Monday, November 14, 2016

NYT rededicates itself to honest reporting

It is to make one laugh. Per Fox News Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. writes a letter to his employees that is perfectly risible to all readers outside the NYT building and most likely incomprehensible to readers within it. Skip the Fox reporting, go right to the letter, scan it for a laugh, then down to comments and see not a single reader is buying it.

Sure. Rededicate themselves temporarily but only while there's a Republican president. We know the impulse is there. But nobody expects honesty from them. Then after that it'll be back to sucking Chelsea Clinton's ...

dangling participle.


edutcher said...

Well, every 50 years, it's good to refocus.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is not just the NYT who lies.

Leland said...

Hmm... I got an Access Denied when trying to click the link. But I got to it via a search engine. Here is the letter. All in all; its just another of the many letters from journalist who got the story wrong trying to convince people not to ignore them going forward. For F's sake, Donald Trump is an enigmatic figure? Maybe if the NYTimes carried a cartoon section with Dilbert; they might understand Trump. Idiots should be ignored. Even TOP understands this. [link to Glenn]

Chip Ahoy said...

Leland, to get the link again I googled [fox, nyt] and it came right up top of the list.

Chip Ahoy said...

I just now changed the link, from the results page to the address at the top of the actual page. Thanks for the heads up.

Amartel said...

Okay now you can believe us as we report for the first time in 8 years on the terrible state of the economy, the real unemployment numbers, the multitude of foreign disaster areas along with all the fictional disasters we've been peddling (climate change, infinite racism and sexism).

For now, during by the interim period, I see the media doing divide and conquer semantic nitpicking (the wall) and fear mongering. Where was their semantic nitpicking when Obama was flat out lying to people. Nowhere to be found and, in fact, it was our fault for not understanding Him properly, not letting him be clear. And where was their concern for the evidence-based fears about terrorist infiltratOrs amongst the refugees? Nowhere to be found and in fact we were racists for even expressing such a concern.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The NYT will pivot to put Donald Trump in the worst possible light at all times.

Which is really not much of a pivot.

Leland said...

Thanks Chip. It was a weird message.

AllenS said...

Not. Gonna. Happen.

The Dude said...

Leon, long before he went Gandalf on us.

Sendin' this out to all the guys and gals out there currently enjoying a big ol' bowl of jambalaya.

bagoh20 said...

It will be fascinating to watch the NYT criticise Trump for going all cuckservstive when he goes soft with spending, Obamacare, taxes, immigration, the wall, leaving the Iran deal alone, etc., and the Trumpers having to defend it as pragmatism, reality, bridge building, smart diplomacy, etc.

I mean everybody has to stay with their tribe no matter what. That's what tribes do.

ricpic said...

Did the Times rediscover the homeless yet? They always rediscover the homeless when a Republican occupies the White House. Yesterday's rapturous odor of violets outside the Times Building becomes the stench of urine again.

Chip Ahoy said...

Maybe they'll rediscover gas prices.

I took my truck in to be serviced. Been over six months. The guy said I put 100 miles on it.


I go, "Eh, little old man drives to the bar every Sunday."

No, srsly, I filled the tank yesterday and it was TWO F'K'N DOLLARS a gallon!!11!11!!111!11111!1111111111!!!!!

Remember when nightly news ran a running tickertape of gas prices? Every single night. Good times, good times.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing bags. The media lies. They will frame it in the worst possible way. Trump is a dealmaker. I have said this from the beginning. He is not a conservative. He is more in the line of a New York Conservative Democrat like Ed Koch or Hugh Carey. He is a pragmatist. I am a pragmatist. An ideologue of course. But I am willing to let him make deals to make things happen.

He will be doing a lot of stuff with Democratic support. Even though the Republicans won he is not a captive of the right the way Ted Cruz would have been.

Trump makes deal. To make a deal you have to accept some stuff you don't want to get stuff you do. If he can do the big things like the Wall, ending trade deals, ending bullshit foreign policy deals like the Iran treaty, fixing Obamacare by fostering choice and competition than he will be a very successful President. Watch and see.

Trooper York said...

Right now the media is framing it that Trump is going back on his promise to repeal Obamacare. That is a lie. He is just saying he will keep a couple of provisions that he likes. Catastrophic coverage. Did you hear him talk about the fact he would never let someone suffer who needed help? He said it all the time during the primary. Or did you only listen to the pussy talk? He also wants to include children on the parents policy because of the failure of the millenals to get out of their parents basement. Two reasonable things.

The things he will repeal? The mandate that forces everyone to buy mandated policies that are not tailored to your needs. If you don't want drug abuse protection or contraception or mental health coverage you would be able to opt out and pay less. You will be able to buy from another state as the state exchanges will be abolished. Competition and market forces will be allowed to come into play which will bring cost down. Medical savings accounts will be set up like IRA's to allow young people to accumulated capital when they are not sick. Lots of great ideas that the Republicans have floated as the lying scum media says that they have no plan. Trump will stick it up their ass. Watch and see.

It is the Art of the Deal.

Methadras said...

The NYT claiming that they are going back to honest reporting is like saying water isn't wet. These buffoonish leftists are about as honest as Hillary Clinton impersonating Brian Williams. Who the fuck are the fooling. They might as well have said, "We are going to stop being leftists." the collective outbreak of laughter is enough to kill people.

If anyone believes a word of this, you're a fucking chump. The first person there that should be thrown out a window is Krugman. That's little dwarf better grow some fucking wings.

Trooper York said...

Trump will make mistakes. Missteps. He will say the wrong thing. The press and the left will savage him. But his supporters will support him to the end if he tries to do what he said he would do.

Drain the swamp.

Build the wall.

Put America first.

Trumps supporters won't cut and run like the cucks and the Vichy Republicans do at every turn. The deplorables are a stubborn lot.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, the first rule of medicine is "do no harm"

So Trump is not stupid. He is not going to just end ObamaCare and create more chaos and harm. That would be like throwing people out of the crashing plane without parachutes. There has to have some sort of transition.

And the media are just lying sacks of shit. Yes, Leslie, I am talking about you too.

Trooper York said...

He will do it in an orderly fashion but he will do it. They can piecemeal the destruction because he has control of the Congress. There are plans already ready. He can set a date certain for termination of the old system and set up the new deal as soon as possible.

Don't listen to the media. They are lying sacks of shit. The difference between Trump and JebbieMcRubio is that Trump will call them out on their shit to their face. He will revoked their credentials. He will attack reporters by name and call them out for their lies. They are not used to being held accountable. They don't know how to handle it.

Trooper York said...

The moves I outline do not cause a disruption. In fact it would open up the market. For instance if insurance companies can offer tailored policies at a lower prices they will get back in the market. US Healthcare had stopped issuing individual policies. Now they can go back to it because there will be limited liabilities for limited coverages that people want. They will have a choice. It will expand the market.

Similarly if you want to buy an out of state insurance product you will be able to do that. This will lead to the rise of regional insurance carriers that can spread the risk and the expense and lower the premium price.

Trump will just have to communicate his plan to the people. Over the heads of the lying scum media. He can do that. With tweets. Heh.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Powerline's After Obamacare

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ironic to use Tweets against the leftists.

Making Twitter Great Again.

Free Milo.

Trooper York said...

The Times rededicating itself to journalistic ethics is like Lena Dunham rededicating herself to virginity.

Nobody believes it. Nobody cares.

bagoh20 said...

What happened to burning it down? Draining the swamp?

In stead we get deal making, pragmatism, and all the same old excuses we got from the lame ass ones already there.

They have all three branches now, and the very first thing they do is start cuck, cuck, cucking.

What a bunch of pussy ass bullshit. I understand pragmatism, and reality, but what was all that posing and tough talk about for the last year. All it did was alienate a bunch of people for nothing.

"Trumps supporters won't cut and run like the cucks and the Vichy Republicans do at every turn."

They won't have to run. They just accept it like a good cuck.

Trump caved on Obamacare instantly because Obama talked to him. Trump is tough on people who cross him, but Obama realized right away that all you have to do is kiss his ass a little and you can get whatever you want from him. He's a pushover like that. Now Obama and all the Repubs, and even foreign leaders are doing it. They will be all nice to him and treat him with respect, call him "daddy", and then get him to do exactly what THEY want in return.

You can't drain a swamp without getting rid of the stagnant water. Unless you seriously shrink the size of the government, you are not gonna change anything or fix what ails us. Just a few different people sucking up tax dollars, directing them to different friends, buying new houses in the Hamptons and giving us nothing back. You think these people are looking out for you? Do they know you? Do you have business with the government? They already got what they needed from you. They say "thanks, we'll get back to you again in four years."

I expect more - a lot more. He promised it. You Trumpers promised it, and now you're folding like kids handed candy to stop a tantrum.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

If Trump backs away from repealing O-Care and if he backs away from letting the FBI and his new DOJ go after the Corrupt Clinton Foundation - Screw Trump. I'm willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt for now. He's not even sworn in yet - but the signs are not looking good.

Bagoh lowers the cuck boom.

What happens after newly electeds get a taste of inside the belt-way? *instant insanity* It's like poison walking thru the front door of the White House.

ricpic said...

This just in: bags and April declare Trump a bust! advance.

bagoh20 said...

"This just in: bags and April declare Trump a bust! advance."

Not Trump - Trumpers.

"Cuck, cuck, cuck."

bagoh20 said...

Imagine if a couple weeks ago, April or I came in here suggesting Trump should listen to Obama on Healthcare, let Hillary off the hook, maybe pare back that big wall talk to maybe a fence, hire the RNC chair for Chief of Staff, just for starters.

You know what? We never said anything like that, but if we did, man, what spineless chumps we would have been. AmIright?

ndspinelli said...

I'm willing to give Trump a chance to live up to his promises. The problem here is the Trump lovers are already paving the way to make Trump a hero even if he turns into a fucking tax and spend Dem. I may actually have more faith in Trump than the guy here who is backpedaling like a cornerback covering a speedy wide receiver. There is a showdown coming quickly on sanctuary cities. Guys like the teeny tiny mayor of Chicago are challenging Trump on his promise to withhold federal funds if these cities choose to remain sanctuary cities. There's no deal making here. Trump will either stick to his promise[and be called every name in the book by Dems and the MSM] or cave. I am hopeful he sticks to his guns. He has the vast majority of Americans w/ him on this issue. Even some Hillary voters and Hispanics are w/ Trump on this. We should know within a few weeks of his being sworn in on this IMPORTANT issue.

bagoh20 said...

Look at this graph:

This is no time to go Democrat light with 10% less Leftie calories. It's the opportunity of a nation's lifetime. We could do what many empires have failed to do before decline takes over: pivot back to what made us great. MAGA or die!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I'll praise Trump if he keeps his promises. Isn't that why all you burn-it-downers hated the GOPe? They didn't keep their promises.

Which is it?

btw- If Trump picks John Bolton as Secretary of State - awesome!

Rabel said...

Tiresome and predictable.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

OT: This i s interesting. (rtwt)

Apparently, Trump and team Trump believed the polls and didn't think he was going to win.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The accidental president. LOL!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"On the Friday before the vote, the RNC data team reportedly found him maxing out at 240 electoral votes. Trump’s advisors admitted to the NYT a few days ago that he was “shocked” when he won. This is what’s so funny about Trumpers taunting all of us dummies who believed the polls: Evidently Team Trump believed them too."

Trooper York said...

I always said that I disagreed with a lot of what Trump believes. That he is not a "social conservative" like me. That he is a flawed vessel for the populist movement. What I said was that he was a deal maker. A businessman. That he knew how to get things done. That he was going to do a lot of stuff that I didn't agree with and that I would point it out when he did it.

He is going to pass a lot of stuff with the support of Democrats. Like the infrastructure bill. That does not upset me. I am a realist. As long as he comes through on the big ticket promises I am good to go.

Once again April, Bag and the peeper are doing what they do. Being dishonest.

Trump did not back away from anything yet. He said he would wait and see. You can be sure that Giuliani will not let Hillary slide. Trump doesn't have to say he is going to indict her before the transition is over. He wants to see the evidence that the FBI has and not listen to what is in the lying media. I think that is reasonable. Don't you?

Trump said he would repeal Obamacare but keep some of the parts of it that work. Just like the Republican plans have said all along. What the Three Caballeros want to do is obfuscate and frame it in a way that it is a betrayal and demand that Trump fans repudiate him a couple of days after he got elected. They are as wrong as they have been throughout this process.

They claimed he only was in it to give to Hillary. Wrong. In fact a slander and a lie.

They claimed that he couldn't win. That he was the only Republican who could lose to Hillary. Wrong. And stupid.

They claim that his refusal to kowtow to illegal Mexicans, rampaging savages and Muslim enabling terrorist would bury his chances and he could not win. Wrong. Again.

Shouldn't you take a breath for a minute guys. You look really foolish. You have no credibility. Seriously.

Trooper York said...

April if you believe anonymous sources in the lying scum media then you are even stupider than I thought.

They make shit up. Don't you get it?

I guess it doesn't matter because Trump is gonna resign and give it to Hillary. Right? Wasn't that his plan all along.


Rabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Trump is gonna govern like a conservative New York Democrat. Like Ed Koch or Hugh Carey or even that poor sap Abe Beame.

I can live with that. Trump supporters can live with that. It is a class election not an ideology election.

The conservatives lost just as much as the liberals.

Rabel said...

"If you believe CNN."

If you believe the NY Times.

If you believe Allahpundit.

"I want to believe." - AprilApple

Amartel said...

CNN reports on Trump's interview with that horrible old lady last night:

"I am so saddened to hear that," Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl on "60 Minutes" when she said Latinos and Muslims are facing harassment. "And I say, 'Stop it.' If it -- if it helps, I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: 'Stop it.'"
Trump directed his comments to his own supporters whom Stahl said have written racist slogans or chanted degrading messages -- particularly in schools. It was a powerful appeal to a nation ripped apart by the divisive 2016 campaign. Trump's election has left Democrats angry and many minorities fearful about the future.

Yet Trump also criticized the protests that have broken out in cities across the United States since his defeat of Hillary Clinton on Tuesday.
Trump said he's seen "a very small amount" -- including "one or two instances" -- of racial slurs being directed at minorities, particularly in largely white schools, since his election.
"I would say don't do it, that's terrible, because I'm going to bring this country together," Trump said.
Richard Cohen, President of the Southern Poverty Law Canter told CNN's "New Day" on Monday that there have been more that 300 incidents that their organization has recorded.
"He needs to take a little bit more responsibility for what's happening," Cohen said.

Dammit, Trump. Don't take horrible old ladies like Lesley Stahl and Richard Cohen of the Southern Perverty Law Center at their word. They're both known liars who hate Republicans. Demand evidence. While they're scrambling to back up their ridiculous claims, point to the evidence on the nightly news that leftoids are tearing up the streets night after night and calling for his wife to be raped. Don't throw your supporters under the bus so you can look good. There's got to be an all-purpose come-back that Trump and his people can come up with when the MFM drives by with accusations of racism/sexism/homophobia/fearmongering.

Amartel said...

And where are the calls from Lesley Stahl and the SPLC to get Obama to denounce the racist and sexist and destructive lefty tantrums? Where?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

right- because Allahpundit is on the same level as the NYT. You guys sure are defensive.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I detest the NYT and CNN. CNN was a campaign ad for Hillary. Said so over and over. Makes your disingenuous straw-man lump-fire a bit stale, Rabel.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Looks like Drudge and Savage are getting nervous too. Drudge and Savage - Blasphemy! Heretics! off with their heads!

Is Trump Jeb now?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trump does not have to do much to be a huge success--for anyone who wants America to be (dare I say) great again:

1) Find a conservative pick for Scalia.

2) Kill Obamacare.

3) Kill the Iran Deal.

4) Start dealing with border security and immigration (that is a much bigger issue which will take time--but you have to start now).

5) Roll back Obama's administrative law shadow government (like putting Myron Ebell at the EPA).

If he does those things, the impact will be YUGE. Hillary would have done none of those things. If Trump does those things (and those things can be started right away) we are already winners.

Amartel said...

Savage is all wrapped around the axle because Reince Priebus, GOPe spokeshole and betrayer of conservatives, was selected as chief of staff. But does anyone even know the current chief of staff for Obama? It's Dennis somebody. Who runs the joint? Valerie Jarrett. Now Bannon.

I agree with Evi that Trump should pick a few big things to accomplish and focus on those things.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Amartel: There are thousands of things Trump could do, but he needs some specific victories and all the things I just mentioned are doable (should be done right away) and things he said he would do.

If he does those things it's YUGE.

Reince is the GOPe's Spokeshole! That's funny.

I do not see Bannon as wanting to be working full time at the White House. That would mean giving up control at Brietbart. Maybe I am wrong, but I see him as a big picture guy who Trump can rely on for advice.

Trooper York said...

I have been going to HotAir and have been smacking Allahpundit around a little.

Trump has it figured out. He gets people for the job at hand and if they can't handle it he fires them and moves on. Just the way he did with the campaign managers.

When I hire someone I realize that everybody can do something very well. They just can't do everything. So if you put a person in a position to excel at what he does well you have a good chance at getting things done.

For example I had a hipster chick working for me. She was dirty...didn't wash her hair. Or her twat. But she sold like crazy to other hipster chicks. Older woman and neighborhood types hated her. That was were we jumped in. She did great with what she was good with but couldn't keep her workspace clean as she dropped crumbs and potato chips all over the place. I was constantly cleaning up after her. Drove the wife crazy. But she sold. So I put up with it.

Think of Reince as a dude with a smelly twat that can sell to the Congress. Then it all comes together.

Trooper York said...

Savage is an entertainer. He has to keep his audience entertained. So he has to manufacture a crisis every other day.

Drudge is the same. He has to sensationalize things to get hits and clicks. It is all part of the reality show game. Trump knows how to play that game. He invented some of the rules.

Have faith in the God-Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Think of Reince as a dude with a smelly twat that can sell to the Congress

Thank you for that image!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Trump might be awesome, but if he caves on Evi's list right-out of the gate - then what? Are you guys gonna continue buying koolaid stock?

Rabel said...

11/08/2016 - Presidential Election

11/14/2016 - Trump is a failure!!!!!

Rabel said...

"CNN was a campaign ad for Hillary. Said so over and over."

No. You said that CNN was a campaign ad for Trump. Over and over and over.

Trooper York said...

April will never give Trump a break. She will never give him an ounce of credit. She will never give him a chance. Never.

She was wrong about him. As was bags. Totally. Spectacularly. Undeniably. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

So they will do whatever they can to undermine him and demoralize his supporters. They couldn't even go a week without doing it.

We have heard this song again and again.


ndspinelli said...

Sanctuary Cities. If Trump gives one fucking inch on this easy layup, we have a traitor. Just keep your eye on this one. Again, I'm more hopeful than the bra salesman. He's spinning like Carville w/ a Brooklyn accent. He's shitting his pants and lowering expectations down to retard level. Political horseshit. I think Trump will be righteous on sanctuary cities. The bra salesman doesn't.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Rabel - you lie.

I did say Trump was in this thing to hand it to his old pal. so close!

ndspinelli said...

LOL! WE elected the guy, ass eyes. Your ass kissing vote counted the same as our skeptical votes. Your scared shitless. That's OK. Have some faith.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

did you put a smiley face and a heart next to your vote, ND? If not - you're scum.

Trooper York said...

As usual the peeper doesn't have a fucking clue. I am not spinning anything. I am just explaining it to political retards as I have done all election season.

I told you there would be a Trumpslide when youse guys were saying that he was only in it to throw it to Hillary and that JebbioMcCruzzy would have won easily.

Youse guys have been totally discredited.

Trump will do what he has to do to attack the sanctuary cities. He is going to listen to the Border Control guys on what to do. He is going to pass Katie's Law. If Ryan stands in the way he will be smashed. So he will go along. He is a cuck and a whore. They have their uses. You grab them by the pussy and tell them what to do.

Personally I would smash Ryan now. But Trump feels he can use him and throw him aside like a cocktail waitress at the Taj Mahal. But have no doubt. Steve Bannon is there. He is watching Ryan and McConnel like a hawk. If they try their Washington Generals shit the hammer will come down.

Trooper York said...

Actually that is not the reason April. Just sayn'

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Someone needs to make Trump a video loop of all the insults heaped upon him by Harry Reid, Obama and Seth Myers. Keep Trump pissed off.

Trooper York said...

Trump extended his hand to them. He was complimentary to the raddled old criminal whore and the Jug Eared Jesus. Their side smacked him across the face. They are rioting and the press is in full attack mode already. If they don't get their side under some semblance of control it will not go well for them.

How do you think Trump is going to respond? Do you think he is going to lay down and take it?

Youse guys never learn anything. Sad.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Paul Ryan is in. Like you know - in!

Amartel said...

Yeah, we all knew this was going to happen. BTW, Trooper, when it looked like he was going to lose, you said he was going to lose. You said a lot of things. April politely (and adorably) owned her words and her skeptical point of view. She's still skeptical as all of us should be. The left lost, and looked like complete craven fawning fools, because they stopped questioning authority when they became the authority. Whatever King Putt says! No thanks.

Trooper York said...

Actually I never said that Amartel. Please cite it.

On November 7th I said that "I personally agree with Vox Day and that it will be a Trumpslide.

I take all of the polls with a grain of salt. You are witnessing how in the tank the mainstream media is for the Democrats with the emails detailing how they get the approval of questions or give the debate questions to the Hillary Camp. The polls work the same way. In addition what would have been Republican "rigged" polls like Luntz were not because Trump refused to waste millions on them the way shit heads like Bush and Walker did when they wasted millions upon millions. So Trump has all the pundits, polls and media against him. Even talk show hosts like Beck, Sykes and Hewitt and others who want to make a dollar off of their anti-trump sentiment.

I find it very interesting that Nate Silver is backing away from his confident prediction that Hillary has it in the bag. He is totally hedging so he doesn't look like a complete fool. That is a canary in the coalmine."

April is just doing the same thing she did during the election. Going from site to site doing what she can to damage President Trump and his agenda. Sad.

Trooper York said...

You don't have to worship the God-Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne. But you will not be happy if you don't.

I am trying to help you out buddy.

Amartel said...

It was back during the lull before weiner took his dick out and Comey had to reopen the email investigation. It was looking like there was going to be a depressing Clinton machine win.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I'm adorable! Amartel and my mom agree. :-)

Trooper York said...

I don't remember that. Honestly. I will go back and look and if I did I will apologize. But I don't think you are correct.

Be that as it may we all have an opportunity to reset.

Are you on the Trump train or are you a carping harpy. Just sayn'

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

April, Trump has not caved. If he appoints John Bolton to State, the party has just begun.

I am an optimist on this!

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

If Trump was 100% successful with all those things you state, do you know where that puts us? The same exact place we were in 2008, but with a much bigger debt and government burden than we even had then. That's not draining the swamp. All it took was the reality of winning the job to suddenly lower the bar to "how about we just shoot for being a less ambitious Obama or a Jeb Bush". The country was not great in 2008 before all those things went south. It was sick. It's now sicker. It needs radical surgery. It needs to be truly transformed to a disciplined, individual and liberty respecting example for the world, the way it was founded and designed, because the Dems are coming back, and when they do, they need to find something they can't screw up so easily again. People will not be impressed and inspired with 2008 America after all this lost opportunity. This is the time. There may not be another.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

bagoh20, half empty!

And in 2008 we thought John Roberts would do the right thing...WRONG!

This is what we got. Trump. Live with it and roll with it. It could be way worse.

I want Trump to do well enough over the next four years to get another four years. By then they can't pump enough virgin blood into Notorious RBG and she will shrivel up and die and he will get some more SCOTUS picks.

Trooper York said...

If Trump puts a conservative justice on the court he has done enough. Everything else is gravy.

bagoh20 said...

Oh hell, Romney, Jeb, Cruz, any Republican would do that. We had Bush for 8 years. How did that prevent any of where we are today? If Trump doesn't do more than a typical Republican - I think you call them "Cucks" - then what was the point of all that chest pounding and "agent of change" stuff? It didn't take long did it? As soon you win, and the real test is on, all the bravado melts away. That's the problem with talking shit - sooner or later someone calls you on it. Demand more, or admit you were all talk. Do you really want change, or did you just want to win, so you could feel good and jump around a little. This wasn't a ball game for Christ sake.

bagoh20 said...

"This is what we got. Trump. Live with it and roll with it. It could be way worse. "

If he doesn't make big changes, it will be far worse. That's built in. It's just a matter of time. If Trump fails at making America great again, by unleashing its vitality then the next Democrat that wins will be asked to do the opposite recipe, because that's what always happens. The next Democrat will be a flat out socialist given as much totalitarian power as he needs to "fix" us. This is not pretend. The people gave us a shot. It's not really up to Trump as much as it is up to us to demand greatness, which in America requires nothing more than demanding to be set free. Electing him was the just the first step. What really matters is what happens now, because the whole world is watching. My advice to Trump is Go Big or.... just fucking GO BIG!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Troop - if all we get is one judge - that will be utterly pathetic.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

April, step by step.

You know Notorious RBG and other leftist justices will be drinking virgin blood to try to hang on to 2020.

bagoh20: If he puts guys like Ebell at agencies like the EPA, that will go a long way. Replace a few justices all with conservatives. I understand your concern and it is a legitimate one, but we can only do what we can do. Step by step. Give the guy a chance.

Hey, I even agree with Lyin' Ed on this.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am worried Rudy wants to go to State. We would be way better off with Bolton there. But I understand Rudy gets first pick of the plums.

Trooper York said...

You people are a cancer. I have total faith in the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne. I think he will be a transformational President. I think he will accomplish most if not all of the things he promised. If he does not it will not be for lack of trying. Events and the forces of the duopoly might conspire against him. But I know he will do his upmost to prevail.

I just think you will fight him every step of the way. Just as you did during the campaign. Because he will never be good enough for you.


Trooper York said...

You people are a cancer. I have total faith in the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne. I think he will be a transformational President. I think he will accomplish most if not all of the things he promised. If he does not it will not be for lack of trying. Events and the forces of the duopoly might conspire against him. But I know he will do his upmost to prevail.

I just think you will fight him every step of the way. Just as you did during the campaign. Because he will never be good enough for you.


ndspinelli said...

OCD on display. "Time for Jeopardy..definitely Jeopardy." Posting the same comment twice shows the OCD loop is getting worse.

When you analyze the OCD rants you see the that in the mind of the person, it is really quite clear. If Trump succeeds it is because of his greatness. If he doesn't, it is because, "you will fight him every step of the way." Let me say once again, this ain't about Trump, or even about politics. It is something more visceral. That's why we can't have a logical, unemotional, reasoned, intellectual discussion w/ this person on this topic. And unfortunately, because he is interesting on other topics, his OCD has him commenting little on other, more fun topics. Fucking shame.

The Dude said...

Or, perhaps, that is a quirk of the commenting system. Duplicate comments, like typos, happen.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I was surprised but thrilled by Trump's victory.

I have low expectations. If he just does a few big things, all which he should be able to do with the Senate and House with him, I will be happy. All signs are those are in the works. If he is a transformational president (in a good way) I will be super happy.

It's all good.

MamaM said...

I just think you will fight him every step of the way. Just as you did during the campaign. Because he will never be good enough for you.

That perception happens to be one I hold as well. Enough to repeat it here a third time.

I didn't experience DBQ's double turkey recipe comments, posted under her other pen name as evidence of OCD and can't imagine how or why anyone would find a double comment as evidence of OCD here. Especially not when mourning the loss of logical, unemotional, reasoned, intellectual discussion.

I also have low expectations for Trump. I'm glad he's not Hillary and anything he does that's positive beyond defeating her will count in the good enough category.

When it comes to expectations for commenters, I'd like to see those to purport to value logical, unemotional, reasoned and intellectual discussion to step up to the plate and deliver the same.

MamaM said...

The "error 404" response is still happening, complicating posting and error correction.

Changing "to purport" to "who purport" would be the error, I'd correct and repost in normal circumstance, but won't for fear a double comment might result and bring down more illogical contempt.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, talking about cancers, I also did not appreciate Lyin' Ed accusing me of being a Hillary supporter. I get it that Lyin' Ed was probably going in his passive aggressive mode and maybe he was drunk.

If Lyin' Ed wants to give me shit or gloat about him being right about election outcomes, fair enough. I did congratulate you both for your faith in a Trump victory. As I repeatedly said, I told him I hoped he would be proven right (and he was). I have no problem with that sort of thing. That sort of trash talking is expected. I wll note Lyin' ed's comments about Trump I actually mostly agree with post election.

But calling me a Hillary supporter (and not as a joke)? Fuck that. Those are fighting words. I am still pissed off about that.

ndspinelli said...

The duplicate comment is, as Sixty says, more likely a vagary of this format. The troublesome OCD is the incessant "You're either w/ us or agin' us." We ALL voted for Trump. I want him to succeed. Any sane person can see that. And, there are others here in the same category as me. We don't love..don't even like Trump. But we ALL voted for him. I don't know, did the lovers contribute to Trump's campaign? Is that part of this? I'm truly trying to understand what is @ the core of this dysfunction. But, as I've said, I think this Trump thing is just a pretext for more basic issues.

bagoh20 said...

Why would calling for vigorous change and decrying weakness suddenly be anti-Trump?

Because Trump love is about pretending to be part of his tribe - and not really about change. It's about posing as a tough guy, anti-establishment, bad boy. What a load of crap. Just like all bullying, it can't stand up when finally called out to make good on the threat. Somebody has been bullshitting for the last year. Somebody showed up to the street fight with his light saber and decoder ring.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Because Trump love is about pretending to be part of his tribe - and not really about change. It's about posing as a tough guy, anti-establishment, bad boy

When you're a Jet!

Amartel said...

"I don't remember that. Honestly. I will go back and look and if I did I will apologize. But I don't think you are correct."

I only remember it because it seemed like a very sudden shift from your usual and I was a little worried for you. And if my memory is correct it certainly does not require any apology. Please. We all say stuff. That's the whole point of the commentsphere. It's okay to not be doggedly consistent at all times. Events change things, including opinions. Unless you're a lefty and then the God Emperror O'Booboo and his Glorious Anointed Suckcessor can do no wrong not matter what forever and ever amen PBUThem.

Trooper York said...

Actually peeper I did that comment on my iphone and I have not mastered it yet.

Oh and also....fuck off.

Trooper York said...

No bags it is calling you out for your pompous condescending bullshit. You have been wrong about everything while insisting you are right. It is pretty funny.

Trump just gave you an example of how he operates. He was concentrating on winning the election. While he was doing that he stuck Christie in the backwater of transition planning. Once he won he turned his attention to it and put his real team of Pence, Kushner and Bannon in charge and started firing people left and right. Now establishment pussies like Allahpundit are shitting because he fired Mike Rogers who whitewashed the Benghazi report and was a Christie guy. You can only do one thing at a time. Or a couple of things at time at most. Of course it Trump doesn't do everything at once exactly perfectly these mooks are going to say it is a failure and a farce. Just the way the mainstream media does. It is old man. It is a joke. Give it up. You are ridiculous.

Trooper York said...

Evi I love ed like the retarded child I never had. He gets an idea in his head and he runs with it. He loves to correct things even if he is totally wrong. I have learned to let it go.

He means well and is on the right side of history.

It is like the discussion with Amartel. I seriously doubt that I said that Hillary was going to win. But I make so many comments at so many odd times who the Hell knows. It is possible but really not very likely.

I didn't want to jinx it by continually saying Trump would win but right before the election I gave my final opinion that it would be a Trumpslide. I am reveling in using the meme of "God-Emperor of the Cherry Blossom" throne as an ironic thumb in the eye to the morons who claim that Trump supporters are cultists. I will continue to revel in it as Trump becomes a great and consequential President and laugh at that carping harpies who can't ever get over it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, fair enough! But about the worse thing you can say to someone (at least from my perspective) is they were All In For Hillary.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I share yours and ed's hope for a Trump Presidency.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

As for Christie, he is dead man walking with his two assistants getting convicted on BridgeGate. Why would Trump bring on that sort of headache? Christie can't jeopardize the administration with his own problems. Pence is way smoother anyway. Let him lead this effort.

Rudy gets first choice so if he wants State he gets State. I hope he drive the eunuchs there completely nuts.

As for Mike Rogers...he has to answer for the Benghazi hearings.

I am surprised Carson is taking no position, but I suspect that may be because he does not want to be in government.

Amartel said...

I just realized that Chris Christie looks exactly like Luca Brasi from the Godfather. I was watching the extended version on TV over the weekend and it just hit me.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

A softer doughier version of Luca Brasi, but yes.

Amartel said...

Chris Christie?

Is that you?

Who had him whacked? Who’s Sollozzo, Tattaglia, and Barzini?