Sunday, February 22, 2015

Giuliani: Netanyahu Is A Man Who Fights for His People

Watch what has caused a big online stir and judge for yourself.

Part 1 Link in case the video does not play correctly

Part 2 Link in case the video does not play correctly


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think Giuliani's comments came off as a shock to people because people are not used to hearing anyone refer to Obama as thought he was a typical white person.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In their minds... if I could be so bold as to try to decipher Obama loyalists... Giuliani broke an unspoken rule.

Thou shall not criticize Obama personally.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And of course they wont admit that the reason why the unspoken rule exist is because that man Barack Hussein Obama is black.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Giuliani has not said anything particularly earth shattering about Obama that has not been said about previous presidents.

Indeed, Obama himself went so far as to question George W patriotism during the campaign and nobody at the time, certainly not to the extent it has cause a stir this time, said much about it.

It went largely unnoticed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Most, if not all of the conclusions Giuliani draws about Obamas upbringing come from Obama's own books.

Again. It seems as though nobody read those.

bagoh20 said...

I'm literally surrounded by Obama supporters all day. They are often disgusted, disappointed, or angry at what he has done, but they always stop short of blaming him. Even for Obamacare with it right there in the name, and with him being the person who directly lied to their faces over and over. Still, it all just somehow happened, and it probably would not have gone bad if people just all supported him and sufficiently hated Conservatives. It's like a battered spouse blaming the cops for her husband being in jail. "But, I know he still loves me." Sheesh!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know what would be cool.

A debate with Giuliani and whoever the other side wants to throw at him.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Last night's Star Trek TOS was A Taste of Armageddon, one of my favorite episodes. Two planets are at war. Battle is modeled by computer. Casualties are calculated. Nothing gets blown up but people report dutifully to disintegration chambers.

Kirk will have none of it.

Pretty obvious allegory about the neutron bomb. Less obvious allegory to a whole bunch of other stuff.

The idea was that the two planets had been fighting each other for so many centuries that their cultures had evolved to adapt to the environment, same as a species. Many individuals profited from the status quo. A systemic disincentive to peace.

And here is where the Jews and Jew-haters come in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You nailed it, Lem.


The media's collective outrage only buttressed what we already know about them. The media are not journalists, they are biased one-party hacks. Rushing in to defend the honor of their dear leader.

yeah- never mind that it's perfectly OK for Obama himself to call GWB unpatriotic for the debt.

And that brings up more questions about our so-called "news" media. Our debt has increased under Obama, without much to show for it. Our money -wasted. Much of the economy is struggling and sputtering and actual employment numbers are being skewed by the White House and his media.

but but but - Rudy G insulted dear leader!

The media can suck eggs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

oh and - good morning.

Tons of snow and cold here. It's like it's February of something. sheeesh.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The best thing Obama can seem to say about the country is that it elected him into office."

-- Jonah Goldberg


ricpic said...

Limbaugh's theory is that Obama has, so far, gotten away with being an outlaw president by posing as an outsider, a powerless onlooker rather than the goon running the show.

He's trying, but to no avail against the evil entrenched reactionary forces within the beltway. That's what Schmendrick told me anyway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The press has not treated Obama as they have every other president since Nixon.

So you have people influenced by the idea that Obama is some kind of holy man.

Trooper York said...

I have to laugh when Rudi pointed out that the Jug Eared Jesus did not love "America." Plus the over the top reaction of the mainstream media. They are out for blood because they think the accusation might stick. Because it is so obvious that it is true.

Look at it this way. Obama is the imaginary boyfriend for so many of the "Julia's" and feminist dimwits and the eunuchs that kowtow to them. He was the slick smooth cool dude that talked his way into their panties and they didn't even mind that he broke every promise he ever made.

You see we see this kind of guy all the time in the shop. He is the slick practiced user who manipulates the low self esteem of the chick he's banging. He will never say what is right about her, He will only emphasize her flaws. I remember one time there was was this spectacularly hot chick who was a slightly plumper version of Christina Hendricks. She had a rockin' hourglass figure with bodacious ta-ta's and a round firm bottom. Man she was a knock out. The dude she was with was a douche master in the extreme. He had something nasty to say about every outfit. Finally she came out in this tight forties style dress and she looked like a knock out. This douche goes "Ok I will let you buy it if you don't eat a bagel for a month." And you know what? She paid for it. I bet she paid for everything.

That is Obama with America. He can never say anything nice or supportive. He can only pick at scabs and try to control the narrative by being relentless negative. Imagine going home to your wife and saying "I love you but you have to fundamentally change." Because that was his agenda from the get go. Obama has morphed from the imaginary boyfriend to the abusive spouse. He has spent all the money, invited his Mexican friends to live in your apartment and hates your Jewish grandmother.

Face it America. He's not that into you. He has fucked you and he's bored.

edutcher said...

God, I love that guy.

Rudy, that is. Also Net.

Troop and I are just friends.

PS What he said.

PPS On the issue of religion, for whom does Selfie cover?

He also spent 20 years in Rev Wright's "church".




chickelit said...

Troop nails it.

AllenS said...

Why 0bama seems to have all of this support is beyond me.

I've said this before -- we now have more stupid people in this country than smart competent ones.

edutcher said...

AllenS said...

Why 0bama seems to have all of this support is beyond me.

Maybe he doesn't.

One of the latest polls broke down about 400 Demos, 300 Indies, and 200 Rs (I'm rounding, but that was the general spread) - sample was about 1000.

Given the last election ('14, I mean), does that seem accurate? I mean there's a skew of at least 7 right there.

I think the guy who did the UnSkewedPolls site had it nailed. The Choom Gang's support is down in Dubya '08 territory, but nobody wants to admit it.

Remember what the head of Gallup said about a month ago?

AllenS said...

I've been reading polls that say his favorables are now above 50%.

Methadras said...

I don't get it, Rudy is coming to this conclusion now? NOW? Too little to late my man. This man hasn't loved the US since he had to move here from Indonesia. Then getting handed off to Frank Marshal Davis.

virgil xenophon said...

Late here, but can I propose marriage to April Apple? We are SOooo muy simpatico philosophically speaking....the "music of the spheres" and all that....Wait, there is the small matter of my wife of 42 years...

Never mind...

virgil xenophon said...

Methadras seems to be yet another of my long-lost blood brothers. How could there POSSIBLY be a sentient human being on planet Earth who had learned to read that could not find out what sort of person Obama was PRIOR to the election. He telegraphed his punch from a mile-nay-a decade away--in his writings, speeches, Personal You Tube policy statements--you name it. Let alone critical analysis by academics and conservative opponents. Add to that knowledge of who his influential mentors and associates were. Thus there are NO EXCUSES for not knowing the kind of man he was/is---NONE!!! If supposed faceless intellectual "nobody's" such as Methadras and myself (and others here) could figure it out are you telling me all the really smart people couldn't? Riiiiight...

Trooper York said...

You have to entertain the thought that they are not stupid. They are evil.

William said...

The bet here is that Obama felt more personal outrage about the killing of Trayvon Martin than about the beheading of any of the American hostages. That's not something you can say out loud, but it's true......His feelings of alienation from America are considered fitting and proper by the media, but, if you express any feelings of alienation from Obama, you are deemed a racist.

Chip Ahoy said...

Twelve red lines with Saudi Arabia?

"Twelve... red... l-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-nes."

I missed that whole thing.

I must have been making a card at the time or something.

I did catch one red line with Syria's Assad, accompanied later with a, "I didn't say 'red line,' look I'm not talking about lines, okay?"

But that was only one red line, not twelve red lines. Specifically a line, specifically red, one specific limitation having to do with chemical weapons.

"I didn't say that."

"The world drew that line."

"Not me."

"It was the world's words coming out of my mouth. For that is what I am, a world-mouth."

"I was just remarking about the line I noticed the world drew. I forgot there for a moment that I personally represent that world and I am expected personally to do something about it. Sorry. I am not up to all that and it runs counter to my traducing Republicans who actually DO things about that."

I still don't know what Giuliani 'talking about there, but I get the idea.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Virgil - You're so sweet.
See it is true. I speak undeniable political truths and you think I'm flirting with you.
Polyamory is the only answer. I say yes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Something you will not see on NBC's Meet The Hysterical Democrat Media Industrial Complex - Press.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yahoo news is just that - news that is like the drink - yahoo.

edutcher said...

AllenS said...

I've been reading polls that say his favorables are now above 50%.

Al Reuters had him at 41 a couple of weeks ago.

Here's RCP.

Ras (which is no longer affiliated with Scott) is the one that has him at 50. The rest have him mid-40s.


Trooper York said...

In tonight's Downton Abbey we saw Cinderella get married. To a Jew.

President Obama refused to attend. He said it violated protocol.

Trooper York said...

On Grantchester we got a startling revelation about the Vicars wartime service.

Plus lots of tea, whiskey and jazz.

Trooper York said...

Also Lord Grantham figured out that Marigold was Lady Daphne's baby because she drooled on herself just like her mother.

Trooper York said...

iSIS is still dead.

Trooper York said...

All in all I bet it was a hell of a lot better than the Oscars.

Trooper York said...

All of this would have made more sense if I put it on the Oscar thread.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troop - lol.