Thursday, July 27, 2023

American Marines in the Revolutionary War

 I have been joining lectures put on by Fraunces Tavern Museum these past few months. As you might remember we got married there twenty years ago and I became a member of the Museum. Each month or so they have a Web seminar on a historical topic.

This month is the creation of the Marines during the Revolutionary War. It is only an hour long but it is usually guite interesting.

I bet Ed would really enjoy it. You should get on the mailing list. It's all free and well worth your time.

Just no Sinead O'Conner singing in the background.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Thank you, I shall look into it, sir.

What makes a lot of these truly worthwhile is that there is willingness to challenge the orthodoxy out there on stuff like McClellan was incompetent or radio carbon dating really isn't trustworthy (as my high school physics teacher tried to tell us (we, of course, were too hip and cool too listen))