Monday, November 16, 2015

Why are you running a campaign as a cartoon Super Villain?

One of the media elite douche bags made it his business to ask this question at one of the Republican debates. You see it blows their mind that someone would not be politically correct. Not kowtow to the Muslims and the Black Lives Matter and the Illegal Immigrants La Raza beaners and elite Main Stream Media. Who is not afraid to stand on a stage with people who were victimized by illegal immigrant criminals. Who is not afraid to say that bringing in Muslim refugees is insane. Who talks the way normal regular Americans talk without code words and euphemisms.

They tell me that he used to be a Democrat and very Liberal. That now he changed his mind but we can't listen to him because he was once a different person. Well I remember a guy who was very liberal. Headed up a union even. Was a staunch Democrat. But he changed his mind when the force of circumstance opened his eyes.

They call him a reality show star. A gross entertainer and low class vulgarian. I remember another guy that they ridiculed as a mere actor. The stuffy bow tie wearing conservative intellectuals asked how could we nominate an actor who costarred with a monkey? But he turned out to be the only Republican true to his word. At least most of the time. Nobody is perfect.

They say that it is all talk. Well the other candidates can't even talk. The Democrats can't even say "Muslim terrorists." They can't even acknowledge that Christians are being persecuted by Muslims and other religious minorities are suffering genocide at the hands of the religion of peace. They can't even acknowledge that the reason why so many blacks are incarcerated is because so many of them commit crimes against their own people. They can't acknowledge that the problem isn't cops killing minorities but other minorities killing minorities. They can't acknowledge that foreign imported and illegal workers are taking the jobs of red blooded native Americans. Shit they can't even acknowledge that Native Americans have Redskins because it is not politically correct.

The elite of both parties and the media and the academy look down their noses at the rest of us. The normal Americans who watch reality TV and football and baseball and the Miss America pageant. They sip their chardonnay or their triple mocha lattes and tut-tut at the rubes who go to church and volunteer at soup kitchens and collect cans of food for the poor at Thanksgiving. They laugh up their sleeve at the people who tear up when they see a wounded vet salute the flag on the Fourth of July. They tell themselves that only the elite and the consultants and the insiders know what is best and the rest of the unruly vulgarians should just sit down and shut up. Oh yeah. And pay for it with their taxes.

Well may be it is time to tell all the elites and the consultants and the media and the commentators and the inside the Beltway ruling elite something.  It time to tell them one thing.

"YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Methadras said...

Fuck it. I'd vote for the Penguin too cause I knew were he stood. He saw Batman as his enemy, but at least he called him that. Democrats can't even bring themselves to utter the word enemy, much less think that it's Muslims that are ones.

Trooper York said...

Hillary Clinton makes the Penguin look like Mother Teresa.

Trooper York said...

That's what makes me laugh when people would vote for her instead of a reality TV star.

Shit I would vote for Snookie before Hillary.

ricpic said...

Some things are impossible. Even Trump couldn't revive Atlantic City. The Wall should be a piece a' cake in comparison.

Burgess Meredith was a star, well a medium sized star, for forever. I think he hit the big time in Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men in the 1930's and he was still going strong in the '70's. Probably the best Waiting For Godot production ever ran on Broadway with Meredith as Vladimir and Zero Mostel as Estragon. I caught a glimpse of ol' Burgess in the White Horse Tavern on Greenwich Avenue in The Village bombed out of his mind, late '70s.

bagoh20 said...

Mr. Trump would never hire someone to run his empire based on the kind of answers he's been giving about how he would do the job.

Imagine someone telling Trump:

"I'll be terrific, it will be great. I'll double your sales, triple profits, and make your competitors pay the taxes."

Trump: "How would you do that, exactly?"

"You wouldn't understand it if I told you."

I don't think Trump would be hiring that guy. Especially if he had no experience in that line of work.

Trump needs to answer some damned questions like a serious person, or you WILL be voting for a cartoon hero. "Hope and Change II - P.T. Barnum goes to Washington."

Now, it's possible that Trump would do a great job, but there is virtually nothing but hope informing that expectation. It's blindly rolling the dice for a guy with a history of holding exactly opposite opinions of what he's saying now to get elected, who has supported Hillary, who has over spent organizations into bankruptcy, who has shown himself willing to ignore criticism, and who clearly over-values his own opinion over everyone else's.

I'd roll the dice with him over Hillary, but I would not feel confident about it. There is nothing real there yet to make you confident other than what you are creating in your own imagination. It reminds me of Obamamania, with older people singing the songs.

Trooper York said...

I get what you are saying bags. But you know what? A pig in a poke is a lot better than the usual Washington bullshit. I would happily support Ted Cruz. The best way for him to win is for Trump to take Iowa and New Hampshire. That would knock out Bush and Rubio.

I am not afraid of Trump. Especially if he picks a strong VP. How about Trump/Condolezza Rice in 2016. That out to send a fox among the canaries.

Trooper York said...

Plus why is Trump different than Ricky Ricardo Rubio. Hasn't he changed his position every other week on immigration? Is Jeb the man to fix it? Carly with the laughing face couldn't win a race for Senate against the likes of a hack like Barbara Boxer. Ben Carson might stab somebody. Chris Christie might eat somebody. Bobbie Jindal is too busy at the Dell answer center to do a full time job as President.

That leaves Cruz or Trump. I am cool with either one.

ndspinelli said...

On a serious note. I would abide us taking in refugees of women and children. Maybe men over 70.

Trooper York said...

Plus those people singing got Obama elected twice. The low information reality TV watchers that Nick despises so much. They like Trump. They know Trump. They are not afraid of Trump. If he can rile them up enough the will put down the Cheeto's and get out of the Lazy Boy recliner and go vote for Trump.

They are not afraid of him. The elites are afraid of him.

bagoh20 said...

He just needs to start explaining what he would do and how. We don't need Neilson ratings on this job You got to ask yourself why is he not telling us the details? Don't we have a right to them? Why is he afraid to explain himself? Can he? He scares me plenty. I may have to vote for him, and I don't want to be explaining why I was such a chump.

Trooper York said...

Well bags if you go to his website "Trump: Make America Great Again" you can see most of his positions laid out in plain simple language.

Trooper York said...

Here is one position I think is spot on:

Mandatory return of all criminal aliens. The Obama Administration has released 76,000 aliens from its custody with criminal convictions since 2013 alone. All criminal aliens must be returned to their home countries, a process which can be aided by canceling any visas to foreign countries which will not accept their own criminals, and making it a separate and additional crime to commit an offense while here illegally.

Trooper York said...

Here is another one that chickie would like:

Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

Trooper York said...

Here is one that as a manufacturer of clothing I particularly like:

Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards. No more sweatshops or pollution havens stealing jobs from American workers.

Trooper York said...

Now those are just some of the common sense plain spoken positions that anyone can see and understand. Not a position paper that would send a tingle up Chris Matthews leg but one the regular Joe can read and understand.

You have to look at it if you want to know.

Trooper York said...

Here is some of what Marco Rubio has to say about immigration from his campaign website:

"So what is the way forward? First, we must make the argument that reform is needed at all. I have heard some argue that all we need to do is enforce the laws we have already. But that is not accurate. On the enforcement side, we need additional investment in electronic monitoring and personnel. Building more fencing alone will not be enough to address illegal crossings. We also need to give employers a reliable way to check the legal status of the people they hire. We need to invest in an entry and exit tracking system to prevent visa overstays. All of this would require reform.

How do we achieve this reform, given the current stalemate? We must begin by acknowledging that, considering our recent experience with massive pieces of legislation, achieving comprehensive reform of anything in a single bill is simply not realistic.

Having tried that approach, I know this to be true firsthand. The fear that such massive pieces of legislation include some clever loophole or unintended consequence makes it even harder to achieve. The only way we are going to be able to break this impasse and make progress on this issue is in a sequential and piecemeal way, with a series of bills that build upon one another until ultimately we have put in place the kind of immigration system our nation needs."

Trump fan said...

Oh yea. We can hear politicians tell us they r going to do A B AND C and this is how were going to do it. Then it never gets done. Isn't everyone tired of the bullshit. Trump wants to do a lot of things if he just gets the wall built that's good enough for me

Trooper York said...

Ted Cruz's website is basically about raising money and it is very hard to find detailed explanations about his policies. Just vague platitudes that everyone is accusing Trump of spouting.

Trooper York said...

Chris Christies website is very informative and gives a flavor of what his Presidency would be like.

I just don't think most people will swallow it. Especially if they are gluten free.

Trooper York said...

Bobby Jindal's website is quite entertaining but not to everyone's taste. Very derivative if I do say so myself. But with a beat you can dance to.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Trump needs to answer some damned questions like a serious person, or you WILL be voting for a cartoon hero. "Hope and Change II - P.T. Barnum goes to Washington."


Trooper York said...

The less said about John Kasich's website the better.

Trooper York said...

April did you read the quotes from his campaign website or better yet follow the links? He lays out exactly and clearly where he stands. If you read Rubio's it is full of platitudes and fluff. Cruz surprised me because his website is just a fund raising machine.

After reading all of the websites I have a much better understanding of what Trump says he will do than some of the others.

Trooper York said...

Of course if you need to be spoon fed it in the course of sound bites than I can't help you.

An informed voter looks at the materials the campaigns put out. As a internet devotee I think we should at least look at their websites.

bagoh20 said...

I don't support the first two.

1) What's a "criminal alien"? For example: I don't want to throw a hardworking, taxpaying, legal contributor to society who went through the proper channels out of the country because of some minor infraction. I suppose this sounds great if you are imagining an illegal alien burglar, but "alien" doesn't mean bad guy to me, and neither does criminal necessarily. I've been one myself. And you probably broke 5 laws before lunch today.

2) Mandatory minimum wages will just send more jobs away. Then the benefits of that work go with them, and they never return, ever. The nation gets weaker, the unemployment gets worse. Besides, a minimum and very high wage guaranteed just for aliens? We should not be telling businesses what to pay for labor or anything else. That's a far worse solution than just limiting the visas.

3) We need to be harder on the Chinese, but we do like those cheap prices - a lot.

Trooper York said...

A criminal alien is an alien who has been convicted of a crime. Like the one who shot the girl in San Fransisco. I don't think we are talking about a "minor infraction." There are thousands of criminal illegal aliens in this country that need to be deported.

Trooper York said...

I don't think he is talking about a mandatory minimum wage. Just not issuing a visa to someone who will work at these STEM jobs at a cut rate. Chickie can speak to this better than me.

When you apply for a Visa to work you generally have to list the job you coming for and why you a qualified and why the job can't go to an American citizen. You need to be "uniquely" qualified for that position. Not just willing to work for less money.

I would like to hear what Chickie has to say about this.

Trooper York said...

But aside from all that...doesn't this give you an idea of where Trump specifically stands on a whole host of issues? Doesn't this give you an idea about what he plans to specifically do about a bunch of the problems facing us today? Doesn't this mean that the claim that he has to tell us what he is going to do is basically......bullshit?

bagoh20 said...

Maybe Trump should read his website. I'm not sure he's any more familiar with these policy ideas than I was. Thanks, Troop.

Trooper York said...

Hey we never have a problem bags. I just think reading these websites is very instructive. Trumps is clearly laid out without mincing any words. Most of the other ones are not. Maybe Trump never read his own site. That is very possible. It just means that the people he hired know what they are doing. That is very important in a President.

Trooper York said...

Check out Jeb Bush's website if you want to laugh. He has every election since he ran in the third grade listed. But he is considered the adult in the room.

Trooper York said...

In the burning dumpster debate one of the news Bunnies caught Trump out about something that was on his website. But she backed down when he blustered. Aren't any of these media douche bags smart enough to read his website and question him about it? I agree if he is not familiar with what is on the site and what his positions are then that would be very telling. We just will never learn about that from the mainstream media.

Trump could not say it is unfair if you quote his website and ask him if that is what he believes and what he would implement as President. That would be a proper role for the media. They are just too lazy and stupid to do it.

bagoh20 said...

"Don't you think there should be a level playing field?"

I sure do. If there was, I'd be as rich as Trump. Chinese wages have cost me millions, but I don't think we can realistically make a dent in that. Maybe a little around the edges, but what's already lowering the playing field some is Chinese prosperity. They won't work for what they used to. They are also starting to insist on better working conditions and environmental standards. Wealthier, freer countries take care of the environment.

Domestically, I care about reducing the size and scope of government, period.

bagoh20 said...

I do think Trump will be best at the management skills that are most important in a big job. Someone with his experience handles that stuff effortlessly without all the hand wringing.

Amartel said...

The correct answer to such questions is "because you're running an evil clown car debate."

deborah said...

Great conversation.