Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"Why Men Always Think Women Are Flirting With Them"

"Error-management theory argues that men have evolved to overperceive sexual interest in non-familial female relationships so they don’t miss out on the opportunity to reproduce — at best, they get to pass on their genes; at worst, the woman ends up saying no and they move on. Women, on the other hand, have evolved to underperceive sexual interest, because sex with the wrong guy means risking pregnancy and child-rearing without the help of a mate, not to mention lost opportunities to procreate with other, less flaky men. In other words, the sexual stakes are higher for women than for men — or they were, at least, in the distant past, when evolution shaped behaviors that linger to this day." (read the whole thing)


Methadras said...

The prospect of getting laid is a powerful thing, so if a man over-perceives that he is being flirted with will get him laid, then by god go for the gold man!!!

bagoh20 said...

Nope. I'm pretty sure they really want me, but I won't give them the satisfaction. I'm not just a piece of meat. I have a mind. I have feelings. I'm a person, dammit! So pull down that skirt. You're making a fool of yourself.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I clicked but got a photo that had something to do with taking one of those machine readable standardized tests.


XRay said...

I'm not sure women under perceive, they know its there just as we men do. It's always an undercurrent, isn't it.

Just to get it off my chest. I became involuntarily unemployed Monday morning. Reorganization don't you know. Been working for 55 years. It's killing me.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sorry to hear that Ray... unfortunately I've been there.

AllenS said...

Two words: Joe Biden.

Methadras said...

Xray, sorry to hear about your unemployment. May you find something soon.

ricpic said...

The great mystery, what do women want?


Well, we don't want you.


XRay said...


TrooperYork said...

Sorry X-Ray. I hope you can find something. This economy is just killing the working man.

Amartel said...

X-It won't last. Workers gotta work. I should know. 55 years? How old are you?

Perception, over or under, depends on what the person WANTS to believe. Like, Obama voter always thinks blank screen Obama is looking out for him/her. He totally wants (to help) you, man. He totally has a plan. Now I think of it, this might account for all that fainting.

XRay said...

It is the economy. No sales equals no money. Co. laid off 55+ last Sept. Six months later still no sales. More lay offs to come in March I've heard. Of course, after 15 years with the Co. I was replaced by a long time friend of the CEO, likely for less money too.

I'm 67, first SSA year was 1959. I've got 40 years in my present profession but I'm likely too damn old now for anyone to hire me. I just have to come to grips with a new and sudden reality, it sucks so far, going from useful to useless.

edutcher said...

No guts, no glory.

XRay said...

Just to get it off my chest. I became involuntarily unemployed Monday morning. Reorganization don't you know. Been working for 55 years. It's killing me.

Been there, done that. I know how you feel, but look at it as an opportunity, not a disaster.

XRay said...

Thanks ed. I appreciate your wisdom.

I'll recover, just these first few days are as a hatchet in the face, for which I have no shield.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good luck, XRay. Sorry to hear the news.

XRay said...

Thanks, R&B, appreciate it.

Paddy O said...

Very frustrating and discouraging, XRay. May you find restoration and new direction soon. After that much time, there's real mourning involved, especially when they treat you so shabbily.

XRay said...

Thanks, too, Paddy O. It was shabby treatment, but I wasn't singled out. They've treated everyone the same way. Pack up your box and leave.