Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Where have you gone Charles Martel a lonely nation turns it's eyes to you?

The Muslim invasion of Europe is continuing unabated  and now various idiots in the United States want to get us involved. John Kerry stated that we had to take in some of the refugees. Even Donald Trump said we had to take some in and he built his whole presidential run on controlling immigration. What is up with this?

This is a manufactured crisis. It seems that many if not most of the refugees are men looking for economic advantage. Which is why the Krauts are happy to take them in. You see they need laborers for their industry since their birth rate is plummeting and many low level jobs remain unfilled. But many of the other members of the EU are wary if not defiant that they don't want more immigrants than they can handle. The Eastern Europeans are not politically correct and they don't want more Muslims to swamp their society and change their country into something they don't recognize anymore. You know. Like downtown LA.

I guess the Germans are importing the Muslims so they will do the jobs that the Germans don't want to do anymore. I just hope that doesn't include killing the Jews.

But I think that is their agenda.


AllenS said...

I would imagine that John Kerry has a big enough house to take in about 100 of them. Maybe an extra 500 could live outside on his property.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lot's of young men with smartphones among "refugees".

Trooper York said...

They are rioting in Italy because they gave them pasta to eat instead of goat. WTF?

Amartel said...

Lem, I noticed that when someone at another site posted excerpts from a ridiculous Guardian or Time story about the refugees only coming now in their numbers because it took this long to find the long-lost path to Germany thru the Balkans (some sort of reverse Sound of Music fu) and send the deets back to their brethren via Facebook. Facebook! War-torn downtrodden oppressed refugees ... on Facebook.
The hills are alive with the smell of bullshit. And weapons grade stupidity.

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

They are rioting in Italy because they gave them pasta to eat instead of goat. WTF?

Too bad there isn't a budding Bonaparte (or Benito) in Italy right now.

Sounds like it's time for a whiff of grapeshot.

ricpic said...

Hey, Sarah just said "You don't reward terrorism, you KILL it!"

God, I love that woman!

Too bad we didn't find some significant voting irregularity in '08 that voided Selfie's election.

A little slip in the bathroom in Feb '09 and President Palin could be acting on her words.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Also "its" as a possessive (as opposed to the conjunction of "it is") does not get an apostrophe.

chickelit said...

If we must start we should start by taking only married men with families or women and children. No need for young single men who are the most statistically likely to blow shit up over here. Yes, that's discrimination, but, if we're going to coddle and swaddle by actively transporting, there's no need to pass an "arduous journey test." The majority of refugees showing up in Germany are young men looking for work.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chick, I agree with you, provided they are Christians. Otherwise, try Saudi.

Aridog said...

I already live quite peaceably among Lebanese, Iraqis, and I favor Allen S's idea of letting John Kerry take the Syrians in on his property and in his neighborhood. Trooper York is correct when he cites "tribalism" among Arab ethnicities...I don't need more of that, its calm now here and I'd prefer to keep it that way.