Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Marco Rubio........Male Gigolo

It is pretty amusing to see how all of the FOX commenters and various and sundry Republican and Conservative Luminaries are falling all over themselves to tongue bath Marco Rubio. Even Rush Limbaugh got into the act. He praised Marco as a "True conservative" which I guess is the same thing as being a "True Yankee." Of course there are all kinds of "True Yankees." There are your Mickey Mantles and Derek Jeters. And then there are your Horace Clarkes and Rusty Torres.

Rubio is now the preferred candidate of everyone who wants the Republicans to lose the election. Almost every pundit is telling all of the rest of the field to drop out and leave the field clear for Marco. Even Jeb is getting pressure to drop out and he is pissed. He can't believe that he is being replaced by a Hispanic immigrant to the party.

Hey Jeb what's the big deal. So you are losing your job. It's an act of love baby. Step aside. It's your duty.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rush was all Trump a few weeks and months back.

So.... Perhaps Rush is wising up?

Trooper York said...

No I don't think that is the case. I don't think he ever supported Trump. He used him for ratings and content. Rush is an entertainer. He uses the tools at hand.

He is no more for Rubio than he is for Trump.

bagoh20 said...

Shouldn't your posts be in all caps?

If Rubio is polling best in the general, how is supporting him wanting to lose?

BTW, Your fawning over Trump's partcipation in New York's corruption is what we mean by New York values. I didn't think they reached all the way out there.

Trooper York said...

Rubio is that nice young man that all the old people like. He is respectful and obsequious and oh so helpful. Grandma in Florida is always singing his praises. He helps her with her groceries and runs her car. She can't believe how wonderful he is and how you are a loser who never visits.

Than poor Grandma passes away and you down to Florida to settle her affairs. And you find out that he got into her checkbook and looted all of her accounts.

Marco Rubio...Male Gigolo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Listen to Marco Rubio speak -- he is leaps and bounds smarter and a million times more articulate than "It's gonna be great, I'm gonna be great.." Donald.

Trooper York said...

Really bags. I was not fawning over Trumps corruption. I was teaching you how it works in New York. It's reality buddy. Don't be naive for crying out loud. I thought you were a business man. You never had to pay someone off?

Chip Ahoy said...

True Yankee blue Civil War uniform Micky Mouse fireplace mantle oil derrick jet setters Quintus Horatuius Flaccus rusty bullfighter. I know, right?

I'm with ya, Man, I'm totally with ya.

Third Coast said...

Here's just one reason why I can't stand Rubio. He reminds me of one of those earnest little twerps that run for 10th grade class president so all the teachers will pat him on the head. We already know he's for "common sense" amnesty legislation, just ask him. In fact, he's probably not much different on immigration than the Hildabeeste is. I have no doubt he could get behind "sensible" new gun control laws if someone with deep pockets twists his arm a little and pats him on the head. Yup, he'll do the job real Americans won't.

bagoh20 said...

I never paid someone off in business, never, because that isn't how it works everywhere or with everyone.

"I was teaching you how it works in New York."

So why be upset with calling the New York way "New York values"? Embrace it or denounce it, but it's not how we all work. I also believe you when you say it's how Clintons, Schumers, Pelosi, Reid, and Trump do it.

I don't want all of America run that way, and it only will if we vote for it, as New Yorkers have done for generations. L.A. is run by a different form of corruption that is more stupidity rather than payoff driven, but for the same reason: it's what the voters voted for.

I just won't play that payoff game, and it has cost me some success, but that does not bother me one bit. I don't want to by the code of Tijuana, or New York, and I don't need to be biggest, but I do need to be decent, and not support the crap. I don't cheat in sports, or relationships either, even if it has it's advantages.

Trooper York said...

I am not upset that he used "New York Values." I understand what he was doing. He was using a dog whistle. "New York Values" refers to the Jews. He was signaling to the Evangelicals. Trump tried to subvert that by getting Falwell's endorsement but it wasn't enough.

You are getting me wrong. I am not hating on Cruz for fighting dirty. I applaud it. I just don't call it something other than what it is. Trump fights dirty. Cruz fights dirty. Politics isn't bean bag. All if fair game.

Trooper York said...

By the way I contacted my Cousin Cardinal Dolan. You sainthood application is in the mail buddy.

Mazel tov bubbe.

Third Coast said...

And the errand boy also voted for this.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Marco is saliva deficient or something.

What's up with that?

Trooper York said...

Lizards are like that Lem.

Trooper York said...

I think you can peal back his face and he will look like the alien from V.

bagoh20 said...

" You sainthood application is in the mail buddy.

I think those of us who refuse to play that game are the majority in business, not some rare saints fighting against the wind. Most business people are not what you see in Hollywood movies. I bet you aren't either. Otherwise there would be a looming tower in Manhattan with giant gold breasts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I know a lot of big-time money makers in this state. None of them would condone law breaking and under the table deals. What ever happened to the rule of law?
Went out the window with Trump and Billary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm working with a man who is worth over 100 million. That said, he likes Trump so - nevermind.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Otherwise there would be a looming tower in Manhattan with giant gold breasts.

True that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Each and every GOP candidate has a list of imperfections.

Perfection is not on the menu. The alternative Sociopath /or/ Socialist is not acceptable.

ricpic said...

Hey Lucy, you said you wanted a bigger family, right? Remember how I was joking about a gang of 8? Well, think big is my motto so I just went out and imported, er...adopted 8 MILLION little Rickies to make our happy home even happier...and more crowded...and more dirty.....and more noisy.....Lucy?...LUCY?....Mommacita always told me the gringas had thin blood.

Rabel said...

I'm undecided on Rubio but leaning towards "I don't trust him."

Why? Every time I've heard him speak, whether in a debate or an interview, he pulls pre-written talking points/mini-speechs out of his head instead of responding directly to the questions. It's a nice talent, Obama has it, others do it but not as slickly. But if you listen carefully or read a transcript it becomes apparent that those talking points are carefully crafted to appear to say something without really saying anything. It's almost Clintonian in nature. He has an encyclopedia of prepared responses available on demand, but I would like to see him in a format that reveals to me what he really is thinking. I haven't seen that yet.

I went from mostly positive to mostly negative during the Fox Business News debate (the last one Trump was in) when the FBN moderator asked a very well phrased question on Rubio's position on immigration, legalization and amnesty. My ears perked up and I thought I would finally get a clear reading on just where he stood on the immigration issue. Instead Rubio dodged the question and went into a mini-speech on terrorism. It was disappointing.

Amartel said...

"Otherwise there would be a looming tower in Manhattan with giant gold breasts."

OMG thread winner. As usual.
Yuuuge fantastic shiny solid gold making America great again only the best breasteses. With a giant brassiere supplied by Trooper. For a small fee.

chickelit said...

You are getting me wrong. I am not hating on Cruz for fighting dirty. I applaud it. I just don't call it something other than what it is. Trump fights dirty. Cruz fights dirty. Politics isn't bean bag. All if fair game.

Hey, nobody fights dirtier than Dems so I'm glad that dirt isn't everything.

bagoh20 said...

The vast majority of business owners I know, both big and small, are very straight reliable people who want nothing to do with corruption. They don't want to be good at it, they don't want to play it, and they gravitate to other who are same. It's not a purely ethical motivation. It's just so much less stress and risk. When you are dealing with people who buy others or who can be bought, you have to worry if someone else is gonna offer more or rat you out, or just be a dishonest fuck. When you find someone honest, whether another owner or an employee, you hang on to them, protect them, and send everything you can their way. Besides that, it just feels good to work with people like that - my best customers, my best vendors, my best employees. A handshake and smile that's better than a contract and good as gold - that's what it's all about.

bagoh20 said...

I'm no Trump, (I only inherited $1000 at age 17), but I've had a few successes. Some of my biggest wins in business have been against dishonest competitors who bought their way in, or paid off employees to get in, or some other dirty politics. Once they're out, the customer never gives them another chance.

How can you ask others to play fair or be honest when they know you are dirty? You are asking them to be chumps. I have relationships involving big money that are based on nothing but a handshake and mutual respect. I absolutely love that, because those are the most dependable, easy, and profitable relationships. Flyover country values are not just for the midwest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Honest business is what people love. There's an entire industry based on outing bad business practices. Locally, Tom Martino does it.. (though he too is no angel.) You want to take advantage of people and cheat them? That only lasts so long.

I run a tiny business. I never require a contract or money up front. I work hard and invoice later. I've been fortunate to have amazing clients. I also pride myself on the positive and honest relationships I have forged with others in the industry who I depend on to make what I do happen. Still, I find that everything is a contract and a paper-trail... and legal documents... a sign of the times.

ampersand said...


bagoh20 said...

Whoever you vote for, vote for people you respect for their values and their reliability on them. Let's raise the bar in this country.

bagoh20 said...

""New York Values" refers to the Jews.".

That assumption itself is a perfect example of NewYork values. Outside of New York, Jews are just white people, Cubans and Puerto Ricans are Mexicans, and everyone else is Black or Chinese.

ricpic said...

You're not going to sway me with your high-mindedness, bags, ha ha ha ha ha

bagoh20 said...

My whole point is that it's NOT high-minded. It's just American. Most of us are not Trumps, or Clintons, or Schumers, or Pelosis. I want leaders that reflect and respect us. Is that so out of reach? You take your Mike Tyson - I'll take my Holifield or Foreman. You bite off ears - I'll work hard, and play fair.

Tough guy

Rabel said...

"Outside of New York, Jews are just white people..."

Perceptive. Insightful even. It encapsulates several complex and competing concepts in a single phrase. The first time I can recall seeing them all expressed with such clarity. A bit of an over-generalization, yes, but the smartest thing you've said in several weeks.

bagoh20 said...

Yea, well I'm clearly not an "intellectual".