Sunday, April 15, 2018

Peanut butter to diamonds

This is Austin Andrews whose video of him imagining a deaf ninja I already showed you. I'm not showing this video to explain how the carbon in peanut butter can be changed to diamonds, rather, what it looks like when that's explained in sign language and the fun they have doing it. Comments to this video on YouTube are sweet.

Look how clear they both are. You don't often see deaf speaking this closely to textbook. Surely you can see the smudge of peanut butter in the palm of the hand, pressure and heat, and the shape of a  "d" tapped on the back of the hand for "diamond."

"Extreme amount" (of heat) is one finger indicating the temperature of thermometer, the other index finger, rise beyond the capacity of the thermometer. Later, Austin uses his whole arm for the thermometer.

"Can be turned into a diamond" = "change" "become" diamond. They're similar movements.

"Carbon" is spelled throughout.

1 comment:

deborah said...

A couple of cornballs :) Reminds me a little of my fave youtube PTs:

I found them looking for what to do about something that felt like sciatica, but did not travel down my leg. It was a nerve traveling through my buttock being compressed by a muscle. The exercises they recommended worked.