Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hey, hey, you, you, get off on my cloud:

And God said, "Who told thee that thou wast naked?"


chickelit said...

Bill Wyman could have easily poked a ceiling with that bass.

chickelit said...

I am a bit miffed at this damned if you do, damned if you don't position that people are putting Obama in regarding ISIS.

There should should be a consensus as to what to do.

The rule of Lemnity said...

He can please some of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time.

Specially his base ISIS.

chickelit said...

Al Qaeda means "the base" in Arabic.

Unknown said...

on 1, September 2, 2014 at 11:52 pmishobo

Nick is the resident troll. He is retired (at least that is what he says) and he has to do something with his free time. Throwing out off topic one liners is his part of his schtick.

chickelit said...

@unknown: Are you crossposting somewhere else? WhoTF are pmisshobo and @jdgalt?

Stop acting like Syd Barrett.

The rule of Lemnity said...

If I understand Obamas "fierce minimalist" approach... leading from behind.

When does a mere formality, like declaring war, cross over from "we don't have an ISIS strategy" to "we are at war"?

At some point ISIS will (may already have) reassess that maybe beheadings are just not cutting it (pardon the pun).

And they will seek a 9/11/01 style attack. (See MH post)

Is that what Obama is waiting for?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Read PJM Hernandez excellent post.

Ring of Fire

One of the implicit assumptions of “fierce minimalism” is that action fuels the flames. Obama argued as much at an American Legion speech. He said, ”the answer is not to send in large scale military deployments that over stretch our military, and lead for us occupying countries for a long period of time and end up feeding extremism.” An alternative point of view using almost an identical metaphor was articulated by Franklin Roosevelt. “Suppose my neighbor’s home catches fire, and I have a length of garden hose four or five hundred feet away. If he can take my garden hose and connect it up with his hydrant, I may help him to put out his fire.”

The difference in the two presidential fire examples is the element of urgency. Roosevelt was aware that the fireman’s enemy is time and one of the points of the hose story, which everyone in that era understood, was the importance of dousing the fire while it was still small. Obama, by contrast, lacks the dimension of time. His approach implicitly assumes he has the leisure to add an ounce here and an ounce there to achieve a nuanced outcome. Roosevelt understood that a crisis was urgent. In the current case, Obama is busy calibrating, thinking and golfing like he had all the time in the world.

What happens when a fierce minimalist meets a fierce fire?

chickelit said...

Is that what Obama is waiting for?

If he wants a third term, yes. Can a President abrogate the 22nd amendment by Executive Order?

chickelit said...

What happens when a fierce minimalist meets a fierce fire?

Extinction. Imagine if Stanley Anne Dunham were in the Oval Office (she practically is). She would cave or she would be ousted. She cannot dictate the end of America. Even diehard Obama supporters will reach a point when they will cave and they will say "I will not commit suicide."

Rabel said...

It may be as simple as his rejecting the advice of most of his advisors because to accept it would be an admission of personal error.

That's something he doesn't do. Maybe the pressure will force his hand.

Chip Ahoy said...

I've looked at clouds from both sides now from up and down, and in and out...

I guess that's four sides,

and still somehow it's clouds illusions I recall I really don't know clouds at all.

Except the cumulus, the puffy ones, I know those.

And the cirrus clouds. I know those too. On account of them being so serious.

And also the stratus clouds, the ones that are stretched out.

I also know dark clouds, and storm clouds. And clouds with silver linings. And I know about cloud nine, and being under a cloud. And clouds on the horizon. And I also know about issues being cloudy.

One day a year or so before kindergarden, the clouds were moving swiftly across the Cape Charles sky. Barry told me the thing that makes clouds move is Jesus is up there pushing them around with a stick. And if I looked carefully I could see Jesus up there busy with his cloud moving work. And if I couldn't see him, and I couldnt, then well, that is just me being a little dummkopf.

And I was.

I believed everything Barry told me. I hung on every word.

That lying bastard abused my trust and misled me in many ways. For years I looked for Jesus above the clouds pushing them around with his sacred and industrious stick.

I took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to realize Barry just made shit up whenever he didn't have the real answer and bullshitted the rest of the time.

The adults did too.

This is bad. I resolved to never mislead little children for fun.

A few days ago I was watching a woman and her daughter make a cake on teevee. The mother told the daughter, "now beat this mixture. " The little girl formed her little hands into fists and pounded the bowl on both sides and the mother didn't even notice.

I saw the funniest thing on South Park that had me in stitches so hard I nearly fell of the sofa laughing so hard.

The school decided to teach the kids sex education, but the adults are completely fucked in the head themselves.

The woman teacher scares the piss out of the girls describing boys and the sources of all their diseases.

Mr. Garrison shows the boys how to apply a condom. He opens a package then says, "Okay, now you see which way it rolls. Then put it in your mouth."


They show Mr Garrison with a condom in his mouth shaped like an "o."

"Then you put in on like this:"

His head bobs down.

Then they show the all the boys being shocked.

That's how Mr. garrison puts a condom on another man. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. See? It's funny all over again.

I cannot watch that show without thinking of Parker and Stone and the rest in the sound room cracking each other up. They're telling each other jokes, working off each other, building on each other being ridiculous, putting on their voices, and it's incredibly funny to me too.

The Dude said...

Inga is off her meds. This bodes ill for us. But since she just shits and runs, we can ignore her, just as Obama ignores ISIS.

As for two journalists getting beheaded, it's a good start.

But I think the topic is the Rolling Stones. We used to do that song when it was new and we were young. I am not sure I have heard it since, or need to. Jagger's great-grandchildren are wealthy due to dreck like that.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...



Get off my lawn!

The Dude said...

A reasonable update, I must say.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I now think it's lawnboy. I have been promoting Turley's Blog. TOP is jealous and hate Turley. As I said elsewhere, "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

The Dude said...

He is one sick fuck, of that we can be certain - I mean look what's next to him when he wakes up.

That he hasn't killed himself speaks only to how strong his desire is to inherit her money.

How soon will his drunk commenting commence this week?

AllenS said...

I thought the same thing, Nick.