Monday, April 9, 2018

London Mayor bans knives

Sadiq Khan is the current Mayor. He provides citywide leadership and creates policies to improve London for all.
That's from 

The whole site is written for dummkopfs. I should say, the lowest common denominator of English as second language readers.
The Mayor is determined to ensure criminals are caught and punished – but he’s also investing millions in tackling the complex root causes of violent crime to help prevent  future deaths. 
* A new violent crime taskforce of 120 officers has been created using additional funding from City Hall announced by the Mayor in February. The taskforce will focus solely on violent crime, weapon-enabled crime and serious criminality.
*  The Met Police has introduced targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected by knife crime
* The Mayor is protecting the number of frontline police officers on London’s streets by investing £110m in the Met Police.
* Police made more than 900 arrests during Operation Winter Nights in November and December, taking more than 350 weapons off London’s streets
They don't say what the investment of £110m goes to precisely, the large sum is sufficient information. Throwing money at it is good enough.

The mayor tweeted: No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law.

I like that, "There is never a reason to carry a knife." I've managed without carrying one my whole life, except for that brief stint as a Boy Scout, but then I'm not Glenn Reynolds who mentions his tactical version of Swiss Army knife whenever they go on sale at Amazon. People do carry them, and they have their reasons, they do come in handy, mostly for having to do with the unexpected.

And Kahn is one of the guys who insists Trump behaves like a dictator.

This cartoon was seen at Knowledge is Power (url:


AllenS said...

Forks will be next. Spoons are ok, as long as they haven't been sharpened.

edutcher said...

Have you heard hammers are outlawed in Mexico?

deborah said...

Sporks are out of the question.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What about a Leatherman or one of those multi function utility knife/tool dealies? Are those verboten too? I have one in my purse at all times and one in each of our vehicles. Dumbplumber carries his on his hip in a holster, unless we are going out to dinner.

There is ALWAYS a reason to have a Leatherman. It has a knife blade and all sorts of useful tools.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They know what is best for you in England...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ed, Hammers can be useful at times...fermented crab too!

Amartel said...

What about if there's a rash of car attacks? Or people getting punched? What does everyone else have to give up so the politician can say he's addressed the problem?

ricpic said...

So we're not supposed to know Kahn's a Muslim? Because why? Because all men are brothers or some such trash.

Amartel said...

THey don't give two shits about their people. See, e.g., the Rotherham (1500 children abused) among other areas where the perverts gather, confident that they will not be disturbed. See also, the people convicted of murder (and one guy just recently arrested for murder) after defending themselves from intruders in their own homes. The crazy is fully out of the bag over there.
OTOH, I watched a documentary this weekend on the Audience channel about the Hammond family in Oregon. American Standoff Well worth a few hours of your time to come up to speed on this travesty. I knew the basic outlines of the issue but the documentary very effectively puts meat on the bones. You think this nonsense in the UK can't happen here? It already has.

AllenS said...

Thank you, Eli, my great great grandfather for leaving that stupid place called England in the 1850s. How long will we have to wait until it's called a shithole?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The crazy is out of the bag, indeed, and coming to CA and then the rest of us.

William said...

He spent £110 million to take 350 knives off the street and brags about it. They could have raided a few steakhouses and gotten more weapons and for far less money.

William said...

I just finished hate watching Collateral on Netflix. I can't recommend it. It was almost a parody of political correctness. I kept watching it to see how bad it could get. It was set in London. All the immigrants and people of color were, at the very least, decent and some were exemplary. The really bad guys are well born white males with posh backgrounds.

Methadras said...


Sorry, it had to be done and I'm disappointed in all of you for not doing it before me.