Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kids try Chinese food

On the previous post, Kids try French food ampersand said,
I expect the kid who asks his Mom if she did that in China would faint if he saw some of the foods the Chinese eat.

Back then in the French food video, I was surprised the kids liked wine. My parents gave us wine regularly in tiny aperitif glasses and it put us all off wine permanently. But they picked the worst wine possible. Mogen David. They still had a bottle of that crap in their cupboard when they died. It's not even a thing. We poured it out with an intense sense of disgust.

But I'm really wondering what wine they served these kids that would appeal to them. So I can buy some for myself. 

One time I toured a winery, the name escapes me, possibly Robert Mondavi, I think, the label showed a low white Spanish style estate. The tour was very nice ending with a wine-tasting. One sample could not be distinguished from Kool Aid. That was my favorite. *hangs head* I know. I know. The adult wines are all blah. But this one had no trace of alcohol. One could forget one was drinking wine. By one I mean me. I got high on the samples. That type of wine I could deal with. Like these kids do. I just now made up my mind. I'm going to Argonaut and ask them to show me the wines that children would like. 

There's a bottle shop directly below me but I don't think they have anything like that. Hard drinkers go in there. I could ask.

I want to mention, a friend of mine works there now. The black dude, whose tattoos I showed you. Whereas before, the place was rather hardcore somewhat brutal in their customer service. Lurch, for example, is imposing and curt, terse, dismissive and the Indian owner is non-conversational, other employees are short and crass, unhappy to be there, my friend brings a new refreshing element. Without any effort, his personality changes the place. On Easter I waited for customers to disperse to hand over a piece of cake to him and the line took forever to process, not because he is slow, rather, because he's chatting it up with each customer, laughing, relating with whatever they have going on, working with them on other things behind the counter, directing them to other things in the aisles, discussing their purchases, what they're doing that day. Each customer is treated as the only other person on Earth. The line took twice as long to process while the mood of the whole place is elevated, the entire space vibrates to a higher pitch, and I never actually heard his voice until speaking to him directly. It's a phenomenal thing to observe.


ricpic said...

In the previous kids eating video comments section Father Fox said the kids seemed odd to him. Maybe it's their lack of politeness or deference. Anyway, that's what I notice.

ampersand said...
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ampersand said...

Eat your Jellyfish and Duck head. You should be grateful ,there are women starving in Beverley Hills.