Monday, December 4, 2017

Senior Anglican minister wants Christians to pray for Prince George to be homosexual

Do what you like. Your church is already largely irrelevant.

I've nothing to say. I don't recall anything in the red letter teaching of Jesus that addresses this directly. Theologians and preachers rely on his indirect teaching and they make a very strong case. But Jesus did not address it directly. Here for example.

Separated from the internal arguments of protestant churches, the best thing that I've read on what has happened to the teachings of Jesus are the last two chapters of Urantia where the history and the survival of the church that bears Jesus' name are discussed. Whatever the Anglican church does, the Christian churches will survive even as the Anglican church sinks to insignificance. Here, if you care to see it. Control F "church" will take you to near bottom of the page.

The article I read on Moonbattery for a link is harsh. And its commenters even harsher.

* Defrock this POS now!"

And then what, f him?

I don't care about British royalty or their clergy but it's an obviously wrong thing to pray for. Quite stupid. Nature, deity, whatever you choose to call it, cannot react to such a prayer. It doesn't have any spiritual energy so it cannot make any spiritual connection.


edutcher said...

When you think of all the Irish that died because of this church, you understand why most of the marching songs of the US Army are Irish in origin.

ricpic said...

So did the minister explain why homosexuality is such a step up for humanity, or at least Christian humanity, that it's worth praying for? Of course the answer is that there was no reason for the minister to explain his statement because all bien pensants, himself included, KNOW that homosexuality is the next step up. What should be done to him? He should be shot. By a member of his flock. That would at least send a message to the smug class. But it won't happen. The flock is too nice.

Chip Ahoy said...

Yes he did, but it was so lame it's incredible. The sort of thing a very stupid person says without considering the vastly more important things surrounding his reason. Because having a prince that is gay would make the population more accepting of gay people.

ndspinelli said...

The liberal answer to "pray out the gay" is apparently, "pray in the gay."

Amartel said...

That is SO weird. Consistent with the left's constant urge to sexualize children, though. Gross.

MamaM said...


Unclean is the old time Levitical word that befits this weird wish/prayer suggestion.

As for going to Control F church, what I found there was helpful as well befitting my own sorting process.

ampersand said...

WWHtED? (What would Henry the Eight do?)