Saturday, July 27, 2024

On Selfless Puppets & A Pair of Toos



edutcher said...

Too unseen for the Demos' good.

MamaM said...

On more strangeness closer to home: At another Blogger site I frequent, problems are being reported of comments being lost, with some completely gone, some published and then missing then showing up later. Supposedly they're being caught in a spam filter, but it's more than that.

The other night I was reading there and for 5 minutes all comments had a Reply feature, as if the set up had changed. Clicking on the next post, things were as they've always been with no reply feature.

Here too, I've been having trouble with comments not publishing, then show up twice. Hence the deletions.

edutcher said...

As General Günther Blumentritt once observed, "We are living an historical moment". I don't doubt traffic on the line gets wild at times.

Stay calm. We all love you.