Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hannity interviews Trump after meeting with Putin


Dad Bones said...

I've never seen a president be so candid and confident.

Amartel said...

He is sounding very confident which is a stark contrast to the crazyeyes hysteria about the offhand comment about Russian meddling.
1. It's Trump's prerogative how he wants to conduct diplomacy.
2. Our intelligence agencies have beclowned themselves repeatedly and are partisan. They have no sacred honor to defend.
3. Why should Trump, of all people, place any faith in our intelligence agencies or even pretend to do so? These assholes tried to deep six his candidacy and promote his opponent and have been stonewalling investigation efforts ever since while continuing to undermine Trump. Trump's own guys' conclusions may be inadvertently based on bad information dredged up and fed to them by the deep state and they'd never know.
4. Not that I think Russia didn't meddle; of course they did.

I'd like to see someone ask one of the sanctimonious RussiaRussiaRussia pricks if they can think of any other countries that meddle in our elections; which ones, how do/did they meddle, and what are we doing about it.

Never Trumpers and other tighty-righties are trying to reestablish control by taking Trump down a peg. That's not going to work.
Progs of course are all Russian meddling=Trump collusion=Bad treason. Derp.
They're all so stupid and overplaying their hand.

I watched the presser all the way through pre-spin and my main impression is that Putin was on the defensive about the pipeline and Trump was all "obviously we're competitors in oil and gas markets (and America is #1!)" then Putin was suggesting ways in which to level the playing field which Trump was not biting on. Second impression is that a lot of journalists were just there to ask questions about Russian collusion. The question about whether Putin had incriminating evidence about Trump drew a gasp (of disgust?) even in the room. Third impression was that both Presidents held the journalists in contempt. Putin must be wondering why he spent so much money on meddling when Americans are so willing to self-divide and self-destruct. No one respects an easy mark. I noted that Trump seemed to take the position of mediator as between American intelligence agencies and Putin which is a power position and one that seemed appropriate in context.

edutcher said...

Very good work, Amartel. I've been on the comment boards and the Left, including the Whigs, are going bonkers. Keep in mind, Lisa Page is still testifying, and the House says she's co-operating. Add that to what Poot told The Donald in that meeting, this is the working definition of running scared.

Remember also Teddy Kennedy tried to get the Russians involved in Reagan's re-election.

Being, as he said, an intel guy, Poot knows how this sort of thing goes. He blew the news of the American (now Limey) Commie who funneled 400 mil to Hilda's campaign, with the help of the US intel crowd.

Her's also aware that the Lefties pushed hard for a while to start a war with Russia over Syria (we discussed it here).

In a weird way, Poot is our ally here, because he doesn't want a war with us any more than we want one with him.

edutcher said...

PS In all this talk of "treason", we should all endeavor to remind the Left of Zippy's promise of flexibility to Medvedev.

At every opportunity.

Leland said...

I can't even... the elites have lost their f'ing mind. Trump's tweet this morning is essentially a retweet of Obama's and Hillary's excuse for the stupid reset button. And the idiots left and supposedly right after too stupid to know they are being trolled. My biggest concern at this point is how the GOP will GOTV when they go along with this nonsense.

Amartel said...

What if: Trump caught on hot mic signalling imminent flexibility to Putin.

Imagine the highlarious gay-in-a-bad-way cartoon editorials.
So much elite, profound, exceptional, sophisticated NOOawnce.

deborah said...

Ed, I understand Page threw Storkz, et al., under the bus and said it's been known for some time that the Chinese hacked 30,000 emails from Clinton's home-brewed server...truepundit.com

edutcher said...

True that. She figures she's the sacrificial goat if things begin to unravel and she wants to get somebody in her corner. I also think she saw the reaction to her boyfriend's performance and figured she'd better get herself some cover.

Here's the article deborah mentioned. Interesting reading.

The problem is, and we knew it when word of it first came out, that anybody with a book on C coding could have cracked her server.

Russia or anybody, many of the ethernet types reminded us, so I don't doubt for an instant the Red Chinese were all over it, too. I seem to recall an allegation along that line during the campaign, but don't hold me to it.

The issue is John Podesta came up with the Russia collusion thing off the cuff to explain Hillary blowing it to the faithful. After that, it became the agenda.

My own nascent theory is that Putin may be getting more than a little ticked at the Demos trying to make political hay at his expense, so he and The Donald have joined forces.