Friday, December 7, 2018

Paris shuts down

Macron has officially shut down Paris this weekend to stop the Yellow Vest uprising against present political policies. Primary tourist venues are closed. shops are ordered to close. Windows are boarded up and 8,000 police unites dispatched to Paris with 89,000 police deployed throughout the country.

The Yellow Vest protestors cannot join any discussions because they have no leader. We are told the spark that ignited the protests was Macron's additional tax on vehicle fuel, named a carbon tax to combat global warming. Tax upon tax upon tax under the conceit of global climate change. The weather is used to justify additional taxation but where does all that money actually go? In grand successive sweeps additional taxation makes everything involving transportation more expensive along with all the repercussive transactions downstream while making government larger and more powerful and more overweening and increasingly demanding, and less accountable, ever counting on genuine concern for climate.

Macron backed away from the taxation. His prime minister explicated saying the reprieve is temporary. Then Macron hastened to correct announcing, no, the decision is permanent, indicating disagreement within government and government wobbling. And the protests continue. And the protests are larger than before and more violent. And the protests are spreading to other countries.

This is a protest against globalization. Believe it or not this is Trump-style nationalism spreading across Europe. Call it whatever you like, tag it with whatever name that wish, reject the Trump comparison if you want, the basis is the same, the more conservative elements even within socialist nations have had their fill with inviting immigrants unchecked in a serious manner who positively will not assimilate and with climate changes used for government grabbing and to prevent them from thriving. In short, they are protesting the global elite ruling from the clouds aloof and disconnected from the people they rule. Citizens across Europe are demonstrating they flat are not having it.

There are too many videos to choose from. Too many tweets showing violent protests. Tweets with videos showing the French police crowd control trucks with snowplow-like blades attached to their fronts. Too many videos of Paris shops seriously boarding up with giant piles of lumber such as full Home Depot deliveries to build houses, now irresistible urban blank canvases covered with protest graffiti.

Here. Twitter [paris] for a start. And see for yourself just how ridiculous so much urgent communication is compared with all the other immediate material available. Follow the hashtags for deeper exploration and make your own narrative, anything but what is delivered by America's ersatz ITAR-TASS.

[Incidentally, "Yellow Vest" because it's a law over there that emergency reflective yellow vests be kept in all vehicles.]


Mumpsimus said...

I saw pictures last weekend, can't remember where, of French police on the streets with their helmets off, to show support for the protesters. Could get interesting.

ricpic said...

Agree with Mumpsimus. If the French police and military refuse to fire on the Yellow Vests this thing could escalate into full fledged revolution.