Friday, August 3, 2018


We have been getting a lot of rainfall lately, we have had flash flood warnings and watches every day for weeks now. We had thunderstorms for five hours yesterday, one right after the other. The lightning strikes were so close I didn't even work in my shop until that train of storms passed over. A river now runs through my yard and down my driveway. My front yard is becoming a swamp. My trees now live in a rain forest. What I am trying to say is:

Thanks to a friend of mine for that meme. He's a funny guy.

I did manage to build a box the other night:

Looks like a hunk of wood. But wait:

Lift the lid and there you go. Red mulberry natural edge top and red mulberry block for the body. I am not real big on joinery around here but since boxes sell I figured I would make one that matched my particular inclinations - simple, natural, functional, and made out of local wood. 

But that's not what I am here to talk about. Nope, as always, there is more to the story. Years ago I read an excerpt from Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. I found those few paragraphs fascinating - chocked full of detail and written in a manner that reminded me of Tom Wolfe - very energetic and fast paced. So once I got my new Kindle I looked for that book, but at 9 bucks, no thanks, I'll save my money and I passed it by. Then I espied another book by Stephenson entitled Snow Crash for $1.99. I bought it. And next thing you know, before I have even made it halfway through the latter book I got an email from the racket boys over at Amazon. They are mind readers, you know, and they offered me Cryptonomicon for $2.99. They know that I am cheap. That my resistance to buying that book prior to receiving their new offer was totally based on the price point. Being clever money grubbing, er, business geniuses they figured that out and knew that if they dipped that bait in the water I would bite. Like a freakin' piranha. Nom nom nom. They reeled me in. So far I am not disappointed. That boy can write. Which brings us to something else - so there I was readin' the book, relaxin', and on page - aw hell, Kindle does not number its pages, but at 1% of the way through the book I was stopped dead in my tracks. There, bigger than life was the name John Vincent Atanasoff, listed as a Bulgarian working at Iowa state. I read the name and had to close the book. I knew J. V., knew his brother Theo, his sister-in-law Lily, his nieces and nephews, one of whom was best man at my wedding. He was a patient of my father. He lived right outside of town in a house that he designed and built - it was, I guess, in the brutalist school of architecture - poured concrete walls, no ornamentation, brutal in a word. Fortress-like.

John Atanasoff
That's five syllables right there
What else can you do?

But enough about that - that is borderline gossip. I will resume reading the book and reminisce about times gone by some other time. But damn, bam, that is an odd thing to encounter in a book, just sayin'.


ndspinelli said...

Beautiful squirrel casket, Sixty.

The Dude said...

LOL - Spins, you are a funny guy. I figured it was perfect for stashing Krugerrands. My friend who provided the meme expressed interest in that box - I suspect he wants to stash something else in it, but that's none of my business.

edutcher said...

When in doubt, play Cosby's Noah bit.

Then get some wood.

ricpic said...

I want one of those coffins!

The Dude said...

They are available online - custom made to your specific specifications. Haiku can be engraved for a slight fee.

The Dude said...

I see what you did there, edutcher.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Here in Philly, this has been one of the coolest and rainiest springs and summers that I can recall. The good news is I go to the shore for 2 week in a couple weeks and I bet the sun and summer warmth returns then!

AllenS said...

Good God, that is beautiful.

windbag said...

Great post. I love me some Sister Rosetta Tharpe.

windbag said...

Levon's little girl asked the same question.

The Dude said...

Which reminds me - I posted SRT before - Ms. Helm's band in a van sounds a bit reminiscent of Santana. Got that beat.

XRay said...

Synchronicity, Sixty, believe in it. That's quite the story there, you and Mr. John Vincent Atanasoff. I like how life reaches out and touches, makes us think how precious it is... whoops, old age bs. Box artfully executed.

The Dude said...

Thanks, XRay, and sometimes life does reach out and grab one by the lapels and say "Pay attention!" For that I am thankful.

deborah said...

Lovely box, lovely link :)