Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"What's the best luck you have ever had in your life?"

Top voted Reddit comments...

I was a large outdoor concert and some dude walked up said, "no way it's you, man." He then hands me my driver's license that I didn't know I lost somehow.

I won a $20,000 car with a $10 raffle ticket.

On Friday my dad was purging and offered my husband a pair of jeans because they were his size. The second I saw them I was like, FUCK. 24 hours later I sold them for almost $20,000. 1933 mint condition Levis 501s. Thanks to the redditors over at r/rawdenim for their advice!

A new casino opened up near me. So my girlfriend and I decide to go at 3 am on a whim. She won $700 on a slot machine then I won $600 on a machine, we then proceded to leave.

My car broke down on a two lane highway in the middle of the Appalachians, 20 miles from the closest city and with no cell reception. The first vehicle around the bend was my grandfather who lived three hours away. He had randomly decided to go on a weekend trip to the mountains. From break down to being picked up was less than five minutes.


edutcher said...

The Blonde.

Methadras said...

Believe it or not, my ex-wife. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for her and I wouldn't have my daughter if it wasn't for her either.

MamaM said...

The Good Dog and the Best Cats that have graced our home have all showed up, with no search on our end or money changing hands.

Leland said...

The Nurse.

rcocean said...

Besides my Parents? Probably when i was 22 and i'd race another guy on the freeway when we got off from work. Once time i got up to 100 MPH, weaving in and out of traffic.

Talk about Lucky. Talk about young and Dumb.