Sunday, May 12, 2019

Dab rig

Where do people in Denver go to smoke pot? I haven't the faintest idea.

Those guys from Chicago said someone in the 4th of July crowd was smoking marijuana because they can smell it so I go sniff sniff sniff and sure enough there was that unmistakable smell. Right there in public. Right there in front of all the little kids.


It's awful.

So I looked online. Turns out there are all kinds of weird things going on. A club with no address but pay $20 for membership then they tell you where they meet once a week and give you seven more addresses. Places w-a-a-a-a-a-a-y out from the center of town. A few friendly restaurants. But it is not the smoke all over the place as you might think. From what I can see, it's actually rather déclassé.

Weird, huh?

Smoking is anachronistic.

We're all, "Make marijuana legal, make marijuana legal, make marijuana legal. Good. Now, go to your tent!

And they're using all these words that I haven't heard before. This whole thing is getting away from me. Nobody ever says to me, "Hey do you want to go smoke a joint?"

WTF is a dab rig?

Thank you for explaining that so well and so graciously.

You have long lug jurious hair.

Lemme touch it flick flick flick. 

Come on! 

Lemme touch it.


Tank said...

Cue Jamaican accent:

Ya man, you've got to smoke the Jamaican weed man, it be sweet and soft and delightful man. Don't be a downer man, get with it.

The Dude said...

Is "super" the new "like"? Like everything in that video is super convenient, super sleek, super stylish, super gay.

Makes me want to go punch a hippie and fire up my chainsaw.

Chip Ahoy said...

I didn't even notice that. I thought he is charming. Explaining things to an idiot without ever considering his viewer an idiot. You're mean.

The Dude said...

The fallacy is that inhaling vapors is somehow less harmful than inhaling smoke. Using the tissues that line your lungs as your primary method for ingesting drugs is never a good idea, now matter how super twinkie the salesperson is. He should review your previous post about the suppository method - his beloved Puffco Peak could serve him in more ways than one.

If you are considering starting to think about beginning to commence to contemplate using THC in one form or another, please talk to a trusted medical professional. It might hold some benefit for you, but it could also be very dangerous.

ricpic said...

Kills neural connections. By now the scientific proof of that is incontroversial. So by legalizing it the State of Colorado is complicit in child abuse, given the age at which most smokers take up the wretched practice.

ricpic said...


Chip Ahoy said...

I would be their perfect customer. I am the person for whom this whole fake ass medical thing is designed.

But no. I do not have a medical marijuana card. All of this is actually not for me.

I have enough trouble walking as it is. Alcohol and all drugs are straight out.

Even now that mushrooms are quasi-legal that is not anything that I'd do.

All those things are too close to my actual afflictions. They would make everything worse.

I keep picturing being pulled over and told to walk a straight line. And me saying, "Now how in the hell do you expect me to do that?"

I would not smoke it, push it into my butt, or eat it.

What else is there? Wash my hair with it, brush my teeth with it, soak my feet in, fuck a bag of it, rub its oil onto my skin. Use thc eye drops. Thc nasal inhaler. Thc fingernail polish.

They keep thinking of things that I can't think of. Because they're stoned.

Having said all that, last night I actually drank a beer. *whispers* It wasn't very good.

And a few days ago I had an aperitif glass of Irish cream.

And one time a street bum gave me a cookie with his black-tar encrusted hands, because earlier I gave him a couple of bucks. And I ate the cookie. Nothing happened. (I concluded the MS med I was taking counteracted whatever effect the cookies are supposed to have. I was really hoping for more.)

When you think about it, whoever invented smoking cigarettes was a fucking wierd-o. Can you even picture the scene?

And the same thing goes for alcohol. These people are insane.

But mushrooms are different. People were looking for food. It took me awhile to realize that the poisonous mushrooms we are warned about are concerns of psychogenic effects as they are about death. That is, as a kid when I heard, "don't eat that mushroom it's poisonous." I assumed they meant the mushrooms would kill me. When, say, half of them would actually make me high.

Or take me on a mental trip. Where objects shift forms. And meanings shift with them.

When I was nineteen a guy I knew was a nurse.

And of course that made him top expert on all things medical.

He told me that he saw an autopsy of a street-guy who dropped acid all the time.

The nurse said, "it's acid. Over time it ate through his brain. They opened his head and it was all mush. Literally, mush. " None of us (doctors and nurses who saw it) understood how the acid dropper managed to make so far as he did." Come on. His brain is much. How does he even walk?

ricpic said...

"But mushrooms are different."

No one should really have to justify eating mushrooms. They have great taste and texture. They even supply (I think) antioxidants. Anyway, to me a dish is lacking without them. Case closed.