Thursday, August 15, 2024

They won't stop until the repub ticket is dead

Some dumb SS bint working the Trump rally in NC left her post to breastfeed her infant. Assuming this wasn't Pete Buttgigger, this raises some questions. Why did she take her baby to work? Who were the unpinned family members with her in the "secure" area? Why was she not fired (or worse) on the spot. Does her IQ even approach that of a retard?

The fumbling fumbalina from the Trump shooting is now "guarding" Vance. Talk about failing upwards. Maybe if she stands sideways she can provide some cover. Her FUPA alone could protect two men and a boy. 


edutcher said...

Well, there was on Secret Service guy who said another attempt was likely.

The Dude said...

That's a given. No doubt the patsy has been selected and the stand down orders have been issued.