Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Pope says that Donald Trump is not a "good Christian."

Pope Francis continue tend his flock by informing them that Donald Trump is not a "Christian." While celebrating illegal immigration in a Mass at the border between Mexico and the United States "the pope was asked specifically about comments Trump made about the Pope’s visit to the Mexico border." The Popes response:

"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not of building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the Gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not getting involved in that. I say only this man is not Christian if he has said things like that.'

Thankfully the Pope did not tell Catholics how to vote. I mean he will not tell them not to vote for politicians who promote and legalize abortion or force nuns to buy contraception. Why would he do that? It is not like that is against the teachings of the church and would protect innocent human life or something. He knows that it would not be right to try to influence the political process in such a direct and heavy handed manner. So at least he did not try to directly influence the election to support illegal immigration and the mass invasion of America. He just wanted to label Donald Trump. He had famously said "Who am I to judge?" I guess if the Donald was a sword swallower who wanted to marry a dude he would be off limits.

It is curious that Pope Francis decided to single out Donald Trump. He did not say that Fidel Castro was not a Christian. He did not say that Kermit Gosnell was not a Christian. He did not say that Mary Gatter was not a Christian. He did not say that Dr. Deborah Nucatola was not a Christian. He did not say that El Chapo was not a Christian. He did not say that  Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez is not a Christian. He singled out Donald Trump.

Which tells me just one thing.

Bags has a shot at being the next Pope.


Amartel said...

This is a win for Trump. Obviously political Pope is political. He just removed all doubt and made himself irrelevant. Old people do not understand the internet.

Also, glass houses.

Trooper York said...

Donald Trump makes certain people crazy.

The idea that someone could want to stop the mass invasion of America by illegals and Muslim terrorists just drives them batty.

He just better make sure that he doesn't have any pillows in his room. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Lem I want to apologize. I did not see your post in draft. I guess great minds think alike.


Amartel said...

Nothing to say about the Mexican and other central American governments that allow conditions for their citizens get to a point where massive numbers of people feel the need to up stakes and move entirely out of the country. Crickets so far as those politicians are concerned. Also, politicians who support immigration for cheap votes and cheap labor for their cronies. Obviously on the side of the angels.

Trooper York said...

There is room for more than one post on this matter.

Lem. He contains multitudes.

Trooper York said...

What about the drug gangs that murder thousands and cremate their bodies to cover their crimes? What about the parents who send their children away to who knows what fate? What about the governments that do not even attempt to treat the diseases that are destroying their people?

It is telling what people focus on. Where they take their stand. The Pope couldn't find the time to visit the site of Gosnell's abortion clinic in Philly to pray for the children murdered there. The President can't find the time to attend Scalia's funeral.

Maybe the Pope can take up golf.

Trooper York said...

It just goes to show you.

We have this Pope.

Obama is President.

Lucifer has his own prime time TV show where he is a hero and gets all the babes.

I think I saw a dog lie down with a cat on Youtube.

Amartel said...

The central planners of the mass immigration of tens of thousands of children across Mexico, unprotected, in box cars (!), to be placed in homes/other locations of dubious quality here in the United States: Christians, one and all!

Those who object to the mass importation of feudal labor: UNChristian.

It's all too obvious. It's easier to worship if you're already on your knees.

Third Coast said...

The pope hates capitalism too. Why isn't he using his bully pulpit to implore illegals to leave this capitalist hellhole that's exploiting them and return to their socialist paradises?

ricpic said...

Dumkopf Pope has just given SC to Trump on a silver platter. You'd think he'd have gotten some smart Jesuit advice on how NOT to rile Americans. Probably did but too bone stupid to take it.

Methadras said...

Commie Pope makes commie statements about ones christian faith and how they are not a christian because things like border, language, and culture have meaning to them because Trump wants to build a wall to keep out illegal aliens. Never mind the Pope himself lives behind a wall. The irony and hypocrisy for leftists is never applied and they are tone deaf to it anyway.

windbag said...

I'm curious to know if the Pope would recognize a Christian if he met one.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not of building bridges, is not Christian.

Says the guy who lives in a city/state completely surrounded by giant walls and with his own security. Hypocrite much?

This Pope makes me ashamed of the Catholic Church. Stay out of the political and tend to the spiritual. Political Popes are, historically, a recipe for disaster.

Trooper York said...

You have to admit that this is very strange. Why of all the issues that the Pope could focus on it is Trump that he decides to direct attack. To label as not a Christian. To say that maintain the sovereignty of the United States border makes you not worthy of being a Christian.

I thought he said "who am I to judge?"

Amartel said...

JPII was political but relevant. He was on the side of the downtrodden, not cheerleading the Global Political Elite and their obviously political enthusiasms which coincidentally and unexpectedly lead to bad outcomes for everyone further down the food chain.

Amartel said...

Troop, lefties just can't help themselves. Cheap shots, substance-free analysis, and insults. Completely disengaged from the people they claim to be helping.

Trooper York said...

It is pretty funny that the Pope decides to attack Trump when he is running in a state where the Pope ain't all that popular.

It is almost an endorsement. He would have been better off embracing him to turn off the shit kickers.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Since the Catholic Church is a 501c3 organization and as such is forbidden from involving itself in political activities, choosing sides in politics, advocating for candidates or against candidates......does this anti endorsement of Trump by the HEAD of the organization cause the church to lose its tax exempt status? They can advocate for issues in an apolitical way, but NOT for or against candidates or endorse a political party.

I think that it should lose the status.. There should be consequences for breaking the rules no matter how big or holy you think you are.

The Catholic Church is getting involved in politics. Revoke their tax exempt status.

Titus said...

Tell that to all the southern evangelical churches DBQ.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Titus....they should lose their status as well if they are in violation of the 501c3 rules.

Without exception.

Sydney said...

This pope is just not very smart.

Titus said...

There is an evangenlical preacher on CNN right now who is supporting Trump.

Don't get me wrong. I like Trump, but it works both ways.

bagoh20 said...

Trooper said: "Donald Trump makes certain people crazy."

Don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody can reason with affairs of the heart. I've tried. It's like trying to talk your daughter out of marrying the drummer in a heavy metal band. You care about her, but she's in love with a bad boy, and you just have to let her learn her lesson the hard way, even if he burns down the house.

bagoh20 said...

Considering the problems the Catholic Church has had recently, I'd keep a lower profile than attacking Trump. Mr. Pope sir, you are a sitting duck in a glass house, and throwing rocks is Trump's main claim to fame.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Since the Catholic Church is a 501c3 organization and as such is forbidden from involving itself in political activities, choosing sides in politics, advocating for candidates or against candidates......does this anti endorsement of Trump by the HEAD of the organization cause the church to lose its tax exempt status?

Lol. You forget that not only are they that but they are an actual state with a government of their own. So if nothing else, the legalistics would get a bit trickier than with all those organizations that are not also a foreign government.

Troop, you're getting me and bagoh20 to agree again. I don't know if that's apocalyptic but it's a detour from last night.

Bags - I answered more of what you wanted to call me out on last night by presuming I was price-obsessive, quality-hating cheap bastard who cares only for getting as much junk from China as I can. I understand some of it's unavoidable, but it's hard to see how you can put me in the category of consumer or anything else who's driving that trend.

chickelit said...

Bad Pope.

Chip Ahoy said...

The Pope didn't single out Trump. As I understand it observing from afar, granted the mirror on Titan is bit giggly and the asteroid belt causes some interference, but from where I stand, oh yeah and the fun mirror reflector on Mars, accounting for all that and the whole atmospheric distortion thing, it was a reporter who asked the Pope a specific question of the reporter's obsession.

Unless you believe the questioner a plant such as we see at Hillary Clinton's achingly planned events. It could happen. You'd be excused if you did.

Have the Popesplainers tell it.

(sensing the problem with the Pope's own historically famed physical walls protecting all that's within it from all that's without, they're eager to respond)

He was asked about Trump and the Pope answered metaphorically about building walls metaphorical *cough* walls. See? The Journalist's obsession, not the Pope's who has other higher spiritual value concerns such as not of this world. He meant to say that he prays God soften Trump's heart but that other Freudian thing came out and y'all lunged.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The pope was talking about Trump.

Anti-Trump sentiment is rampant in Europe. And the popes think that if there's a role for them remaining in Europe (and therefore, the world) at all it's in this vague Christian charity regarding kindness. The sort of stuff that keeps it less controversial to Europe's ruling secular progressives.

So he kept his message vague enough to provide the plausible deniability he's forced to maintain.

But Trump won't have it and Trump doesn't need to have it. As Troop said he's going for S.C. anyway. What atrociously bad timing if it was intended to accrue to anyone else's benefit.

Fran probably doesn't understand all those little American internecine Christian religious food-fights anyway. Either way, it's not going to quell the potency of Trump's message and it's not going to win him more friends here for having inserted himself into it.

I like Fran but like all popes it's hard for him to know that just because he says he's not political doesn't mean he's not being political.

bagoh20 said...

This may surprise people here, but I'm no fan of Trump. No really. I'm not.

BUT, I'm wondering how many illegal immigrants live in the Vatican? Is there an open border there, free education, food stamps and welfare?

Maybe we can convince Trump to run for Pope instead. I think it's a much better match for his talents, and ambitions. He's already infallible - just ask Troop.

William said...

I haven't read or seen on television anyone defending the Pope. Trump has brought us together.

bagoh20 said...

BTW, No, I can't be the Pope. I'm a known fornicator. It's all over Youtube - millions of hits.

But, let me tell you this: If I was the Pope, I'd be an amazing Pope. I'd be fantastic! It would be unbelievable how good I'd be. Holy things would be happening so much that you'd be tired of being so holy. God would probably come to my birthday parties. I'd be that good. Just beautiful popage every single day. And the Vatican? You won't believe what I'd do with that. Jacuzzis in every room with the blood of Christ on tap, and not that cheap stuff, high quality blood of Christ. I know a guy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I haven't read or seen on television anyone defending the Pope. Trump has brought us together.

It shows how far the needle of history has moved. There was a time when a pope would have known better than to have meddled in the affairs of an avowedly secular pluralistic regime of mostly nominally Protestant sects founded on enlightenment values. But a lot of history has come and gone since that time. The papacy wants to guide and interfere in the affairs of Europe, but history allows it a say in that. It naturally wants to do in Latin America, because the countries founded there were set about at a time and by empires in which the popes had much greater influence.

But here is different. I don't doubt that the Messicans had cried foul to Fran and compelled him to intervene.

The fourth factor at play now is that this is the time of the great jihad to rekindle the caliphate. Violence everywhere, religious warfare by Muslims, and of course the popes will want to play a useful role. If they can't play a useful role in that then what the heck use/good are they to the type of politics to which they aspire?

So Vatican City is in an all-around more interventionist mood every which way. Islam's got it ruffled, they're trying to reconcile with the Eastern Orthodox, and speak up about Christians in the Middle East.

So naturally the Messicans say, "What about us, boss?"

Hey. He's the papa.

Papa Pope is takin' care o' his chilluns. No American Anglo-Saxons need to be heard. They's all self-sufficient, self-starters like Bags O' Dough anyway. Nope. The pope doesn't need to hear them out.

edutcher said...

Too bad Francis didn't go on world TV to complain about how Mexico abuses its people sufficiently that many must flee to the good ol' US of A to make a living.

Might have done the Mexicans a bit more good.

bagoh20 said...

You know why all this transpired, don't you?

The Pope is a politician too.

Who isn't these days?

You are either a politician, one of their ass kissers, or one of the rest of us few left who still ask questions, even if you whisper sweet nothings in our ear.

AllenS said...

The Pope is a social justice warrior, and that is not good.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The Pope is a Castro ass kissing jerk.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Trump is a
Jerk too.

deborah said...


"Too bad Francis didn't go on world TV to complain about how Mexico abuses its people sufficiently that many must flee to the good ol' US of A to make a living.

Might have done the Mexicans a bit more good."

Right. On. As I understand it, Mexico has mucho natural resources. Violence and kidnaping abound in Mexico city, et al.

chickelit said...

@Lem, do you have the Pope's original remarks in Spanish? I think there's a lefty meme starting that he didn't actually say that Trump wasn't a Christian but rather that he was acting un-Christian, thus invoking the old love the sinner, hate the sin catechism.

Amartel said...

Facepalm for the Strange New Respect for the Pope that's suddenly caught fire on the left. He's "Papa" now.

Amartel said...

New left same as the old left: Always in search of a daddy.