Wednesday, September 3, 2014

cave noughts and crosses

We all thought the same thing.


rhhardin said...

Calvin Trillin (food guys ought to know him) used to take friends down to NYC's Chinatown to see the tic tac toe playing chicken.

The friend would look over the situation and usually remark, "The chicken always gets to go first."

"Yes," Trillin would reply, "but he's a chicken. You're a human being. Surely there should be some advantage."

Afterwards, the friend would usually say something like, "The chicken plays every day. I haven't played for years."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Good thing you did not go to Troop's place to borrow a Betty or a Wilma for that, or it would be a very different sort of post.

blake said...

Stupid cavemen hadn't invented the technology of taking the center square.