Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Call for Rahm to resign

"THERE’S been a cover-up in Chicago. The city’s leaders have now brought charges against a police officer, Jason Van Dyke, for the first-degree murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. But for more than a year, Chicago officials delayed the criminal process, and might well have postponed prosecution indefinitely, had it not been for a state court forcing their hand."
They prevented the public from viewing crucial incriminating evidence — first one police car’s dashboard camera video; now, we learn, five such videos in total. And these senior officials turned a blind eye to the fact that 86 minutes of other video surveillance footage of the crime scene was unaccountably missing...
The video of a police shooting like this in Chicago could have buried Mr. Emanuel’s chances for re-election. And it would likely have ended the career of the police superintendent, Garry F. McCarthy.
And so the wheels of justice virtually ground to a halt. Mayor Emanuel refused to make the dash-cam video public, going to court to prevent its release. The city argued that releasing the video would taint the investigation of the case, but even the attorney general of Illinois urged the city to make it available...
Meanwhile, the state’s prosecutor, Ms. Alvarez, concluded that there had been no evidence of tampering when police officers allegedly erased 86 minutes of video footage from Burger King surveillance cameras close to the location of Mr. McDonald’s shooting by Officer Van Dyke. The missing footage was from 9:13 to 10:39 p.m. — bracketing the time when Mr. McDonald was shot (around 9:50 p.m.).
City leaders did everything in their power to keep the homicide from the public as long as possible. Indeed, Mr. Van Dyke was indicted only after the forced release of the videos...
There is good reason to appoint an independent commission to investigate the conduct of these public servants. But frankly, at this point, who would trust Chicago’s political institutions or criminal justice system?...
An investigation would create further delay in justice and distract our attention from the real issues at hand: the senseless death of a 17-year-old, and the systemic problems of excessive police violence and lack of accountability.
Rather than hold hearings, investigate and perhaps prosecute its leaders, the city of Chicago needs to restore trust. These officials no longer have the public’s confidence. They should resign.
UPDATE: Rahm: "We have a process called the election. The voters spoke"

Mark Knoller ‏@markknoller 20 minutes ago (White House correspondent)
WH says @POTUS has seen the video of police shooting of Laquan McDonald, but withholding comment so as not to interfere in judicial process.
How come the Ferguson officials didn't this accommodation?


AllenS said...

I'll give you my crown when you pry it from my cold, sweaty hands!

bagoh20 said...

The shooting should not have cost them anything, but the cover up should cost them all their jobs.

Private citizens would go to jail for such a thing.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It may take a few days but I think he's toast.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If The God Father resigned - and Hillary were indicted, - that right there would be some real social justice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor Rahm

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So Michael Brown was fake outrage. This is REAL outrage. Where is the hack press on this? *crickets*

Methadras said...

In our little dust corner of the internet, one has to wonder if what we say anymore means much of anything. These motherfuckers will say and do anything to retain their power. They are willing to use action instead of words to keep it, but we use words instead of action to fight against them and with little to no effect on any outcomes. I know we get to blow off steam and write down a lot of wish fulfillment, but this is real stuff with real consequences and these elites are willing to fuck you over so they can keep their shit intact and frankly I think it's time for a little mob justice to kick into effect and put these bastards in a hole somewhere with no regrets.

April, you are worried about the hack press. They don't care because they are on Rahm's side and Obama's side and the leftist side. They could give two craps about what you think.

Bag, this is the essence of the inequity of injustice, law for thee, but not for me. People like Rahm, Clinton, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, et al. should be swinging from a rafter somewhere while being flayed alive for what they've done to this country and yet nothing happens. We fear the repercussions of acting out against these evil villains, but they have zero qualms acting out their villany against all of us. I think that time has come to an end.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Isn't the Benghazi coverup is bigger than Rahm's?

ndspinelli said...

Rahm was part of the SWAT team that handled the Lewinsky scandal. The plan was simple, DO NOT RESIGN, MAKE THEM IMPEACH. I would say the odds are 70% he survives. I think the odds for Anita Alvarez surviving are 50/50. These people are soulless beasts. We normal people have no frame of reference within ourselves to understand how they think.

ndspinelli said...

Well, most of us are normal.

edutcher said...

When the Chiraq papers start demanding it, let me know. what the Gray Lady says means nothing outside Lexington Ave.

ndspinelli said...

Rahm was part of the SWAT team that handled the Lewinsky scandal. The plan was simple, DO NOT RESIGN, MAKE THEM IMPEACH

Difference is Willie was supposed to be a "charming rogue" who presided over peace and prosperity (both of which were lies, but that was what the media told us).

OTOH, does anybody actually like this psychotic? I'm betting not.

Also, Tippytoes would have to be impeached by his own party. The Rs count for nothing in Raqqa By The Lake.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hack press no care? Cheesus I'm shocked and broken.

bagoh20 said...

I think things are starting to go pretty well on the cultural warfare front. The left is consuming its own all over the place. Their failures, and untrustworthiness are on display like I have never seen in my lifetime. Pretty much everywhere the left has power is a disaster right now: the Press is less trusted than ever, education is in freefall, Democrat run havens are mostly either burning down or stagnating. Dems are losing vast parts of the country electorally, and leftism everywhere is showing its stupidity and incompetence more clearly to more people than ever before. The worst thing that could happen right now would be for someone or a group of someones claiming to be conservative to take violent action, and hand over the sympathy, momentum, and trust back to the left again. Conservatives have a rare opportunity to be the grounded reliable adults everyone is starting to miss right now. The biggest mistake available to the Right would be to abandon our first principles of peace, freedom, and reason for the temptation of overreach and force.

Trooper York said...

How did being the responsible adult in the room work out for Mitt Romney?

You can't fight fire with almond milk. Just sayn'

bagoh20 said...

Like I asked before, is it true that anything Romney did or was is now wrong because he lost an election? I guess that makes what Obama did pure genius. I think Romney would win easily today.

"Politicians, like generals, have a tendency to fight the last war." ~~ John Bolton

bagoh20 said...

The fire is consuming itself.

"When your enemy is in the process of destroying himself, stay out of his way." ~~ The Art of War

bagoh20 said...

We have a huge shooting going on right now out here in San Bernardino, CA, Near L.A..

Up to 20 shot. Multiple gunmen on the loose.

Trooper York said...

So you don't want to get down and dirty and fight the left bags? You think they are going gently into the good night? That they are going to play with the Marquis of Queensbury rules?

ampersand said...

He ain't going nowhere. Does the NYT think Obama's justice department is going to investigate his first chief of staff? Do they think Rahm's buddy Governor Rauner (The guy who made Emmanuel a multi millionaire) is gonna say a thing?

Oddly the last time Cook county was under major investigation was under Carter's administration. They had to stop though when they realized that if they continued every dem would have been sent to the slammer.

BTW message to Chicago baby mamas. Load up little TyShawn with PCP ,hand him a knife ,drop him off in any non black area. There may be a 5 million dollar payoff waiting for you.

deborah said...

I assume the city council or whomever would not impeach for fear of mob retaliation. The same for citizens signing a recall petition with their names and addresses on it. I think Rahm no go bye-bye.

ampersand said...

The Chicago city council does absolutely nothing unless you hand them a large sack stuffed with cash divisible by 50.

bagoh20 said...

"So you don't want to get down and dirty and fight the left bags?"

If that means showing everyone that the Right is just as unhinged as the left with less fee gifts, then no, I don't. That will lose what should be an easy win. I want to be tough, principled, optimistic, and vigorous. I want to be what the left is not. Otherwise what's the point of winning anyway? I don't want new fascists who just happen to wear the right color sox. We are winning, and by the only means we ever can - the left's own failure. Republicans are winning across the country, and it's not the firebrand ones, but the grown ups - tough, determined, reasonable grownups pointing out the fools and crooks.

Trooper York said...

You mean grown ups like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and John McCain and Lindsey Graham and all the rest who have been so effective in passing and implement conservative programs? The ones who defunded Planned Parenthood after they were caught sellinng baby parts? Stopped the Iran Nuclear Treaty? Ended Obamacare? Those grown ups. Tough, determined reasonable grownups?

Amartel said...

The left is not going to go gently - it's going to have to be wheeled from the halls of power strapped to a gurney, heavily medicated and still straining obscenely against its bonds, veins apopping, screaming nonsensical obscenities, and clutching its personal voodoo guru/sex toy. (Madame Speaker, this is unseemly!) We're all going to have to resist the urge to quietly overdose it and dump its fetid scabby carcass into the nearest slurry pond.
(Justified, or too much Justified? You make the call.)
It's certainly not ever going to play be marquis of queensbury rules. And never has.
No big surprise there.
So who is saying that either of these things are going to happen? Going gently while playing M of Q rules?
You are implying - wish fulfilling - that these are the presumptions of people who aren't committed to the Trump Candidacy. Like everyone else is just some variation of an Establishment Bush-voting droid.
Your wish is not my command, Grand Poobah.

Trooper York said...

Not really April. I don't think people like Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton or Jeff Sessions or Mike Lee are going to surrender to the dictates of the left. I am asking Bags what the hell he is talking about. Because it sounds like more of the same bullshit that we are have heard from the Republican establishment.

Trooper York said...

I just think we have to fight to the knife. I know Trump will do that. I hope Cruz will. I don't think the rest off them will jack shit.

Trooper York said...

Will do jack shit.

What bags is describing is the rationale for Jeb Bush. I reject that utterly and totally.

Trooper York said...

Listen Trump is far from my preferred candidate. But he is moving the needle in the right direction. He is forcing shitheels like Rubio to toe the line on immigration. He is clearing the way for the rest of them to be conservative.

He makes Ted Cruz look reasonable to the establishment. He is adsorbing the flack.

But the thing is he might win. Because the white working class is sick and tired of where we are going. Trump energizes them. The rest of them? Not so much.

deborah said...

Ampersand, so there are 50 council members :)

ndspinelli said...

I am on record for over a decade saying that this country was prime for a demagogue. Many looked @ me like I was a homeless person ranting. People are fed up and angry. Demagogues appeal to our dark side. They are not the answer. They are a guilty pleasure, like Reality TV. Well, for the type folks who get something out of Reality TV.

The emergence of a Reality TV buffoon as a demagogue is just so fucking "perfect." I wonder if those midgets and duck guys will be part of the Trump cabinet.

Trooper York said...

Listen the duck guy would be a big improvement over John Kerry. He would not sell out our country. He would not say that he can understand the "motivation" of people who murder cartoonists. Reality TV stars like the Duck Guy are just regular Americans. Not pointed headed elitists who despise everyday Americans.

And the midgets? What's the big deal. I have met the midge doctor lady in person and she is a hell of a good person. Fifty times a bigger person than that piece of shit Hillary.

Trooper York said...

Dr. Jennifer Arnold who is the female half of the little couple is a noted neonatologist at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. She is whip smart and a kind and generous person. Just because she is small in stature does not mean she is a child. Or a dummy. She would be vastly preferrable to any member of Obama's cabinet.

Amartel said...

Trump compels issues out into the open, issues that would never have been discussed, at least not honestly. Immigration being the big example, Muslims cheering 9/11 being the most recent example. He outs the establishment GOP as the banana republicans that they are. They'd rather vote for Hillary than vote for someone who doesn't toe their corporate line. They were fine with loyalty oaths back when they thought they were going to win. Fuck 'em.
(BTW, these characters hate Cruz at least as much as they hate Trump.)
That being said, we already have a demagogue/demigod on the throne, banging his spoon on his highchair like he's king, refusing to compromise much less do his job, clinging to his weather binkie and racial paranoia and other fictions, turning good people against each other. He's protected by the media so most people don't realize what a defect he is. Trump will not be so protected. In fact, they'll go against him with impunity. The GOPe will be on their side. I like Trump. I respect Trump. It is not at all clear that he will be a good candidate in the general. And attempting to bully people (why? WHY?), especially people like Bags who are not amenable to such talk, to put it mildly, and appeal to "tribe" loyalty, does not inspire confidence that this will be a successful candidacy.

Trooper York said...

Listen it is perfectly acceptable to lie down and take it like Leo did with the bear. Go the Romney way. Go the Mitch McConnell way. That seems to work. Right?


ampersand said...

so there are 50 council members

Yup. I am acquainted with someone who does business with the city. To do so,every week a plain envelope with cash is delivered to city hall.

Another friend who worked at Midway airport related how a pig ignorant friend of a past Cook County board president was handed the food and bar concessions.

The FBI, if it wasn't constrained, could probably have all 50 of them behind bars in less than a week.

Trooper York said...

I have a great Rifleman post ready to go but I am afraid to post it because of the recent shootings.

I don't want anyone to wet their pants.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Not really April. I don't think people like Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton or Jeff Sessions or Mike Lee are going to surrender to the dictates of the left. I am asking Bags what the hell he is talking about. Because it sounds like more of the same bullshit that we are have heard from the Republican establishment.

I understand where bags is coming from and that is he has too much to lose in that if he does endorse what I've been suggesting, well, that's bad for business. I get it, he doesn't want to get his hands dirty, he doesn't want to have the appearance that he has to bring himself and his principals low and play with the snake. He would rather take the stiff upper lip stance and while the leftist demons will just go around him and fuck him anyway. After all, keeping your principals intact while being raped in the ass still somehow makes you look good and reasonable.

Why just look at that guy over there, will ya? He's getting fucked but look at him take it like a man. Look at those principals, just look at how optimistic and vigorous he is while getting fucked and fleeced and they aren't even using lube.

Except it's not about looking unhinged, what is failing to be realized here is that the left has been attacking the right in an unhinged way for decades and the right just keeps smiling and taking it like everything is okay. How much longer is this going to continue before something is done. Bags thinks the right will look unhinged if it gets down and dirty with the left and that just won't look good. What he doesn't realize is that if you utterly destroy your enemy, then they will never care what you look like in your victory. Roll in the mud with the pigs, slaughter them and get your bacon, then take a shower, wear a nice suit, and have a nice BLT afterward. See how that works?

ndspinelli said...

Anger is a superb motivator in the short run. It can get people to move mountains w/ the energy created by anger and hate. But, it is short lived. It implodes. And then it gets even worse. I don't think, or believe, or feel, there are many choices between Reality TV stars and liberal elitists. I KNOW it. Angry ideologues want you to believe it's "their way or the highway."

ndspinelli said...

"You're either with us or agin' us." I always say fuck you to that. Always.

bagoh20 said...

All that's gonna happen is an election. Either a socialist will win or something a little less socialist. I just want the most conservative candidate that can win to run for the Republicans. There won't be an uprising, and the left will continue to lose a lot of power if it continues to lose elections like it has.

We put up with a lot of shit to get where we are now when a majority of people are finally seeing the truth in what we have been saying all along. It would be a truly disappointing thing to look back on if we blow that once in a lifetime opportunity out of impatience and emotion. It's like a lineman who picks up a fumble and has a clear run to the goal line and gets so excited that he trips and falls on his face 5 yards from a touchdown. We are being handed this election on a silver platter. We shouldn't be getting all excited about a guy just because he has some schtick that's entertaining us. Trump might be a good candidate, and maybe a good President, but so far he's just got some people infatuated with the right wing version of a sharp pants crease. I got no thrill up my leg for him.

Trooper York said...

Show us on the doll where the reality show person touched you. Don't worry. You are in a safe place.

Amartel said...

"Attempting" is the key word. The "not succeeding" part is implied. No trigger warnings requested or needed.

bagoh20 said...

Falling for the bad boy and getting your heart broken is nothing to be ashamed of. We may be disappointed, but we will always love you.

Amartel said...

Mayor Emmanuel knows where the bodies are buried so he'll be okay. Crime will soar and the bodies will pile up and there will be no accountability or transparency. Off to Cuba for a well earned vacation in socialist paradise, where the natives have learned to keep their heads down and be quiet and the rulers have learned that crime does, in fact, pay. Quite well!

ndspinelli said...

Who knew an alleged conservative could be in love w/ a pro abortion, socialized medicine, gun control, Clinton buddy, Manhattan elite, candidate. Reality TV must be like crystal meth. I bet there are many meth tweaker Trump voters.

deborah said...

Thanks ampersand, interesting info...that's alotta council members, but it is a big city.

Bago, I've read that even if we get a Dem prez, across much of the nation, governors and state houses are tending Republican.

XRay said...

This may be an ignorant statement, not my first. But it seems, at times, as if we'd rather eat our own versus fight that which needs fighting. I perhaps flatter myself in thinking we're all better than that.

There does seem to be a small, slight, sliver, of substance, that the tide might ever be so altering. We shouldn't piss on that. Sorry, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

Methadras said...

XRay said...

Sorry, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

No, but it could burn in a day. Having said that, this isn't about eating our own, but rather putting past these long decades of tepid and apologetic responses that the GOP has tended to become instead of dealing with the rabid dogs that Democrats have become. People wonder how we got here. I'll tell you how, the slow incremental implementation of leftist ideology within the halls of governments as it transfers to lower and higher education. That's how and now you see the fruits of that labor; Abortion, social engineering, climate change, revisionist history, general antipathy, apathy, and debauchery on a cultural level, over regulation, the chipping away of freedoms and liberties, speech and gun rights under attack, the removal and expungment of God as a central tenant of our founding, the creation of the welfare state as a misguided foray of compassion, egregious taxation, central planning and control of the economy, corruption, cronyism, utter distrust of the political process, unfettered illegal immigration, the dissolution of borders, public employee unions, government compelled healthcare, and a myriad of other things that leftism has created or chipped away at over nearly 100 years of glacial political movement within the US and there is no abatement on the horizon when you factor in our transitions from the pre-industrial age to the industrial age, to the atomic age, to the technological age, to the information age we are in now. Where government has insinuated itself via it's official religion, Leftism, into nearly every aspect of your life on a daily basis.

No need for DPRK style daily instruction voice being piped into your government funded living quarters when your daily anxieties can be flipped on and off at the end of your mobile device that you use for your instant gratification needs for incessant information. They've plugged you in now and it's too late. They don't need to have you by the balls now when they already have your brain and those of your children. Show me anywhere where you see leftism/progressivism being abated or extinguished? It creeps ever forward producing more of its proles while silly old conservatives just smile, grin, and bear it, watching themselves become slowly extinct because mommy and daddy government are here to soothe leftists babies wants, needs, and desires as long as they keep the gravy train rolling. Perpetually wanting to be swaddled and cared for, so silly things like a conscience and anxiety can be allayed in their safe spaces.

It's too late to be Mr. Nice Guy. Either we are serious about restoring America in a conservative mold that is about freedom, liberty, constitutional protections and rights that it has generally operated under except for the last 40 years or we let the leftists win, rewrite what this country is and join them. If we are serious about reversing this trend, then that means that blood will need to be spilled and skulls will need to be crushed. The long game is over, Leftism won. We had a revolution to shirk the yoke of tyranny via a monarchy and leftism is the new monarchy only to be met by internal strife that nearly split this country apart and dissolved it. So now we are faced with a new battle and war against an evil ideology that shows no sign of weakening.

Everyone talks about conservativism gaining ground at the state level. Well, that's all well and good, but we all know that the fed is where it counts and we have clowns who have rolled over more times than I can count to appease the biggest clown of all occupying 1600 Penn. Ave.

rcocean said...

We need someone with experience and who's level headed and moderate. A pragmatist.

I suggest: Bob Dole, Mitt Romney, or John McCain.

We'll win for sure.

rcocean said...

As for Rahm, who cares? They'll just replace one crook with another.

Its the Chicago way.

Trooper York said...

Why does Trump bother people so much. Why do they fear him. They have lost all perspective. They just sound looney. If he is just a reality show boob then they have nothing to fear. But they are just losing their shit.

Of course it is mainly people who voted for Obama but want to pretend that they have an open mind. It is quite amusing to say the least.

Trump is trolling the shit out of them! Ya gotta love it!

ndspinelli said...

I think the attraction is both Trooper and Trump have failed Reality TV shows. You want to bring up my 2008 vote, I will drill you right in the fucking ribs, big boy. I'm not scared, I'm disgusted and embarassed by the buffoon.

G Joubert said...

Here we have in the Republican primary a candidate who has shown over and over again that he's willing to say the things that absolutely need to be said, but that all the other R candidates are too wimpy or chicken to say. Like about illegals and illegal immigration. Like about ISIS. Like about our China policy. And he won't back down from the MSM, he stands up and goes toe to toe with the leftards AND phony rightards at CNN, Fox News, wherever they are. Add, he's also a candidate beholding to nobody but himself, and he can't be owned. We can be sure the words coming out of his mouth are his, not a K street lobbyist or the Chamber of Commerce. Like Rush Limbaugh says, the media didn't make Trump, so they can't lay a glove on him. And he drives the media crazy, makes their heads explode. All in all, he's teaching the rest of the field the way to victory. Anybody who calls themselves a conservative should be rejoicing to the rooftops that we finally have a candidate like this. Instead they want to kick him out of the race and deal us a Bush or Rubio shit sandwich. Well some of us aren't buying. Trooper is right.

G Joubert said...

Reaganesque is what Trump is. Flat-out.

ndspinelli said...

I don't listen to Limbaugh. I did for years, providing me entertainment for 3 hours while doing surveillance. But then he got real angry after rehab, and was no longer funny. I can see he is the Grand Poobah Angryman behind this Trump demagoguery.

When this demagogue was not a candidate he gave us his real thoughts. He was for citizenship, pro abortion, universal healthcare, a Clinton clone. Then he decides to run, for reasons that are shrouded in mystery, and he is transformed into a right wing darling. There is one very fundamental thought that I share w/ all you Trump Dittoheads. I DESPISE the Duopoly and MSM. As much as you folks want an outsider, I want one even more. Trump ain't the guy. But, I can see this is not logical, it is emotional for you fine people. And, you are fine people, I don't say that cavalierly or sarcastically. That nut job Perot, provided a valuable service, bringing up issues that needed to be discussed. He also provided the deflected votes for Bubba to be elected. I'm fairly certain this is what Trump is all about.

bagoh20 said...

I'm not saying Trump is definitely a mistake. Nobody can know that, but I am saying the willingness to ignore everything else just because the style excites you is exactly how we got the Constitution ignoring guy who never learns from mistakes that we have now

So, someone in here is gonna be wrong. I sincerely hope it's me, because otherwise we are gonna end up with either President Canckles, or a President who is gonna make the Constitution dead once and for all by showing that it doesn't matter which party we elect, we all just like us some tyrants if they say the right shit.

I will come here and say I was wrong, and I hope I have too.

Trooper York said...

Trump is not ba failed Reality Star. In fact he is one of the most successful reality or better yet TV stars ever. His show was one of the top rated TV shows last season. His presence in the debates has led to unprecedented ratings.

You really have to discount what Obama voters have to say about Trump. They pretend that cruell neturality or theiir Godlike omnipotence about every subject under the sun allows them to lecture to we lower creatures. But the mere fact that they voted for Obama means we should reject everything they ever have to say about politics.

It would be like asking Ed Gein for cooking tips. He was from Wisconsin too you know.

bagoh20 said...

"In fact he is one of the most successful reality or better yet TV stars ever. His show was one of the top rated TV shows last season. His presence in the debates has led to unprecedented ratings."

Same for Kim Kardashian, and I bet if she was in the next debate it would break all previous ratings. Besides, we would get Kanye as our first thug. In fact, what's the difference between Kanye and The Donald? Ginger Power, motherfucker!

bagoh20 said...

Did you hear the thump when I dropped the mic right there?

G Joubert said...

Trump is the canary in the coal mine, demonstrating to us all how to fix the fatally flawed system, and bagoh20's solution is to shoot the canary.

G Joubert said...

As if the MSM ISN'T going to give whoever the Republican nominee is the full-on Dan Quayle/George H Bush/Sarah Palin treatment. One candidate is competent and knows how to give it right back to them and gain supporters along the way, while the rest of the candidate (save Cruz) are clueless about how to stand up for themselves and what the believe in. bagoh20's solution is to slime that one candidate who is competent. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

Trooper York said...

Why do they hate and fear Trump so much! It really is something. I have really never seen anything like it. I have seen the Dems go after Bush and the Repblicans go after Obama with the same level of vitriol. But I have never seen both establishments go after someone from both ends of the spectrum.

He really must be a threat to them.

bagoh20 said...

He's not a canary. He's a Peacock. Would a peacock perform the same function as a canary? I don't know, and nobody cares, cause he looks so awesome.

Trooper York said...

If he really is such a reality show clown then what's the big deal? Why are they losing their shit?

Could it be that he strikes a chord with the average American that they despiise so much. It just illustrates their basic contempt for the average American citizen.

Oh and by the way, when did Kim Kardashian and Kayne give up their rights as American Citizens? I would not vote for them but they have just as much right to run as Hillary or Jeb Bush.

Personally I would vote for Taylor Swift. Just sayn'

bagoh20 said...

I don't discount Trump's abilities. He's clearly a very accomplished, smart and successful man. I question his principles and methods. I love the same stuff as you do about him. I just don't see him saying anything that shows a respect for the Constitution or the founding principles I care about. He doesn't talk about shrinking government or fixing it's excesses. He seems inclined to add to them. That is what I care about most. Even Obama would be a lot less offensive if he just respected those things. There would be no Obamacare, no legalizing of illegals, no treaty with Iran, no IRS or EPA overreach. Trump strikes me as the type who will just consider the Constitution one more set of government regulations to find a way around. Besides I think Hillary can beat him with same old stuff that will work better than ever on him: fear of the mean Republican.

Trooper York said...

They must really fear him bags. If it will be so easy for Hillary to best him why would they be freaking out? If he is just a stalking horse wouldn't they back off and hope that he gets the nomination?

It just doesn't add up.

Trooper York said...

Also there is a big difference between Trump and Obama. If Trump oversteps he will be impeached. He can not count on the loyalty of the Republicans. So he will be much more effectively constrained than Obama ever was when he shreds the Constittion.

Trooper York said...

I bet Paul Ryan and Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are already writing up the articles of impeachment.

ndspinelli said...

ISIS can recruit a US born, county government bureaucrat health inspector to kill and film the carnage w/ a Go Pro. They touch on the anger in people. Sound familiar?

Trooper York said...

i know what you mean. People who fear and hate Trump so much have a lot of anger in their souls. They need to stop analyzing other people and look in the mirror.

I bet Honey Boo Boo makes you shit your pants.

G Joubert said...

The people on the right who hate of fear Trump so much? Hate to say it, but to me they've outed themselves as people who form their opinions based either on (1) what the MSM says about him, or (2) what the establishment Republicans like Jeb and Karl Rove say about him, or both, just swallowing that bilge whole. So shallow. I didn't care a bit about Trump as a candidate until I listened to HIM and watched HIM in action, dispensing with political correctness, saying whatever he believes, and deftly deconstructing the media along the way. And gaining more and more support at each turn. We NEED that on our side. My first choice was and still is Cruz, and I notice even Cruz is becoming more forthright and bold thanks to Trump. Trump is a blessing to our side, not a curse.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

I bet Honey Boo Boo makes you shit your pants.

No, but her mother does and then I'd be afraid she'd eat those too.

ndspinelli said...

I am an introvert. I know myself well. You see, I was Angryman. I had PTSD and carried anger and resentment w/ me for a LONG time. I buried what was really angering me. That was, I came within a second or two from getting my head blown off by an illiterate asshole w/ a 12 gauge. I've been shot at 2 times. Once w/ my bride in the car. I worked @ Leavenworth Penitentiary as a 23 year old. I can't help but marvel @ being called a pansy by a bra salesman.

When you come close to death it changes you. Doesn't it.

Trooper York said...

Honey Boo Bbo's Mom is gong to be on the next Celebrity Marraige Boot Camp.

Now that is really going to be something I tells ya!

ndspinelli said...

Yes Jim, You were quite inhibited and PC prior to your health scare. What motivates people is something I've spent my professional career analyzing. Putting Trump and politics aside, because that is in large part Potemkin. I wonder what you would consider my motivation for "analyzing" you. Because I know my motivation for it. I've stated it previously, but I think it bears repeating again. I worry about you. I care about you. But, I also know the road to hell is paved w/ good intentions. I critique myself in that regard. I know you hate me doing it. Nobody likes having problems pointed out. I'll cease for now. But, I won't cease caring or worrying.

bagoh20 said...

" If Trump oversteps he will be impeached. He can not count on the loyalty of the Republicans."

Good point, and that is a bonus. I'd love to see a President (any President) impeached and removed for stepping on the Constitution. That's the kind of blood I think we should be watering the tree with.

And I don't think the left is scared of Trump. They are just offended by him, and many are just confused by the whole phenomenon. They believe, and I fear they are right, that enough people are turned off by him that he can never win, that even people who were willing to try a Republican this time will vote for Hillary just out of fear of something so strange to them. If Mitt scared enough of them, then Trump will scare twice as many. Even if you love Trump, he has to win, and that requires getting a lot of fence sitting pussies to take a risk they are not likely to take.