Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Do Western Muslims face a free speech double standard?"

"Today’s events in France, from the arrests to the rush to buy the latest issue of Charlie Hebdo, raise a number of questions about the limits of speech."

"We at the NewsHour have made the decision not to show the cartoon on the new cover of the satirical magazine depicting the Prophet Mohammed. The reason? We believe the offense it could cause outweighs the news value."


AllenS said...

What! You want them to chop my head off?!!!

Rabel said...

Obama quietly released 5 more jihadis from Guantanamo last night. Even Drudge hasn't picked it up.

edutcher said...

Lefties want people to think they're different, but they love their money and the gated communities that keep them safe as much as anybody else.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

What it comes down to is very few of us really, really believe in all that religious crap but a lot of them really do.

I blame the Enlightenment.

Methadras said...

These people are scumbags. Every one of them. SkyNews can go fuck themselves into a PC frenzy at this point.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In a normal world that might make sense but only if they made the same editorial decision about the Maplethorpe crucifix. I doubt they would have. Matt Welch says the only respectable announcement on the part of a newsorg like that is to admit they're self-censoring out of fear. But it doesn't matter anyway because it was about the most bullshit discussion on the topic anyone's held. A Muslim "image" promoter predictably lamented the lack of political psychotherapy offered to terrorists, whose co-religionists she identified as primary victims of the same terrorism. Well habibi, I sense an enormous brain turd stuck in your constipated mind: Perhaps the Muslim world wallows in constant fear of never-ending reprisal because their preferred gentle tactic of offering terrorism psychotherapy is a complete sham.

Life in the West works because we've separated a sphere of violence from a sphere of intellectual insult and exploration, and enshrined that into our legal, moral and political culture. These cave-people OTOH, even when polite and well intentioned, still don't get that.

Let her be the next hostage or negotiating chip. None of us in the West have any need of even entertaining the never-ending grievances of The Religion of You're-Not-Honoring-Me-Enough, let alone how in the hell any sane, free person could ever accommodate those never-ending grievances.

"ROP" was funny but outdated. It's served its purpose. The real name for Islam is The Religion of Never-Ending Grievances. Challenge a Muslim defender, sometime, to define the level of honor to him or his religion he would find sufficient. He won't answer you, of course, because the correct answer is that NO deference is ever enough. It's a religion in paranoia of not being respected enough. Which creates its own dysfunctional cycle by creating a mindset that can't encourage any such thing as a respectable moral or cultural accomplishment in the first place.

Fuck Islam.

XRay said...

Ritmo. You're scaring me. Making sense on the international scene.

Next thing you'll start making sense domestically.

Ah, faint hopes.

Michael Haz said...

Appeasement is always a winning strategy. You can look it up.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I was just watching the Pontif when it hit me.... Where are the gay Imans?

Michael Haz said...


Unknown said...

Churchill was considered nuts and Neville Chamberlain was the man with calm reason. Just give Hilter what he wants and he'll stop.

of course if you go to wiki - the left have re-arrange history and Neville is labeled "conservative".
But of course....

Unknown said...

Balls - that was beautiful.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves. Britons never, never, never shall be slaves*.

(except to Muslim sensibilities)

Welcome to a new era of weak as water, Jane Austen politics.

Amartel said...

"SkyNews can go fuck themselves into a PC frenzy at this point."

I believe we can safely check that one off the to-do list.

XRay said...

Orrey, it is a sad state of affairs. Aubrey would never stand for it.

XRay said...

An obscure reference, perhaps, Aubrey.

But, if you haven't, read O'Brian's work, you should.

As your life will have been seen as lacking for not having done so, by some arbiter of the celestial wave form.