Friday, June 5, 2015

News From Inside The Blue Curtain

Democratic Front (Runner) Hillary Clinton speaks to a minority audience and demonizes Republicans while stoking resentment of people of pallor.
Story and Original Photo
Polarize, attack, depolarize


chickelit said...

Does anyone have a transcript of this speech?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Is this what Drudge seems to be referring to by headlining -- "HILLARY TRIES TO FIRE UP BLACKS"

The rule of Lemnity said...

more questions than answers from Hillary. For sure.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Voter ID.

I heard on Glenn Beck that something like over 80% of Americans favor voter ID.

It's ridiculous.

Lincoln Chaffee's metric conversion is more serious.

chickelit said...

The photograph is an excellent metaphor for American politics today. The other side of the curtain is red.

The rule of Lemnity said...

They couldn't fill the arena so they partition it to make appear well attended.

Chip Ahoy said...

It just now hailed in waves. Tornado in Boulder. Emergency sirens all over the place. The sky completely electric. Hundreds of strikes per hour, wind batters everything living and dead as the sky dumps its incontinence, the temperature drops 10° then suddenly nothing.

chickelit said...

Any seedling casualties, Chip?

chickelit said...

There has been a continual layer of clouds moving east over SoCal this week. This will manifest as rain somewhere east in 3-4 days.

Amartel said...

Great turnout! (This would be The Photo if it was a Republican speaking to a minority audience. I hate the lefty media. Huge majorities favor voter ID and disfavor amnesty and have tuned out Obama (they know he's a fraud but don't want to face up to the reality) but you wouldn't know it from the "news" which is focused on the important issue of Bruce Jenner's quest to be an oblivious human metaphor alert for America. Change!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's a vile corrupt money-grubbing power-mad freak.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Desperate for power, she roles out the last resort.

Evil rethuglicans! Balls approves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The idea (lie) that republicans what to remove voting rights is ridiculous.
The left know it, too. But they are desperate for something to run on, so they manufacture a demon and a crisis.

It's like Stephanolpolis question to Romney about birth control. It's all a coordinated choreographed manipulation using bullshit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's just sooooo inspirational.

oh wait - I mean, she's an asshole.

Leland said...

Interesting choice of TSU, considering UofH is hardly more than a block over with a much larger student body that is more diversified.

Aridog said...

Lem said...

Lincoln Chaffee's metric conversion is more serious.

Been tried here. Failed. It can never be accomplished until a line is drawn in the sand (so to speak) where today 1 pound is a pound, and tomorrow it is 2.204 lbs...e.g., a kilogram. The past "failure" was caused by trying to digitally make them equivalent...which they are not by infinite numbers of magnitude. Metric measurement is not more complex (actually simpler) than "English" measurement, but you can't have both simultaneously. An issue a while back during the attempt to convert was gas stations dudes figuring out how to have their pumps deliver "liters" while showing "gallons" .... tended to cause "troubles" (an inspector I knew was killed for discovering the discrepancy). You decide on what system you'll use...then you use it. Why is that hard to grasp for the political big wigs? If a 17 year old college freshman, which I once was, in chemistry, can figure it out...come one, it cannot be that hard to do.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

The metric thing amuses me. It is such a non issue that highlights how deluded the leaders in this country are along with their media enablers. Idiocracy becomes more prohetic every day.

When dealing with computers and heat levels I will forever think in celcius. It is just the way I learned it. Ask me what the ambient room temperature is in celcius and I have only a vague idea what 15 or 20C really feels like. I have to convert to farenheit to make sense of it most of the time. Ask me if your computer cpu is overheating at 105F and I have to convert to C to give you a good answer.

In the immortal words of Grandpa Abe Simpson:

"The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogsgead and thats the ways I likes it."

I'm Full of Soup said...

Counting illegal and legal immigrants, there are at least 35 million non-citzens in the country.

That means more than one out of ten American residents is not a citizen and should not vote so yes, we should require Voter ID but it should be determined by state laws. We need fewer fed laws not more fed laws.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Blue grandma has spoken.

Universal federal gov is watching.

Aridog said...

AJ Lynch ... I agree, it should be a state issue and the feds should back out of it. I've been showing photo ID for years and so have my immigrant/citizen neighbors. If the little old lady in a hajib & chador can do it, anyone can. Veils, which there are few of generally here, must be lowered at the poll watcher table...fine by me. The "debate" is spurious at best. Let the states determine what they want and leave it at that. The only concern for the feds is whether voters are actually impeded, which they are not by mere "ID" issues. Any citizen idiot with an IQ of 60 can acquire a photo ID, from the state or the feds (the PASS Card suffices) so what is the fuss? Just had this conversation with a neighbor whose passport has expired, but she still has her PASS Card (not in sync with her Passport)...Pass cards are good for 10 years for $40...what the hey? Those who value the right will make the minimal effort to comply. Those who could care less, perhaps ought not vote. YMMV.