Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Trump's census question about citizenship

In case you don't know what is going on, the Supreme Court issued a ridiculous statement saying the President is right to include the citizenship question on the upcoming census but the reason given wasn't good enough. Provide better reasoning and proceed.

That the entire U.S. government is against President Trump caused his Justice Department to blithely proceed without including the question, then went on Independence Day break. They just blew him off. Then Trump tweeted the census question still stands. That caused a judge to conference call government lawyers involved and get at a resolution.

Conclusion: Trump will win. But it will be a huge mess. Trump has the very clear support of citizens on this issue.

Confused? Ristvan helps on this page, control F [Lurking Lawyer here].

I think by law the only question that's valid for census is "how many of you are there?"

Nevertheless it's a great opportunity for government to get all sort of information on the population, racial makeup and things like that.

It's very offensive.

When I received the last census questionnaire under Obama I was so cross that I was beside myself when I filled it out. I scratched through most of the questions, I overwrote across the whole thing. I asked my own questions of them. I wrote in the margins, I drew little pictures, I "X" out most of it, I wrote, "none of your goddamn business," I behaved like a complete idiot.

"Why don't you jerks ask me important questions like how big my dick is?" Something useful for a change.

I hated all the questions that indicated money was being directed here and there for reasons I don't like. And I realize all that information really is useful for understanding the nature of our population. An opportunity that's not to be missed. But Constitutionally, there is only one valid question.

Then I felt bad.

For being such a jerk.

So I opened it back up.

But I couldn't actually do anything to repair it.

Then I changed my mind back to being okay with showing how cross the interrogation made me.

Taped it back up and dropped it in the mailbox.


The envelope looked like a complete mental case mutilated the paper, scribbled all over it, crushed it and flattened it back, tore it, taped it back up, pissed on it, smeared it, smudged it, drew all over it, marked all over it, crossed things out, put explanation marks all over it, wrote in the open spaces, tore it open, sealed it back. Marked all over the envelope front and back.

I was expecting a team to knock on my door for clarification as was reported but nothing happened. They must have seen the envelope and thought, "bonkers."

Hopeless nutter.

There are quite a lot of mental cases out there. It's not worth their time to check everyone. Of us.


And now I'm thinking, I bet you $100.00 mental dollars there are a million people like that out there right now because it is Trump asking the question. While I'm looking forward to seeing it.

The thought of all those people bonkers like I was, but now because it is Trump, cheers me greatly. I love the whole idea of people freaking out because they are asked a simple legitimate census-worthy question about citizenship.


edutcher said...

Putting the question back on the census wouldn't be that big a deal.

When I worked at the IRS, we got the forms only 2 months before tax season began.

ricpic said...

What a nightmare Roberts is turning out to be.

edutcher said...

No sweat. Notorious, Wise Latina, and Breyer will be leaving soon and Roberts can play softball with the Short Shortstop.