Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Around these parts, a block from here, a place organizes a lot of raves that attract teens. They must wait outside until the magical moment something is announced, like location or some such. The youth music scene is cultivated right here. Nearby clubs organize with Westword to host bands. The summer time is quite active. The sidewalks are not kept up consistently block for block, a lot of that is left to proprietors I suppose in conjunction with city in relation to taxes and to fees, but you can always tell when you are approaching such a place that sells tickets where teenagers congregate in any numbers, the sidewalk suddenly becomes covered with gum, and I mean covered but only for a portion of the block. Like a cushioning of sorts.

Poor dears cannot keep the stuff in their mouths nor dispose of it properly. Or maybe they think that is proper gum disposal, spit it out on the sidewalk, done, just like that. Out of sight, out of mind. It's organic. It dissolves magically by rain and the elements.

I do know spearmint gum is an important part of any minty fresh breath superpower regimen. 


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I never saw the appeal of chewing gum. Why should I chew on someting I can't swallow that tastes bad anyway?

Chewing gum was one of those things old ladies kept in their pocketbooks to offer to children. I was under strict orders never to accept candy from a stranger so that was an easy out.

Things got a bit more dicey, though, when I started playing little league. Noncompliance came at too steep a price so I'd take the gum offered by the coach, read the little comic that came with it, suck on the disgusting little thing for a bit without chewing, and pitch it into the trash can when no one was looking.


Never collected bubble gum cards.

A bridge too far.

AllenS said...

"It's my last piece of bubble gum. How about a cigarette?" -- Barack

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Eric

I keep gum in my purse so that I can chew it after eating while traveling. I can't brush my teeth in the car :-) or while driving. So a stick of gum does help with the dental hygiene.

However, chewing gum in public is rude, uncooth, socially unacceptable in many cultures and just makes you look like a dumb bovine chewing your cud.

Obama should have known or been informed that the cultural mores of the country he was visiting viewed public gum chewing in a negative manner.

Either he doesn't give a sh*t or his protocol people are too incompetent to let him know. I think both.

Titus said...

India's PM's interpreter is girlfriend's with my hubby.

How fab...huh?