“Not infrequently, Southern food now unlocks the rusty gates of race and class, age and sex. On such occasions, a place at the table is like a ringside seat at the historical and ongoing drama of life in the region.”
— John Egerton, founder, Southern Foodways Alliance
That's why I am subscribing to the Paula Dean network.
lol you're a Renaissance man, Troop.
There is nothing that southern trailer trash makes that you should eat, Trooper.
Let me understand this - two Y*nkees, one of whom has congestive heart failure, the other with diabetes, are suggesting that food that is different than the crap that nearly killed them is bad for you or something.
Well all righty then...
Hey you got me wrong. I love her style of cooking. I want to watch her and see if I can adapt some of it to make it healthier.
Mostly I want to look at it with longing. I miss it.
Sixty, I most always read thoroughly the articles I post, but with this one I thought it was just conveying the food will bring us together meme, which I believe. And music.
So good catch, that is effing amazing. Will go and take a closer look.
Trooper, I'm so glad you're sticking with it. My 62 year-old cousin recently had bypass surgery. If he'd gone back to sleep, he'd be dead.
Now he's eating right and riding his bike.
Sixty w/ a Rebel yell! Actually, it was working 80 hour weeks and wolfing down fast food that killed me, or damn near did.
Sixty, I can't get past her smarmy southern accent. I love some soft lyrical southern accents. Not the battle ax voice of Deen.
Plus Paula and I like the same jokes. Just sayn'
I suppose there are as many misunderstandings about the American South as there are stars in the sky.
Yeah, there is nothing more soothing to the ear than some mook from Joisey yellin' atcha, and mistaking the ground for a floor.
Pure class and intellect, that.
And you know, Spinnerman, I am just bustin' yer bawls. Troopski done busted his own, just sayin'...
Apparently this
Southern food now unlocks the rusty gates of race and class, age and sex
is how a "Studies" major justifies his love of fried chicken to his hipster friends.
I was overseas in the Philippines when I realized I had more in common with Southern Blacks than I did with Northern Whites. I had to go to a Soul-food restaurant to get real food; pork chops, turnip greens, biscuits, corn bread, milk gravy, fried chicken, ribs, collards, black-eyed peas, and real banana pudding.
Also, their religion was closer to mine. We said Grace.
Sixty, I'm a Ct. Yankee, we don't have accents. We all sound like NPR announcers.
That is pure comedy gold right there, Spinner.
"We ah Connecticutt Yahnkeeze, owah biases ah moah pronounced than owah ahk-sense."
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