Saturday, October 14, 2023

On Best Wishes & Sympathy

 Sometimes cartoonists, with their creativity and perceptions, present a visual that helps me smile and find center again the midst of human atrocity, by presenting a glimmer of coded truth. This time it was the red stuff dripping from the hands onto the shoes, the ever present sippy cup, and the ubiquitous bag of personal R.L. Peters loot, along with the tiny empty cloud over the head as another "things are/are not as they seem" transaction takes place.     

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Blood's been on Brandon's hands since he tried to aggrandize is image by going after the guy involved (but not responsible) in the accident that killed his first wife.

And the Lefties have had a score to settle with Netanyahu ever since he ate Zippy's lunch in front of the world press.