by a menacing hands. Instructors call it snow bunnies grabbing your skies. That's what it feels like without skis. I bought every cucumber they had and all the dill that they had. So today I'm going to make pickles. And feel glee while I'm doing it, at Acosta and Madonna feeling so miserable, their own strides disrupted by their pathetic and vicious ignorance.

Do these people in the video look toothless to you? Marc Caputo with Politico described them amusingly, "if you put them all together you'd have a full set of teeth." Very funny, Marc. Now, go f yourself, that'd be pretty funny too. [everywhere]


bagoh20 said...

I love when Acosta said that at the rally he felt like he wasn't in America anymore. That's becuase you don't know much about America, and I'm sure when you visit, it seems like another world. Look at the election map for 2016. That big red part you never visit is it. The little blue areas around the edges where you hang are America too, but see how small they are?

"The funny thing about that little white speck on the top of chicken shit. That little white speck is chicken shit too."

edutcher said...

The phenomenon predated not only Trump, but Rush, whose show just had its 30th anniversary. I don't think these clowns get that.

People knew they were being lied to during Watergate and 'Nam. They knew they were being lied to when Goldwater ran. The knew they were being lied to during Camelot (Hell, I was 13 and I knew it wasn't as dreamy as they said).

The people aren't dumb. That's what they can't realize.

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

Somebody said that once.

Amartel said...

"Shut up and sing." Or don't. I'm fine with the "don't" option.

I was at the doctor's office this morning and the waiting room tv was on CNN, blaring away. All Trump, all the time and tediously painstaking literal reactions to everything Trump. All the time. And so loud. I get why progressives are losing their shit, watching this all the time. This is how they get the news. I'd be pissed off, too. You really have to suspend belief and common sense. I got a headache after a minute. Just to gauge the reaction I asked them to switch it to Fox. Blank stare.
Okay, how about just turning it down? But the old people can't hear it that way. I was about to poll the waiting room when I got called back for a blood draw.

edutcher said...

Waterboarding eventually ends.

CNN doesn't.

MamaM said...

The call and refrain engagement Trump invites is part of a relational exchange. That's what the left refuses to see and accept, preferring a top down style. Trump enters into and invites a back and forth within a framework. Sarah responded to Acosta in a similar manner, inviting him to hear and respond while he remained focused on a Gotcha that wasn't going his way.

I wasn't prepared to laugh at the "Sleeping bob" thing because I'm not a fan of name calling, but laugh I did at the playfulness and creativity present in that engagement, as Trump appeared to be making it up as he went along and the crowd was with him. That there is some kind of energy, of the "get 'er done" variety. Sarah too delivered with grace and truth present on her end. Acosta had an opportunity to acknowledge and own his part and didn't. He tried to paper over what she'd said with palaver and it didn't work.

ricpic said...

Yes, relational versus top down. That's the key: love versus....contempt.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or tinkling cymbal.

Amartel said...

Trump's got a great voice. The names he makes up are kind of lame but I don't mind. They're not meant to be super witty. They're as ham handed as the people they signify, like Trump can't be bothered to think too deeply either about the person or the stupid name he's assigned to them. Crooked Hillary. That'll do. But back to the voice - I like it! Obama droned, it put me to sleep and irritated me simultaneously. Result: napmare! Bush just irritated me because he was so clenched. He was not a dumb guy but he could NOT get a sentence out without it sounding like he was about to wet his pants. Clinton's hick accent sounded as fake to me as Palin's accent (which I think she started exaggerrating to piss off the media so this is not a slam on her). Trump's voice has depth and expression and timbre. Too florid? Sorrynotsorry. Voice makes a huge difference, especially if you care about ideas rather than appearances. It's what conveys the ideas so it's important. Plus, he's authentic and mainly unscripted. You can tell when he's scripted because he makes no pretense that he's not reading from the script they gave him. Which is usually pretty funny.

Amartel said...

This morning on CNN there was some dork blithering on about Putin, Putin, Putin; Russia, Russia, Russia. Then the anchor babe prompted him to talk about something one of the Trump offspring said. I can't even remember. And he didn't react with sufficient outrage. SO SHE WENT BACK AND REASKED THE QUESTION TO GIVE HIM A SECOND CHANCE TO EXPRESS OUTRAGE. And he did.
Predictable and programmed. Your Daily Twenty Four Hours of Hate.

XRay said...

@4:25, nice comment, Amartel. He had to speak 'real' with those construction guys, they wouldn't put up with a lot of BS. Well, likely depending on the money to be made.

Amartel said...

Also, the fact that he's mostly unfiltered makes a yoooge difference. I'm sure Obama agreed with everything he read off the TelePrompTer but those were not his words, those were his ideas (well, some of them) after being run through committee. Plus, he was reading those words and you could tell. Trump is real.

deborah said...

"They're not meant to be super witty. They're as ham handed as the people they signify, like Trump can't be bothered to think too deeply either about the person or the stupid name he's assigned to them. Crooked Hillary. That'll do."

Exactly, but so cutting. E.g., low-energy Jeb.

Dad Bones said...

Right, deborah, and when Trump gives someone a name they're pretty much stuck with it. Warren wants to be president but she's Pocahontas. It's like a name tag on her shirt she can't get rid of.

ricpic said...

If Trump was as shallow as the so-called sophisticates claim he couldn't have come up with those perfect tags that stick.