Thursday, March 1, 2018

CNN Gary Tuchman, AR-15

Know what's more interesting than a liberal journalist looking like Barney Fife patting his pockets looking for his bullet and misinforming the public about "full" semi automatic?  The comments by Americans who know what they're talking about made to the video on YouTube, that's what.

This reminds me of something more interesting than a liberal journalist shooting a semi automatic gun,  a jellyfish that floats into a ring air bubble.

As a kid Barney Fife annoyed the hell out of me. But then I realized what comic genius Don Knotts was. I saw an earlier version of him doing a nervous lawyer such that the audience knows the client's case is lost. YouTube has videos of him doing a nervous watchmaker, public speaker, weatherman, television director, baseball announcer plus another of Don, a very old man, describing how his nervous character was developed, mostly the names of people who owned nightclubs and early television shows. He saw a nervous public speaker and then dreamt how that could be put to an act. Barney Fife is all of that crystalized to brilliance. A much better act than this full semi-automatic guy bouncing around. 


Amartel said...

From "My Cousin Vinny": Stuttering Lawyer You Know Is Going to Lose

edutcher said...

Don Knotts perfected his act on the old Steve Allen Show.

But, yeah, watching a Lefty try to explain firearms is always a great comedy routine.

PS Remember Scott Israel's amazing leadership? Turns out his men were told to establish a perimeter.

Now there's a guy with some 'spainin' to do.

Somewhere Woods, Doherty, Smith, and Stevens are smiling.

Amartel said...

Having Scott Israel as your sheriff puts Robin Hood in a whole new light.
This is a situation where "let him talk" is the best response. Let him quote Game of Thrones ("Lions don't care about the opinions of the sheep" ACTUAL QUOTE!) and other nursery rhymes. This guy is so far inside the bubble/up his own butt that he thinks he's relateable, talking like that, and that he does not have to answer for his abysmal "leadership" which consists mainly of throwing other people under the bus and/or otherwise leaving them to die while he watches from a safe distance. How is he still in office? Powerful friends, apparently. Including nonrelateable fuck up HRC.

Methadras said...

Holy shit!!! WTF did I just see? A pair of eunuchs dangerously handling and shooting AR's and pretending that they are authorities on them? I don't think this LtG has ever held a firearm in his life. Look at the chickenwing. Wow. CNN digs down deep for garbage sensationlist fear mongering and calls it reporting. Full semi-automatic? You have got to be kidding me.

ndspinelli said...

Clients would hire me to do surveillance. Sometimes they would tell me they "checked out the house" but usually I would deduce it. I call it, "Going Barney Fife." The Barney's would often fuck it up for me, alerting the subject someone will be watching them. After awhile, the question "Did you do some surveillance before calling me?" became part of my standard first interview of a client.

ndspinelli said...

Now I only work for one client. They are pros and don't ever go Barney Fife, like this girly man in Chip's video.

ndspinelli said...

Amartel, Austin Pendleton is the actor and is one of my fav character actors still working.

Rabel said...

Hey now. Barney always came through in the clutch. Almost always.

Amartel said...

Unlike the Sheriff of Squattingham Scott Israel.

Amartel said...

nd, the movie stars have all the good lines and lighting but the character actors give the performances that stay with you. That scene never fails to make me cringe! Also, liked the prosecutor in My Cousin Vinny. We still do the "I ... Dentical" line around the office. Also the judge was dead on. Herman Munster!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Speaking of Herman Munster, another memorable judge was Al "Grandpa" Lewis in Used Cars (1980).