Saturday, July 21, 2018

Making pickup trucks great again!

So I am waiting at a stop light on Merrick Road out on Long Island. A pickup pulls up with a Hispanic guy blasting salsa music. I go to put the window up and then I notice it.

A sticker of the God Emperor in the back seat. As though this guy is happy driving around with Donald Trump as one of his boys.

You see I think there is a great groundswell out there. Thousands and thousands of working guys of all races and ethnicities who have jobs now or are getting more money in their paycheck. Who don't give a shit what CNN or MSNBC or Lady Graham or Mitt Romney or Songbird or Joe Scarborough have to say. Who don't care about Russia, Russia, Russia.

Support for the President will be evident in unexpected places. Now I don't over value it. His black support might be maxed out at 20%. Which is phenomenal for a Republican. A total game changer. His Hispanic support will be much higher. The media will be dumbfounded. The pollsters will not understand how they got it so wrong.

They will conclude that someone had tampered with the election.

My vote is that it was the Martians.


edutcher said...

The numbers keep saying these thing.

And you're right about black support. When I heard Dr Evil's paid protesters in Ferg were calling the Mocha Messiah Halfa Cracka, it was obvious something was happening.

Blacks expected a lot of good things out of Zippy, but they seem to have realized\

A) Zippy was the whitest white guy whose name wasn't Bush and that he knew or cared nothing about ordinary blacks.

B) They saw the Demos were more worried about Moslems and Hispanics than them.

Similar with the Hispanics. The Left loves to say demography is destiny, but such disparate voices as Pew and Michael Barone have been talking about the power of assimilation. Want an example?

Univision, George Ramos' net, is losing ground to Telemundo which caters to (are you ready?) English-speaking Hispanic households. As the Eminent Mr Surber put it, you may take Dad out of Mexico, but you can't put Mexico into the grandson.

All of which takes us to the WalkAway crowd. Democrats have depended on the youth vote for 80 years. Now, it isn't just the old people saying the Demos left, scorned, really, them, but a lot of Millennials also.

So, yeah, I can believe it.

PS Funny story. The Blonde and I were in Tucson about 10 years ago on St Paddy's Day and stopped to get something to eat. In walks a Mexican family all decked out in green and asks us if we just came from the parade, too.

And I don't think it was the family of Jose and Juanita Murphy.

Trooper York said...

There was actually a big Irish influence in Mexico and much of South America. Look up the history of the San Patrico brigade in the Mexican war sometimes Ed. You will find it very interesting.

Of course you know the history of Bernardo O'Higgins and his exploits in Chile.

It is totally possible that you had you some Irish Mexicans.

deborah said...

My son does not vote, nor is a Trump supporter, but he was gratified the Dems had their noses rubbed in it.

deborah said...

lol love the Trump would go viral if people weren't afraid of having their vehicles keyed.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

There was actually a big Irish influence in Mexico and much of South America.

I know, A lot Micks moved there because they didn't like the treatment in the US and there are at least a couple Louis L'Amour heroines like that. And I read about the San Patricios, especially their end at Chapultepec

Don't know if you are aware of it, but the last Viceroy in Mexico was Juan O'Donoju, a Mick if ever there was one.

Trooper York said...

What got me was that the dude was Spanish. He was in a Spanish neighborhood. Freeport. He was laughing at me when I gave him the thumbs up and pointed at the sticker and he gave me a thumbs up back.

I am telling you the depth of the Presidents support is really going to surprise the elitist media.

Even April and Bags have become dyed in the wool Trumpers. Who woulda thunk it?

ndspinelli said...

If people read the insightful book, The Great Revolt, they will understand. Salena Zito went to counties that voted Obama twice but flipped to Trump. Zito is an old time reporter. Only drives, never flies. Stays in B&B's, meets w/ local small biz owners. Hangs out in bars.

ricpic said...

Salena Zito is a national treasure.

Trooper York said...

I read that book. Nick and ricpic are absolutely right. It is a must read.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, She is half southern Italian and half Scotch/Irish, the exact lineage of myself.

Trooper York said...

Nick she is a real reporter which is almost unique in this day and age.