Sunday, January 3, 2016

Boy asks Hillary about "plan to connect mental health problems and guns"

Last week, a young boy asked Hillary Clinton about pay equity between men and women and the campaign was accused of planting the question.
This time, another boy in New Hampshire read a question to the candidate, wanting to know what she would do about guns to keep him and his friends “safe.”

Trump is a little more up front about it.


AllenS said...

Does anyone think that this isn't set up? Every single one of the get togethers is the same.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My Clinton fatigue has reached critical mass.

why won't she drop dead?

edutcher said...

The kid starts out, "When you become President".

Need any more?

William said...

At a certain level of slickness it becomes counterproductive and people feel they are being manipulated. So you would think, but the available evidence gives me doubt.

ampersand said...

Kid, she's gonna keep you as safe from guns as she did Vince Foster.

Now ask her about her Jim McDougal hospitalization plan.

The rule of Lemnity said...

How is it even possible for a lame duck president, without political control of Congress and not so great approvals, to limit 2nd Amendment rights?

If you are Still wondering why Trump is doing well... there is your answer.

ricpic said...

'fraid to take a question from an adult, Hillary?

Chip Ahoy said...

Exactly, Lem.

During Bush's last full year it's all I heard was "lame duck" repeated to sickness and this from knuckleheads who never heard the phrase before Bush. A new word! Bludgeon me with it. That's what pissed me off so much was seeing my truly idiotic friends suddenly armed with vocabulary drawn from and INSISTING their freshly acquired words describe universe reality. And having no other. That phrase in particular was infuriating along with "ineffectual" even as Bush continued to vex them to their bones effectively to the very last moment.

Now someones in particular come to mind.

A damage to psyche so powerful that for balance they now inflict the same damage on YOU. A vindictiveness quite intense.

And so, it worked! And that is exactly how I feel. And now because you c&@#s8ker@s mo&rhf#&ker&*Ss did that and kept at it all the way through I feel an intense pressure to smash your f*#&# uhe face into your Go&#(*#s2987y until you &#*&#$((W#lka and that's just the beginning of the damage I hope to wreck upon your tools of violence and vengeance and your Go*#&(*#&)&$# big f(*#$(*# mouth.

There will be healing alright, but not between me and you.

And why is that?

Because you never could listen, and because you've nothing to say but shit.

The damage has been immense.

Leland said...

I can believe that the children developed the question and their parents are just solid supporters. Those are the type of people who would go listen to a candidate during the holiday season. But I don't believe she's not made aware of said solid supporter and their child's interest in the campaign, and that the supporter and child are given seats near Hillary and in her line of sight. That's the slickness and manipulation.

Sure, the campaign didn't actually write the question, but they probably read it before seating the supporter.

Methadras said...

Everything Cankles does is staged, scripted, and reductive. Using children to ask questions they would normally never ask, is about shallow as this woman has gotten. I'm surprised, she hasn't dangled her grandchild on puppet strings in front of audience, and used a ventriloquist to ask the same questions.

Chip Ahoy said...

Come on, Methadras, we all watched the video of Hillary interviewing the with children. We all saw her taking notes while the children spoke and how she earnestly wrote down all of their interests.

Handed off to her aide to hand off to her aide's aide to be handed off to aide's aide's girl to carefully pass on to her aide's aide's girl's girl to shred into the trash. Like the television remote thing, or the finding a show on cable thing, those take a whole team.

Children are precious and good as gold, the ones allowed to live and the ones housebroken by Democrats.

GOLD I tell you.

Disclosure: dint listen. Because, heh, that would involve... hearing. I have ears to protect from screeches and other harsh noises, ya know. And the other one I saw before. And noticed back then, the YT comedy team sensation must be positioned properly for it to work. I think I noticed one of them shifting twice until she had her subordinate position actually physically positioned as they do in their videos. Notice that? Am I right? That was like a month ago I saw it. Or something, time's not my bag. Maybe a weeks.

Titus said...

Hi everyone. I am super, thanks for asking!

Ptown was so fab this weekend as you can only imagine.

Very NYC/Boston monied crowd with a sampling of DC and Montreal.

Glamour was everywhere!

Now, tonight by Sunday grindr trick cums over. He is dl and works at the airport putting fuel in planes-is that fucking hot? Trinidad thug with muscles everywhere.

He has to shower at my place when he arrives because he smells of gasoline.

Can't wait!

Make it a wonderful new year!