Thursday, June 18, 2015

A shooting at a black church in Charleston earlier tonight left 9 people dead.

In the words of CNN's Brian Stelter "it seems like this attack is going to shake the country like no shooting has since Newtown."

Shooter was described (CNN) as "clean-shaven white man in his 20s, with a slender build, wearing a gray sweatshirt, blue jeans and boots." 

Markos Moulitsas goes racial...
Charleston church shooting: Multiple fatalities in South Carolina Shooter was white, because racism is dead
Statement from Gov Haley...
Michael, Rena, Nalin and I are praying for the victims and families touched by tonight's senseless tragedy at Emanuel AME Church. While we do not yet know all of the details, we do know that we'll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another. Please join us in lifting up the victims and their families with our love and prayers.


edutcher said...

It will shake the country because the weather's warming up and we need a new Ferg.

Better start practicing your close harmony on "Summer In The City".

ricpic said...

Don't hold your breath waiting for Obama to do what it is incumbent on a president to do in such situations. Quite the reverse is what we'll get from the agitator-in-chief.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is so depressing and demoralizing. I pray for the victims and family members of the the victims.

Yet, you can feel the left-wing excitement. They are actually giddy they have a real racial tragedy to exploit. Press frantically digging for tea party connections I'm sure. Report them, true or not.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

Cue the racialists.

Yet, you can feel the left-wing excitement. They are actually giddy they have a real racial tragedy to exploit.

Nailed it, April.

Meade said...

"Cue the racialists."

shhh... Trooper won't be up until noon.

Aridog said...

Our world, at least here, is changing too fast & too hostile. After years of not being in the midst of a conflagration between others, I've been in 3 in the past 30 days...just walked in to them. Yesterday's was the best, two black guys arguing in a mom & pop store, then outside, which a couple of us broke up, then in the median of the busy street when the aggressive guy followed the passive guy (a harmless and courteous regular) on his bicycle to re-start the argument...both squared off, but no fight ensued. The aggressive guy is a regular loiterer outside the store and when you pass him if he manages to make eye contract he just has to ramble off some gibberish and then take offense....whether you respond or not. I usually ignore and walk on. He especially seems to dislike women in general. I've suggested the mom & pop remove the courtesy bench seat outside the store where the guy usually sits.

Today you cannot tell who is armed wife a knife or gun, or just crazy tough (I'm guessing he's not because his opposition yesterday was half his size), so passive response is generally best...but this guy is persistent at of these days he WILL be armed. He was embarrassed yesterday...more to stoke his anger at the world I imagine.

Aridog said...

Yep, the first racialist, who lives in a town more lily white than most large towns no less, shows up right on cue. No guessing...I've lived there too. Surprise surprise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A white male is the murderer. There is no doubt. Media and leftwingers will now blame ALL white men.

"The best part of the Obama era is all the racial healing."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Like the massacre at Sandy Hook, this is an unspeakable tragedy. It's horrific beyond comprehension. It's easy to leap to the conclusion that this kid (he looks like a kid) killed innocent people at a church based on racial hatred. He probably did. We don't know yet why.

That won't stop the media and radical left from blaming and lashing out at innocents who had nothing to do with it. Brian Ross-ing it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Appears to be a desperate stab at racial division. The second saddest part, aside from the pain and anguish of the victims, is that there are a lot of people who stand to gain from it. And they will act accordingly, commensurate with those harmful interest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Exactly, Lem.

Aridog said...

How has anyone positively identified the shooter as a "white"? With all the other disguise (nose, pants, sweatshirt, hair...) how can anyone know yet? His skin tone in the images appears very similar to lighter skinned blacks as well as darker skinned whites. Or is it just de rigueur to jump on the "white" meme? Because he looks white in the disguise gear? Me, I'll wait until some witnesses from inside the church speak out and the police capture and clearly identify the guy's color and ethnicity...and more importantly, his motive.

bagoh20 said...

I just heard on the radio that they have the guy's identity: White, 21, indication of some kind of white separatist craziness about Africa, but he also has Black facebook friends, so WTF? He reportedly told one witness that he had to do it because "you are raping our women, and taking over the country." Most of the victims were women. Another nutcase with a gun goes after unarmed people who have nothing to do with his crazy ideas. A nut and a coward with no sense nor conscience. Such people will always exist, and they will always have the means. The rest of us only have the Second Amendment - use it, protect it.

bagoh20 said...

Suspect caught 300 miles away.

Aridog said...

Yep, he's caught. Latest photo looks pretty white to me. I'm satisfied another loon has wrecked senseless havoc. Is Al Sharpton now rushing to South Carolina?

Mitch H. said...

There are photos all over the news, it's definitely him. Crazy little cracker asshole, looks like. Drug conviction, horrible Moe Howard haircut, crazy spree-killer thousand-yard stare. Why his family thought it appropriate to buy this little time-bomb a .45 for his 21st is beyond me.

Wonder if he hooked up with the white-power gangs while he was in stir? Sounds like he may have recently changed his middle name to "Storm". Seriously? "Storm Roof"?

At least South Carolina is an enthusiastic death-penalty state.

bagoh20 said...

I really don't get the racial angle. Would it make any difference if the shooter was not White? I can't imagine how it would make the evil any more palatable to anyone, but apparently it does give some people an added sense of satisfaction or something. I guess it justifies their rhetoric about how bad a certain group of people are - a political group. Yet these same people seem strangely uninterested in the majority of Black murders. You might get the idea that Black murders are just a tool to them, a tool for them to get their emotional rage on, to make a name for themselves, to make money. That, to me, is at least as bad as plain old racism. It's even more damaging to Blacks than actual White racism is, and it's racism of the ugliest kind. A racism that says even these people's deaths are not important enough to get upset about unless I get some juice from it. #AlSharpton

AllenS said...

What if the white shooter thinks that he's black?

Trooper York said...

Hey he would have to shoot a bunch more black people to approach the numbers murdered by gang bangers in Chicago or Baltimore this month. Or any month.

Because we never can talk about that.

Trooper York said...

Oh and leisure a Suit Larry....why don't you comment at that failing blog. Your meal ticket needs the comments and the clicks.

Meade said...

Well look who's up! A little grouchy. Probably had nightmares about the knockout game.

edutcher said...

FWIW, about half the friends on his FB page are black.

I'm wondering what else is going on.

The Lefties, as always, want him swinging tonight.

Shouting Thomas said...

Meade, I bought you a jar of blackface.

Can you send me an address?

I want to get this to you as soon as possible.

Trooper York said...

Meade you need to stick to the gays. Or have the gays stuck in you. You want to keep the Hobbit happy.

After all she will be around a lot more once she retires before she gets fired and loses tenure. So you won't be able to sneak on the computer anymore.

But look on the bright side. You can follow the lead of your role model. Caitlyn Jenner. It's all there in front of you buddy. You can be a superstar!

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack got pissed at Meade and withdrew his honorary black status.

Now Meade can't take it up the crack any more.

I've offered Meade his best shot... a jar of blackface. Give me an address, Leisure Suit Larry! I'm begging you!

Leland said...

Glad they caught the guy. Since SC has the death penalty, no need for a federal hate crime. No doubt he has hate and needs to be permanately removed from society.

Trooper York said...

I don't think Leisure Suit Larry needs the blackface. I am sure he has some brown tinged Vaseline around the house. That should do the trick. So to speak.

Meade said...

Will this event bring Trooper the "nice riot stew" he longed to be "entertained" by back in March? That event in March, in which a young Madison man died, didn't quite pan out for Trooper — no riot, no stew, no entertainment — but this one might keep hope alive in Trooper's little heart of darkness.

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack won't explore your crack any more, Meade?

What a shame!

You guys made such a fun couple.

Methadras said...

Why the fuck are you here Meade? Your words are generally a waste of fucking time to eve bother reading.

On a side note, it's interesting to see that this was labelled a hate crime almost instantly because it was a senseless white on black murder of 8 black people, yet it's workplace violence when Nidal Hassan kills 13 and wounds 32. No hate there. Was it labelled a hate crime when Colorado shooter James Holmes killed 12 and wounds 70? I don't think so.

So this is what we are going to see, the media and the left utterly salivating at this opportunity to exploit black people further for their repugnant political aims. They are going to scorch whites with the perpetual racism charge, and they are going to attack the 2nd amendment again as an excuse that whites are just killers waiting to heap slavery revenge on blacks.

Methadras said...

I wonder what all of the black on black crimes in Baltimore are called after the little drug dealer died? Certainly not hate crimes, meh, just statistics and a footnote that something actually happened to some nameless blacks that killed each other.

Aridog said...

That event in March, in which a young Madison man died, didn't quite pan out ... — no riot, ...

In Madison, Wisconsin? Bwahahahahaha.

Are there even enough black people in Madison to stage a'd need a lot because 90% of them don't riot and have families, jobs, and lives. But y'all be proud that you don't have enough.

ndspinelli said...

She hardly even mentions the lawnboy anymore, except that he took a separate vacation.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

I wonder what all of the black on black crimes in Baltimore are called after the little drug dealer died?

Man-caused disasters?

Trooper York said...

"I wonder what all of the black on black crimes in Baltimore are called after the little drug dealer died?"

Tuesday. Or Thursday. Just whatever day of the week it might be.

Meade said...

Suspect in deadly Charleston shooting apparently introverted with few friends
Fox News - ‎40 minutes ago‎

Unlike Trooper who is apparently extroverted with many friends.

Shouting Thomas said...

Larry, the hatred you receive from other men is well earned.

It's not because you're a gardener. I have quite a few gardener and landscaper friends in Woodstock. We get along fine.

No, men hate you because you're a backstabber and sanctimonious pretender. A lowlife.

You've earned it, Larry.

Trooper York said...

Hey at least I don't have to rent a dog to have a friend.

Trooper York said...

Don't forget grifter. He is very proud of that.

I think he has it printed on his calling card.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Suspect in deadly Charleston shooting apparently introverted with few friends
Fox News - ‎40 minutes ago‎

How long before your shooting spree? I suppose the introverted part is because you have to somehow manage the drunken harpy at all time and friends? If only flowers and your sod could talk. lulz.

Trooper York said...

Leisure Suit Larry has a lot of friends. Canine ones. The ones that can't tell anyone what he does to them on those long walks in the woods.

They just come back to their masters very sad,bleeding from the anus and skittish at the smell of Miracle Grow.

Trooper York said...

In fact I think that Zeus has been walking around Madison carrying his dog bed.

I wonder what that means?

AllenS said...

Meade is probably the only person on this thread that doesn't have any black friends, or know any black people.

ndspinelli said...

It has been obvious since I first became aware of TOP, and I have said it many times, the 2 are friendless. My old man taught me to avoid humorless and friendless people. And AllenS, BINGO vis a vis black folk and the loser.

AllenS said...

What kind of people don't have any friends?

Meade said...


Clementa Pinckney, 41, was the beloved pastor of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, one of the country's oldest black churches, and had been a state legislator for 19 years.

Just one year after graduating from Allen University in 1995, Pinckney became, at 23, the youngest African-American elected to the South Carolina Legislature. In 2000, he was elected to the state Senate.

He earned a master's degree in public administration from the University of South Carolina in 1999 and studied at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary..



Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45, was a part-time minister at Emanuel AME Church and worked as a speech pathologist at Goose Creek High School, where she was also the girls track coach.

Principal Jimmy Huskey said she was so dedicated she was at work before 8 a.m. and typically didn't leave until 8 p.m.



Ethel Lance, 70, was a Charleston native who had been a member of the church for most of her life. She retired after working for more than 30 years on the housekeeping staff at the city's Gaillard Auditorium.

She had served as a sexton at the church for the last five years, helping to keep the historic building clean. She was also a lover of gospel music.



Susie Jackson, 87, was a longtime church member and sang in the choir. She and Ethel Lance were cousins. Jackson had recently visited her son and grandchildren in Cleveland, Ohio.

Tim Jackson told Cleveland television station WEWS that his grandmother was a loving, giving woman with a great smile.

"It's just hard to process that my grandmother had to leave Earth this way," he said. "It's real, real hard. It's challenging because I don't believe she deserved to go this way."



Cynthia Hurd's brother took some comfort in knowing that his sister died in the church she grew up in and loved.

Hurd, 54, was the manager of one of the busiest branches of the Charleston County library system. In her honor, the system closed all 16 of its branches Thursday, the day after her death.

She grew up in Charleston, and her mother made sure they went Emanuel AME Church on Sundays, Wednesdays and any other time it was open, said her brother Malcom Graham, a former state senator from North Carolina.

"I wasn't surprised on a Wednesday night she was there," Graham said Thursday.



Whether she was working with college students or Charleston's poorest residents, DePayne Middleton-Doctor wanted to be in a position to help people.

So co-workers weren't surprised when she decided to become a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

"She was a woman of God," said Joel Crawford, who worked with Middleton-Doctor at Southern Wesleyan University's campus in Charleston. "She was strong in her faith."



Tywanza Sanders, 26, graduated last year from Allen University, where he studied business. In a news release, the school described Sanders as "a quiet, well-known student" with "a warm and helpful spirit."

[more here:]

Meade said...

MYRA THOMPSON, 59, was killed at the church, where a bible study group was meeting Wednesday night.

The Rev. DANIEL L. SIMMONS SR., 74, a retired pastor from another church in Charleston, died in the shooting.
Simmons was the only victim who did not die at the church but in the hospital's operating room.

Shouting Thomas said...

What a fucking sanctimonious, horrible piece of shit you are, Meade.

Go fuck yourself asshole.

Quit wrapping yourself up in your blackface routine, shithead.

Meade said...

It's not about you, Steve. Try to understand that.

Shouting Thomas said...

You're just a fucking complete piece of shit, kid.

You're fucking blackface routine isn't working.

Shouting Thomas said...

You're a complete monster.

I once thought your wife was a decent person.

The fact that she is connected in any way to a bastard like you convinced me otherwise.

Meade said...










Meade said...

Real human beings with real names and real lives. Not just black faces, Steve. Try to understand that.


Shouting Thomas said...

Do the blackface routine again, shithead.

Disgrace yourself. You've got the knack.

Shouting Thomas said...

Use the bodies of the dead as a pretext for displaying your fucking halo again, asshole.

Come on, you fucking piece of shit.

Do your god damned blackface routine again. Don't be shy. Be a complete fucking lowlife asshole.

You know how to do it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"you are raping our women, and taking over the country." this early - that needs to be corroborated. The media are reporting it as fact. who told them that? What is the source?

Sure wish we had an honest curious press to depend on.

ndspinelli said...

ST, The KKK was big in Indiana. I bet there are some sheets in lawnboys family background. Thusly, the overcompensation. Classic pathology.

Rabel said...

Using the dead to support your trolling effort might be a new low, even for you.

Shouting Thomas said...

Probably some truth in that.

Less well known is that the KKK in Indiana started out as virulently anti-Catholic.

My mother was born in Bloomington, IN, and my family is Catholic. So, we do know.

Meade said...

“I pray for the families left behind. I pray for the community scared and hurting. I also pray you and I can conquer hatred. In my lifetime I have seen such great progress. Though racial based hate is still very much alive as last night so violently reminded us."

Shouting Thomas said...

Meade rounds up the dead to use as props for his halo preening again!

What a shameless piece of shit.

Shouting Thomas said...

Tell us about your holiness again, asshole.

I can never get enough of that.

Shouting Thomas said...

As I said, Meade, the hatred and loathing that you receive is absolutely earned.

You deserve it.

Keep the blackface routine going. I'll give you all you want, asshole.

Trooper York said...

Leisure Suit Larry has no shame. Grifters are like that. He is like the assholes who sell 911 souviners next to ground zero. He wants to monetize someone else's tragedy. Most like by stirring it up so people go to TOP to bring hits and comments and Amazon money.


Aridog said...

Why does the phrase "I pray" from the TOP-Toad sound like oxymoronic to me?

Because it is.

Aridog said...

Trooper you said...

... by stirring it up so people go to TOP to bring hits and comments and Amazon money.

The chances that I'd return to TOP is zero and none. I've not forgotten the Toad's humiliation of a decent young man...who by the way, just finished a beautiful original painting on commission for me as a gift for my daughter. Delivered in advance of full payment no less. Funny how we had no money issues, unlike the childishly pecuniary little toad...who wailed about how he was "conned" and deprived, even though he was made whole.

Toad, you are little boy by most any measure. Own it.

Leland said...

I went back to TOP and found the Obama voter apologizing for the Socialists desire to rape. Cruelly neutral like Roof loves blacks.

bagoh20 said...

Who comes HERE to claim to "pray for" and name people who just died in church - all just as an attempt to parry in a nasty online argument?

It doesn't seem very respectful toward them, but I don't understand the motivation of that stupid shooter either.

Michael Haz said...

It's an odd thing to despise religion when its theological tenets held for thousands of years oppose same sex marriage, yet publicly proclaim one's piety over the death of others. Likewise, it seems stunningly hypocritical to arrange one's marriage ceremony to purposely exclude all semblance of religion, yet randomly assert one's cobbled-together "faith" by quoting out-of-context scripture to which a false meaning has been attached.

"When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get." Matthew 6:5

Meade said...

You're suggesting Dr. Ben Carson and Gov. Nikki Haley are hypocrites? For stating that they are praying?

Michael Haz said...

The shoe store has hundreds of pairs of shoes. If you find a pair that fits, wear them. As for you desire for piety, try that on Mrs. Meade's blog.

bagoh20 said...

Did Ben Carson delete his comments? Was he fighting with Trooper too? Dammit! I always miss the good stuff.

Meade said...

On this thread, there are 2 quotes and 1 comment that state that the person is "praying". 1 is by Dr. Ben Carson, 1 is by Gov. Nikki Haley, and the other is by AprilApple. No criticism of their "desire for piety".

Hypocrisy, thy name is Michael Haz.

Meade said...

"Did Ben Carson delete his comments?"

I quoted him June 18, 2015 at 8:17 PM. Copy, paste, and google if you want to see the entire context. Would you like me to google it for you?

Michael Haz said...

Thus spake Meade the Pious.

Meade said...

And yet it is Michael Haz who piously quotes scripture and judges others' faith.

Meade said...

"Who comes HERE to claim to "pray for" and name people who just died in church"

Scroll up. AprilApple did at 9:42AM. Right before you made your flippant comment about "If we catch him, and it is a white guy, he could just fall down and claim he's identifying now as a black female quadriplegic and we'd have to let him go."

bagoh20 said...

You used the names of these murdered people - listed every single one of them - as a foil in a silly online argument just one day after their violent murder. It was gross. My comment was purposefully disrespectful of the murderer and our system, but not the victims. Yours was. If you cared about that, you could just delete it, instead of doubling down on it.

Michael Haz said...

Meade, two last questions before I leave the internet today: Did you post the names of the deceased on your blog, along with your prayers for their souls? Or was that done only here to show us your preening deep concern?

bagoh20 said...

Thanks Meade. I realize now that there are people dumb enough or desperate enough to misinterpret my comment as you did, so I will delete it. This is not my house, and they invite some people in who are not up to the task, or who may need to use my words as a distraction from their own mistakes. I don't want to be cover for them.

Meade said...

bagoh20 said...
"Thanks Meade."

You're welcome.

Trooper York said...

Leisure Suit Larry's first three comments were just made to stir the shit and start trouble. Nobody referred to him or his parasitic host. Most have ignored them for months and are glad to do it. He came here to use a senseless tragedy to bring controversy and to trick people like Shouting Thomas to come over to that dying blog to breath some life and vitality into something as dead as Murphy's dick.

It's not going to work. Go back to posting photos of the dogs you molest. Maybe you can marry them some day.

Meade said...

To quote Dr. Ben Carson: "I also pray you and I can conquer hatred."

Trooper York said...

You are not worthy of hatred. Only contempt. Go peddle your papers.

bagoh20 said...

I pray for Murphy. A dick is a terrible thing to lose, except for the limp ones that just keep hanging around stinking up a place.

Michael Haz said...

What are the odds that this will be noticed?

Cincinnati police officer shot to death June 19, 2015.

Aridog said...

Haz ... "zero" if you mean the majority of national main stream media...although Fox did a piece on him this morning.

I have lost police friends to such shootings and know the pain it inflicts on the families...even the massive survivor's guilt for those who survived the gun fights. For an example, query Google on "robert dooley police officer" and the story of he and PO Bradford is reported. Dooley's last photos show him much improved externally, compared to the first couple months post initial surgery, since at the time of his shooting he was already down on the sidewalk and then shot point blank in the head by Hayward Brown. His internal injuries finally took him out fairly recently. One of my best friends was a partner in that 4 man team and he never really got over it, he'd become a monster and his wife objected to further police work, so he resigned to move his family to the country and go to law school in Lansing, become a successful lawyer by his 40's....albeit a liberal Democrat in the process. He was a good cop and coincidently the one who finally arrested Hayward Brown, after a long tough manhunt, without killing him....not sure I could have been so restrained. Even in his anger he did the right thing. Thus I am okay with his change in politics, he paid his dues...and he often manages to ameliorate my harsher viewpoints.

Police, particularly the good ones, are people too...but from most news you'd never get that idea.

Meade said...

Michael Haz said...
"What are the odds that this will be noticed?"