Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The rest of the Dream team


Left Field: Roy White

He was the best player on those old Yankee teams. A good hitter, baserunner and a spectacular fielder. He was all around one of my favorite players.

Centerfield: Jim Lyttle

He only had a short career with the Yankees but he was one of my favorites because I got his bat on Bat Day. I used it to play softball and I have it to this very day.

Right Field: Ron Woods

I mean just look at the guy! You can tell he was a very smart ball player.

Well at least he dove into the stands to catch the ball.

Just sayn'

Pitcher: Stan Bahnsen

A crafty right hander he was the best pitcher on some very bad teams. I saw him pitch his heart out game after game and lose do the ineptness of the rest of the team

He never gave up. A true Yankee.

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