Tuesday, August 21, 2018

AllenS has been lurking around here

And he managed to take a picture of me getting a ticket for having too many logs on my truck:

I don't know - that looked like just about the right amount of wood for an afternoon's work. The officer said something about "Shitload" but I think he was having a bad day.


Dad Bones said...

I'll bet you and your chain saw could have filled a flat bed semi several times over the years, SG. Good thing AllenS took that picture. You need to take a break!

The Dude said...

Thanks, both me and my saw have grown old and tired...

AllenS said...

That there is a shitload of logs.

deborah said...

That's a lot of bowls.

ndspinelli said...

Looks like this was in Europe?

The Dude said...

I think that picture was taken in China or some other Asian country where the signs use pictograms. AllenS sent me a long list of "Shitload" pictures and that particular one spoke to me. The others - more like pictures of people living in shithole countries - dang, riding on top of trains and clinging to every purchase all over the exterior of every car and things like that. Poor little tuk-tuks squashed under tons of whatever needs to get to market, their single cylinder engines stressed to the max, all kinds of sad situations. Perhaps I will post some others - some vehicles look positively organic - wheels on the bottom and a million sprouts of who knows what-all bursting forth above.

Some people ain't got no sense!

AllenS said...

Re: other pictures

What struck me about them, was the ingenuity involved to stack something that seems to be in balance, and being transported to a market somewhere. Yes, the train pictures show very poor, probably desperate people. Pictures like those of the trains, reminds me just how good we have it over here.

The Dude said...

Indeed we do. We can ride inside our trains. The problem is our government and about half our population want those people to move here. I don't want another two or three billion shitholeans in my country.

AllenS said...


ampersand said...

Where are the old guys posing for the picture?

deborah said...

lol amp, that's a keeper. I worry about the guy in the middle in the blue jacket.

MamaM said...

Fun Lem Link, with April coming up with Cirque du Senile. The guy in the middle caught commenter attention back then too.

As for Sixty and his load...I'm again impressed by the breadth and length, height and depth of his wood pile and video/music collection.

Amartel said...

I would not want to drive behind that truck.

The Dude said...

Nor in front.

AllenS said...

I'd hesitate thinking about passing the truck.

Dad Bones said...

I wouldn't like being too close to that load even if it wasn't moving.