Sunday, February 20, 2022

On Dissonance & Dissidence; Quelled Curiosity & the Need for Clarity

 American Thinker addresses this today in a post entitled “America's cognitive dissonance continues to deepen” by Terry Paulding.  In it, feelings are acknowledged while the author thoughtfully covers facts and processes through what I’ve also taken in, seen and heard from my perspective.  In addition, it includes a reference to closed eyes and ears, a favorite phrase that tracks back thousands of years to the complaints from prophets of old regarding human foolishness.  And the whole thing circles back to touch on the mental illness aspect, in keeping with the “craziness/mass psychosis/barking mad” observations from others that have been copied and posted here at Levity in recent months.  Plus, what’s said fits with the Scott Peck definition from forty years ago of mental health as “the ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs”.  In the overall, it's a piece that pulls things together and clearly states the problem and the need.

Pauling begins with, “Our schizophrenic national divide is reaching a point at which the fabric of society is being shredded. The willful adherence to false “facts,” by both media and government actors is impossible to miss. Yet those in power plow forward with evil intention, knowing that the bulk of society will pay no attention; they’re asleep, they don’t care, and the label “misinformation” is enough to quell curiosity…"

He goes on to recognize the fear, alarm, willful ignorance and frustration present with, “People must willfully ignore being manipulated. Those of us who notice are shouting into the wind but nobody hears us. The frustration level can become intolerable.

It’s the same with every aspect of society. With COVID, we’ve done just about everything wrong, leaving people both invested and terrified. How could they not live in fear, if they’ve become aware of the ill effects of their vaccine shots? They must close their eyes and ears.

If I were vaccinated, I would be scared every time I exercised, after watching athletes falling over on the field. I would be scared, if I were of childbearing age, and knew someone who had an unexplained stillbirth. I am afraid for everyone I know who took the jab. Will they live long and prosper? We don’t know. The large upswing in unexplained deaths is alarming. Certainly, the CDC and Pfizer coming out with a warning on blood clots is alarming—but of course, they never mention the source of those clots."

And ends with, "…We who watch, who try to keep sane by writing about what we see in hope that more people will notice, we who try to live our lives and love our families, are being torn to pieces by how divided we are from one another, friends from friends, family from family. History will look back and see clearly. Yet what we need is clarity right now."

Clarity right now.   Yes to that.

H/t to Ray-SoCal at the RWSD


Hey Booms said...

I'm going to go back and find that article. The Liberals I know are willfully blind to what is happening and are content to continue to rail about Trump. A woman who is a moderate labels everything as fake news and lives her life in purposeful denial.

edutcher said...

People who think for themselves tend to be somewhat rare.

Only about a third of the American people supported the Continental cause.