Saturday, August 15, 2020

Election Anagrams

I Shred Brain

The Wordplays site has an anagram generator that does all the work for you.

Biden-Harris: I Shred Brain

Trump-Pence: Men Crept Up

Joe Biden: I Need Job

Donald Trump: Old Damp Turn

Mike Pence: Pink Emcee

Kamala Harris: Malaria Shark


The Dude said...

Interesting. Made me give a couple of names a go:

Hubert Horatio Humphrey - just because there are a lot of letters there:
"Rub the hypothermia hour". No idea what that means, but there it is.

Millard Fillmore, because he was in the news:
"Firearm doll mill". Works for me.

William Jefferson Clinton:
"Film fallow rejections inn"

I could go on, but what the ever living eff is that a picture of - two idiots in black face? Can we photoshop some lips on those chimps?

MamaM said...

but what the ever living eff is that a picture of

The two determinedly walking in lock-step to boot!

Trying out my own name produced less than satisfying results. Maybe I need to go back and add the middle one.

MamaM said...

Which is my favorite? Joe's is so fitting its not funny. Pence's yields an "ah, yes" with a nod of recognition and Kamala's presents a picture that invites a smile.

On damp turns, Donald's brings to mind the image of him in his dark suit under the hot sun sweating his way through all those cadet salutes. Or more recently sitting outdoors with beads of sweat on his face, in his recent interview with Chris Wallace in the Rose Garden. It was not a good look, but he took his damp turn and endured an hour of broiling and grilling.

The Dude said...

I used "" and that seems to work well.

Majesties hold manor.

ndspinelli said...

She's got a rack like Pelosi.

The Dude said...

How can he sniff her hair with that getup on his mug?

ndspinelli said...

That mask can come off faster than a prom dress.

MamaM said...

Majesties hold manor is pretty good, considering the number of bowls and blanks that share space along with the animals and thoughts of splendor that pass like clouds. Mine involved lawyers.

MamaM said...

The same store that sells Botox and Wrinkle Remover also pushes Custom Racks. Maybe that pair was hers from the beginning, maybe not. Given her methods of insuring advancement, enhancement could be a work-related expense.