Sunday, February 1, 2015

"Jeb Bush looks like he's running for president.

So now we know what the Bush family means by 'no child left behind.'"
Dianne Feinstein at a public dinner closed to the press but reported by Politico. Well, it made me laugh. Who knew Dianne Feinstein could be so funny? She could have a career in standup.

It is the sinister switcheroo that makes it so funny. To take a well-known policy of a lesser-liked Bush and apply it as clan motto, to make of the earlier policy a comment that together the family did not make, is slapdash sloppy shorthand and devastatingly funny. Plus the joke sets the cherub-cheeked scion in his place to be regarded, as child.

Is there no respect anymore? R.E.X.P.E.C.T?  Is there no respect for what it takes to be governor?

No, why, no, there is not.

I am not member so have no vote in these people's primary. From my point of view they are in their own contained world. Looking into that world I see Bush III -- that is how the numbering goes with dynasties, right? -- not appreciating the primary forces that are making this opportunity available to him. He is not recognizing the affects that are benefitting him that the more conservative insurrection element that infected his party had on the entire political landscape across the land at all levels. He describes them as outliers, as unappreciative kooks, as groups to be defeated when not ignored. He honestly thinks his wishy-washy melded gigantic government positions prevailed despite all the tea party disruption. And he is for the wrong things, chief among them loose immigration control and federal-level Common Core education. He is not a good listener.

That's the problem that comes with being groomed for destiny, you get to the point where you just flat don't listen.

All that is said much better by Feinstein, Bush III is what the Bush family means by 'no child left behind'. It takes us back to Rome and to Cl-Cl-Cl-Cl-Cl-Claudius.

There are other jokes told at the Alfalfa Club dinner reported on It must be a thing where they tell a lot of jokes, like a roast. They are entertainers at heart. Washington really is Hollywood for ugly people.


chickelit said...

It was a clever quip. Good humor is disarming.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

She chose to get even at the expense of possible repercussions to national security.

She's dead to me.

Chip Ahoy said...

Just when I read about Japan abandoning its pacifism in response to the recent beheading, I visualize the red rising sun radiantly aroused to war, as they change their dot-flag, the best of possible flags, to their war-footing flag, the same dot radiating red violence. I make the sound GONG as if hitting a single stroke upon a Gong to announce it and shake my head to vibrate my voice for a vibrating gong sound, look up, and the television is showing a football bobblehead shaking its head exactly as I am doing. Aaaaah-kwerd. t's embarrassing.

edutcher said...

DiFi should talk.

Unknown said...

She's dead to me, too.

She reminds me that the democrats are all a pack of power-hungry jealous revenge obsessed sociopaths.

Unknown said...

...who would let this nation burn if it meant they could hold onto power.

Unknown said...

Jeb Bush, as far as I can tell, is a nice guy. He doesn't deserve much of the scorn that will be heaped upon him. I absolutely DO NOT want him as the GOP nominee. Same reason I wish the Clintons would go away. This family dynasty thing is not healthy and it needs to stop.

ricpic said...

Hey, are we allowed to say that Jeb's resemblance to battle ax Barbara is creepy? Well, just said it.

Unknown said...

Trial Lawyers and Dem Donors Support Anti-Vaccination Movement

Top left-wing financiers found and finance leading ‘anti-vax’ groups