Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Why I have a present for you.....

"I have a present for you. The monopoly man on a glass case. It symbolizes the monopoly China will have on the supply chain once we help the Democrats defeat Trump."
"Thank you baby. But are you going to give it up?"
"Oh yes Barry I love you long time. Plus I give you another present."
"What's that sweetie?"
"The Kung Flu. It is a virus but not the bad one."
"Really the flu? That doesn't sound good. What are the symptoms?"
"Well your nipples get hard and you voice gets very high."
"Sounds good baby. I am pretty healthy. I am just staying alive. Let's go."

1 comment:

ampersand said...

That's OK. He gave her the Hee BeeGee Bees.