Sunday, March 20, 2016

Marilyn's Diary

We had a lot of strange neighbors living as we did in Southern California. There was Sandy Koufax who would come to visit Grandpa for sleepovers in his coffin on day games after night games. This Jewish Lawyer guy named Sterling who kept asking me out and telling me to never to take snapshots with the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Aunt Lily's friend Charlie who had all these weird hippie chicks hanging around and who played the guitar really badly. This strange guy who wore baggy shorts and hung out with a strange gang of illegal Mexicans and waspy white guys in madras jackets. And of course the Carradine brothers. They were really creepy.

These little freaks loved to run around with my filthy cousin Eddie. They would run around peeping in peoples windows trying to catch a glimpse of them naked or having sex. Or in Eddie's case trying to see them pee.

The worst of them was the oldest Davey. He introduced Eddie to the joys of jerking off. But not just regular jerking off. He liked to be choked while he was choking the chicken. That is why when they played "Bonanza" they all fought to be the guy who was being hung. I told Uncle Herman that he should put a stop to it but he laughed it off. So did Grandpa. They thought it was a harmless hobby.

I thought they would all come to a bad end.


chickelit said...

You never see John Kerry, Ted Cruz, and Paul Ryan again in the same photo.

Chip Ahoy said...

I think it is the Driscol guy, (sp however) at insty that posted about the east coast storm dumping snow in "warmest winter ever."

A twofer. A scare about the the reality of a *checks if it's still winter* (an) early Spring storm AND a scare about their boogie-man global climate change.

This threw me. I still don't understand.

The climate sneer is accompanied with "Here is where it began" and a video of the Sammy Davis Jr. and two famous early t.v. guys wearing Nehru jackets with nothing else to the segment except "That's wild man" and the bead necklace worn outside is "his thing, Man." An utterly vapid segment that makes today's vapid entertainment seem actually worthwhile.

What was he thinking? Here's that same thing over again since the 60's, this was the beginning of vapidity, weather in the U.S. reported on British websites is like Nehru jackets, this is stupid and so is that, what, you never seen this before, or what? I'm baffled. I refreshed to make sure it wasn't a browser-loading thing, then opened another browser. What a pain in the ass non-connection. There is no connection between video and news item presented. Just Driscol being silly.

bagoh20 said...

You know who else looks a lot like grandpa Munster?