Saturday, December 8, 2018

Donald Trump: Rex Tillerson 'lazy' and 'dumb as a rock'

Rex Tillerson said in an interview with Bob Schieffer of CBS News several things somewhat damaging to Trump along the usual lines.
“I’d have to say to him, ‘Well, Mr President, I understand what you want to do, but you can’t do it that way — it violates the law, it violates a treaty."  
“He got really frustrated. I think he grew tired of me being the guy every day that told him you can’t do that and let’s talk about what we can do.” 
“It was challenging for me coming from the disciplined, highly process-oriented ExxonMobil Corp to go to work for a man who is pretty undisciplined, doesn’t like to read, doesn’t read briefing reports, doesn’t like to get into the details of a- lot of things,”
Comments to various articles about this all over the place are hilarious. More insightful than the original articles.

For example, the Breitbart writer has no affection for Trump and makes that clear by his additional journalistic bits that support Tillerson's points:

* Trump is proudly anti-intellectual saying he succeeds by instinct and knows better than experts. (Recall Obama said that too, but with no experience of success to back it up).

*  When Trump was asked about his reading habits he said he was "looking at a book" but kept being distracted.

* Trump's most visible foreign policy actions include pulling out of Paris accord and denuclearization deal with Iran. (The journalist overlooks a lot.)

* The White House made it known Tillerson was on the toilet when he heard the news.

The Brieitbart journalist used all of that to embellish what Tillerson said in his interview.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

While the commenters remark how difficult it must be for CEO of gigantic international company to take orders from anyone. They see what the writers of the pieces do not see.

I had no idea. Tillerson really must be a bit of what Trump says. Tillerson has to know by now Trump must return this offense with compounded interest. We know Trump brings a gun and his nuclear code to a knife fight. Why would Tillerson say anything so slipshod when he knows he's going to get similarly pounded?

This is a show for us. That's all it can be. The two men don't actually fight each other, they verbally slap each other with gentlemen's gloves. Like this: whap[no pause]WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP


edutcher said...

One gets the impression Trump is, like a lot of the more famous military men, one of those who will say, "Don't tell me what we can't do. Tell me what we can do".

Chip Ahoy said...

That's what a lot of commenters agreed on. They see Trump as brainstorming, throwing everything out there even wild ideas.

edutcher said...

Good CEOs are known to do that.

PS It's been theorized Tillerson was picked for his entree into the various Arab royal houses.