Monday, August 16, 2021

Meet the new disaster....same as the old disaster


So we get to see images of Americans fleeing their embassy as the poor saps who aided us in subjugating their country cling to the helicopter struts to try to escape. I have seen this movie before. The pity of it was that it is all so avoidable.

Once the last dog dies there will time to play the blame game. People blame Biden. Or Trump. Or Bush for that matter. The real blame belongs to a much more sacred cow. The United States Miliraty.

We had twenty years to get it right. Instead of working with the grunts on the ground we listened to the political generals, the CIA and the Deep State. They are wrong as usual as Ed pointed out in his post. They have pretty much been wrong about everything since World War Two. We have  no business in Afghanistan. It has been the meat grinder of armies since the days of Alexander the Great. Our military in relative terms is far inferior to that of Alexander. I know our leadership is for sure.

We need to listen to the grunts on the ground. That's who I support. Not the political generals who are more worried about trans rights, white rage and implementing critical race theory. You know who I would have put in charge? That Navy Seal they tried to prosecute for shooting Taliban terrorists or the Green Beret who beat down the Afghan police chief who was raping young boys. They know how corrupt that shithole country was. If we sent in our boys we should have just killed the enemy and then left them to fight it out. Not nation build. Take whatever the Neocons and Cheney and the rest of the chorus had to say and do the exact opposite.

If Trump or another populist gets in they have to decapitate the entire officer corp. All of them. Promote sergeants and corporals to the top positions. Guys who know what it is to be their with their asses on the line. Bust up the Deep State before they get us in another forever war. Because if they do we will lose and we will feel it this time because it will come home to roost. 

America first. Fuck the rest of the world.


ampersand said...

It's the Milleytary. I blame Bush most of all. He got us there to kill Osama and get rid of Al Qaida. Then all of the sudden we're there to rebuild their country. When Osama was liquidated Obama shares the blame for not getting us out then. Trump was sandbagged by lying bureaucrats and congress, but he should have known better by that time. Biden is just non compos mentis.
Send the Mongols back in. They knew how to pacify that shithole.

edutcher said...

OK, a couple of points here off what both of you are saying. Civilian control of the military means the politicians call a lot of shots.

LBJ laid down the ROEs and micro-managed target selection. Bucketmouth was all over the Teheran rescue raid. Zippy did the same, bragging what a great killer he was.

They said Grant was soft on Indians. They gave Polk Hell for his handling of Mexico.

And the officers have to be good little soldiers if they want to make it past captain. In the Spanish-American War, Teddy Roosevelt raised Hell over conditions in the Army because none of the Regular Army men dared speak out.

It goes with the territory.

Second, we've tried ignoring the world and it's always come back to bite us. Trump showed us we can be a lot more self-sufficient and should be. We have been trading with the world for 225 years and it's done us good.

That said, we also need to start giving a lot bigger damn about who is running this country for us. Troop is right about too many degrees in charge and not enough calluses on the hands. It's part of the reason the Democrats, having stolen the election, can't seem to get anything right.

Believe it or not, I think all of these school board fights and stands against masks and shots is the beginning of that. The american Revolution, not to mention the Civil War, started with a lot of conversations in taverns and over kitchen tables.

In the end, we've gotta be lots better Americans. It's why I keep talking about reinstatement.

ampersand said...

I blame Bush most of all. He got us there to kill Osama and get rid of Al Qaida. Then all of the sudden we're there to rebuild their country.

The idea was let's not just leave so they can build it all up again.

Trouble with that is you have to be willing to stay about 200 years and put your imprint on everything. That's the way the Limeys did it here and Inja and it worked.

PS A-stan got the "impossible" rep only after the Limeys got thrown out in 1842. They still went back and kept the lid on. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Amartel said...

There were no recent American casualties in Afghanistan, prior to the Biden Debacle. We could have continued to keep a footprint there and forced the Taliban to abide by the most basic rules of civilization (or at least let us mine the REMs in peace).
Pretty sure that's where Trump was heading before the 4 stars tied his hands.
We're still in a lot of places decades after the hot war died down. BFD.
I think this was purposeful and done to enhance our enemy's (China's) position. We blame the shitshow on Biden because it's marvelously easy to do so because he's an idiot who thinks he's smot (not dumb, like people say) but how sure are we that he's the one making the decision? It seemed odd to me that he made such a point of saying it was his decision. It was right there in the teleprompter so he dutifully read his script. But there must be SOME fact checking. Maybe? At first I thought, as usual, well that was more stupid than usual. But then, it occurred to me that someone might have suggested that phrasing to Biden (a la Harrison Ford suggesting to the President in "Patriot Games" to say the drug lord financier was not just a friend, but a dear friend) on the premise that it would make him seem more presidential or smot or whatever lights up Biden. And that they did that to deflect suspicion away from the conclusion that there's collusion going on. Now Biden owns it and has disappeared back into his hidey hole. Will people care? I mean next week.

Some Seppo said...

I don't care about that shithole country. In fact it's not even a country in the Westphalian sense and hasn't been for a long time.

But lefties gotta do what lefties do. Lies, betrayal, immorality, all derive from their BAMN philosophy. The Afghan experiment was a barrier to whatever they think will benefit them so it had to go. BAMN.

I do care about those betrayed and those soon to be murdered, but there's nothing I can do about it.