Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!
The God Emperor tweeted this out when loser moolie Lebron James went on TV to trash him. The President told it like it is. The mix of contempt and mockery is just sublime.
The black athlete is just at sea these days. Did you see what happened to the black quarterback of the Cowboys. He said he would never kneel for the anthem and was attacked non stop by the press and the social justice warriors. These fuck-wits are all about an athlete expressing his opinion as long as it is bullshit liberal claptrap. Step out of the box and they are all over you trying to end your career.
Sports like regular broadcast TV are on a tightrope these days. They are no where near as important as they used to be. In fact there core audience is old white guys like me. As they alienate me they alienate the people who put money in their pockets. The young whippersnappers of today are more interested in their phones and Instagram they are in Sports Phone and what the score is. The urgency of watching baseball or football is gone just as the urgency of watching your favorite TV show. You don't rush home to watch "Who Shot JR" or the finale of Mary Tyler Moore. Because everything is on Youtube and is streamed to your phone. Soon the only people who will follow sports are the degenerates who are betting on it. Sports bettting is being legalized in every state. That is what is going to destroy it. Just like horse racing.
When I was a kid the ponies were a big deal. In the 1960's you would go to the bookie and bet on a horse. I remember my uncles rushing out to get the night owl edition of the Daily News to get the horses for the next day. Maybe you would put a quarter on a number too. Now the Daily News is just about dead. They are laying off 50% if their staff. OTB killed the horses. They had to put a full casino at the track to keep it afloat. The lotto killed the numbers game. Sports like Football are in the same boat. Once it becomes easy to bet on it the whole thing is cheapened and declines into shit.
Black sports like football and basketball are on the cusp. They have alienated many white fans like me. Soon enough they will be regulated to curiosities. Something we used to like but don't care about. The youngsters really won't give a shit.
It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of guys.
The God Emperor has the right idea. Call them out for the dummies that they are.
I won two dollars on a nickel slot machine in Reno, just to watch him die, oops, wrong song, back in 1972. Figured that was as far ahead I would ever get in the whole casino gambling thing and gave it up.
These days, every once in a while I buy a two dollar lottery ticket, but that is not gambling. In gambling there is a at least a glimmer of hope that one might win. With the lottery it is guaranteed that you will never see those two dollars again.
Mostly I don't buy lottery tickets because I think at the end of the year I will look back and regret that I threw away eight or ten bucks and boy would I like to have that money right about now. Being a Scotsman is a heavy burden.
It sounds like Lebron just earned his presidential sign.
Jason Whitlock speaks out passionately about this.
LeBum is a high school dropout. 5 gets you 10 he's broke 10 years after leaving the NBA.
Why would anybody care what he "thinks".
If he didn't play basketball, what would Lebron do for a living?
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