Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"Barbershop Fined For Refusing To Cut Woman’s Hair"

Link to video and story


Methadras said...

Government: Hey business owner, what are the words printed on the bottom of my boot?

Business owner: I don't know because it's on my neck.

bagoh20 said...

All our haircuts come with a shave. Where do you want it, Miss?

Isn't this a violation of the Third Amendment - being forced to quarter a Social Justice Warrior?

Leland said...

I think the left believes it is not enslavement to force labor so long as they pay you to do something you don't want to do.

I'm waiting for the first illegal immigrant to sue a gun shop that refuses to sell them a gun, that way the Obama Administration can complete the circle on "Fast and Furious Gunwalker". The ATF won't have to allow the sell, they can demand the sell.

AllenS said...

Was it Bruce Jenner's hair?

Methadras said...

You know, it's funny, we can make jokes and laugh a little at this kind of stuff, but overall, this is example of the ever encroaching incremental invasion that leftism has had on our lives. We've tried to stem the tide, but its insidious nature keeps finding a way through the cracks like a colony of cockroaches moving deeper and deeper into our lives. This isn't going to end until there is a total takeover by these people, but while we fight back with humor, they fight against us with legality. I think it's time that we step it up a notch more and start making these people disappear physically, morally, monetarily. They won't understand anything else I'm afraid.

edutcher said...

This is the sort of thing that starts rebellions.

The idiots freed Kim Davis and now they're starting a new one.

There's a reason the Lefties say trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

that's because it's the definition of stupidity and they're too stupid to understand it.

bagoh20 said...

You can see this guy just wants to have a special place for men, a celebration of something different that people once enjoyed without any malice toward others. A similar place for women would probably be a hit... unless men started showing up and ruining it. Can anyone just have fun anymore without some asshole SJW pooping in the pool?

For the left, it's not about discrimination. They are fine with discrimination if it's against the right people. No, it's about compliance, conformity, control. It's always about that for the left. They will make people unhappy, unfree, miserable, jailed, or ruined if necessary, but they will have submission or else.

Rabel said...

Refusing service to a woman - $750.00 fine.
Refusing service to a lesbian woman - $135,000.00 fine.

I'm guessing the haircut lady is really regretting that she didn't wear her sensible shoes that fateful day.

Trooper York said...

Why don't we send her to an ISIS barbershop.

There they can cut off her head.


ampersand said...

There's an old joke that ends with - - -

Woman: "Bob Kuntz here?"

Barber: "No Ma'am, just shaves and haircuts."