Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Meet Charles Manson | Mindhunter | Netflix

I recommend this series. I generally don't like serial killer shows but this one is well done. They interview various serial killers like Manson and Son of Sam. I think some of this is fascinating.

This interpretation of Manson seems to be right on the money. The last post with Tom O'Neil made me think of this episode.

Check out the series on Netflicks. It is pretty good.


ndspinelli said...

We just finished it. Good writing. The co-ed killer Edmund Kemper was the best. They portrayed him accurately. Kemper had a 145 IQ and outsmarted all the shrinks. Almost done w/ the new Bosch season. Consistently good.

The Dude said...

I liked season 6 more than I liked season 5.

ndspinelli said...

We'll finish 6 tonight, and I agree.

ndspinelli said...

We had pancakes for dinner last night and I put the syrup on the bottom. I like it.

The Dude said...

I must admit that made me laugh. I had never seen such a thing, and since I have not had pancakes in years maybe I should make some and give that a go, except for the fact I would then have to consume a whole bottle of maple syrup - aw heck, you're right, I might as well go for it!

ampersand said...

Did Manson ever kill anyone personally?

chickelit said...

Is there a new season out? We watched them through a few months ago. BTW, the actor playing Manson also played him in "Tarantino's "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood."